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Staredit Network -> Games -> Halo Wars
Report, edit, etc...Posted by dumbducky on 2006-09-28 at 16:45:06
So the Halo RTS is finally coming, but we still don't know jack about it. They didn't even show gameplay. Just a nicely rendered trailer. It'll be a 360 exclusive, so it won't even be coming to Vista. sad.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Killer_Kow(MM) on 2006-09-28 at 16:49:25
Doesn't really tell us much <<
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Voyager7456(MM) on 2006-09-28 at 17:20:13
Yeah, I love the complete lack of gameplay information. I think they're pushing the Halo series too far... ermm.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Desperado on 2006-09-28 at 17:30:02
I think they're pushing the Halo series too far...

I think they're pushing ice cream too far. Mint ice cream? What kind of retarded idiot would come up with that.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (DI)Yulla on 2006-09-28 at 17:52:25

Is this gonna be like StarCraft on X360? Thats gonna be really cool if it was.

I would love to play this game although I hate halo in general..
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2006-09-28 at 17:59:34
Im definatly going to get it unless the gameplay ends up like BFME... i want some building and resorces gathering like WC3 or SC
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UN-Rommel on 2006-09-28 at 18:10:29
I won't even bother watching the whole thing but u did show me there ACTUALLY WILL BE ANOTHER BANJO KAZOOIE!!!
Thanks for that part atleast
(Biased to halo and hate it with a vengeful rage for what the producers did)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-09-28 at 18:12:58
Halo is overrated!!! Maybe next we can get a Madden RTS too!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Desperado on 2006-09-29 at 00:12:09
I think they're pushing the Halo series too far...

I think they're pushing ice cream too far. Mint ice cream? What kind of retarded idiot would come up with that.

Apparently Syphon, in all his infinite wisdom at the age of twelve, thought that my above statement was nothing but spam and deleted, so I'm reposting it. Moreover my statement is not spam, in fact it has more meaning than a regular statement. By utilizing the amazing power of sarcasm, I have successfully mocked Voyager7456(MM)'s ridiculous statement. I have thusly imparted upon the reader the reality of how absurd an idea it is that something like a video game can be "pushed too far" by comparing it to mint ice cream. Obviously mint ice cream is not pushing ice cream too far, thusly the sarcastic analogy fulfills its duty by imparting that same feeling in the reader.

It's not like they're extorting you by making it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Desperado on 2006-09-29 at 10:25:06
I think they're pushing the Halo series too far...

Yea, I think we're pushing ice cream too far too.

Hey Syphon, do you have a warning level? I want to know if I can increase it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Killer_Kow(MM) on 2006-09-29 at 10:49:24
Good point...?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lyon on 2006-09-29 at 14:45:17
QUOTE(Deathawk @ Sep 28 2006, 06:12 PM)
Halo is overrated!!! Maybe next we can get a Madden RTS too!

Down with halo thumbdown.gif

i'd play Warcraft 3 or WoW over any halo game anyday, its the most overrated game series of all time.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Silent-Assasin on 2006-09-29 at 18:36:07
QUOTE(Deathawk @ Sep 28 2006, 05:12 PM)
Halo is overrated!!! Maybe next we can get a Madden RTS too!

Halo is an overrated game.
How ever its popular enough to get its own dam movie.
Who comes up with this crap.

WoW rules
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Pie_Sniper on 2006-09-29 at 21:37:20
Psh, I already designed my own Halo RTS. tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by dumbducky on 2006-09-29 at 22:42:27
QUOTE(Mp)Lyon @ Sep 29 2006, 02:44 PM)
Down with halo  thumbdown.gif

i'd play Warcraft 3 or WoW over any halo game anyday, its the most overrated game series of all time.

WoW is the most overated game ever.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Pie_Sniper on 2006-09-30 at 01:24:27
» WoW is the most overated game ever.
Seriously. How can you possibly think Halo is more overrated than WoW? blink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UN-Rommel on 2006-09-30 at 02:34:09
QUOTE(Pie_Sniper @ Sep 29 2006, 10:24 PM)
» WoW is the most overated game ever.
Seriously.  How can you possibly think Halo is more overrated than WoW? blink.gif

Because Halo is extremely overrated to little kiddies and older teens. WoW is only popular to older teens. Halo will be loved even if it sucks (this preview proved that) and therefor people will be bias to other games cause they'll compare it to halo when halo is beaten by many other titled games.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShadowSnipe4 on 2006-09-30 at 06:56:20
QUOTE(Mp)Marine @ Sep 30 2006, 01:33 AM)
when halo is beaten by many other titled games.

For example?

I find WoW to be extremely overrated although Halo is too,Sure the Halo series is fun for a while, but playing the same thing over and over just gets dull (matchmaking) plus with all the modders etc. And WoW just takes too much time/wasted effort in my oppinion to get your character to a high level.

Also, what do you mean by "Halo will be loved even if it sucks (this preview proved that)" How did the preview prove that? Its a very detailed and realistic looking render. Sure it's a little uninformitive but how does that prove the game will suck or rock?

"Yeah, I love the complete lack of gameplay information. I think they're pushing the Halo series too far... ermm.gif" Totally, I mean seriously, they need to finish the series off and move on, instead of making; Halo, Halo2, Halo3, Halo Wars, Halo PC, Halo2 Vista, The Halo Movie, and whatever the hell else thier coming up with.

"I think they're pushing ice cream too far. Mint ice cream? What kind of retarded idiot would come up with that." HEY!!! Mint Ice Cream Kicks arse, well, the mint chocolate chip type, thats awesome stuff!

But seriously folks, lets try to keep this away from,"My game is better than yours!"

I can't wait to see how Halo Wars developes, it'd be pretty cool if they made it have a decent RTS system instead of just making some lame game and slapping the Halo logo on it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JordanN_3335 on 2006-09-30 at 08:44:29
I hate it when ever they release a video about a new game they don't really talk about the game itself. Now it seems to cheesy to be an RTS. But not to be a hypocrite as Halo fans can say that to the starcraft community then pretty much let them have the game.

For those who couldnt see the movie on the site heres an alternative link for youtubes. sly.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KrAzY on 2006-09-30 at 10:43:29
Here is a fact about the first Halo. Halo was first off to be planned as an RTS game, but since the Xbox console will launch, Microsoft needs a perfect game to make a superb launch which was Halo: Combat Evolved. Before the Xbox, in Halo you get to control soldiers, Master Chief, humvees (later was replaced to Warthog) and use it to fight against huge dinosaurs and the Covenant itself. How did Halo's launch become an FPS shooter? As I said, Xbox Launch.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UN-Rommel on 2006-09-30 at 14:21:33
QUOTE(ShadowSnipe4 @ Sep 30 2006, 03:55 AM)
For example?

I find WoW to be extremely overrated although Halo is too,Sure the Halo series is fun for a while, but playing the same thing over and over just gets dull (matchmaking) plus with all the modders etc. And WoW just takes too much time/wasted effort in my oppinion to get your character to a high level.

Also, what do you mean by "Halo will be loved even if it sucks (this preview proved that)" How did the preview prove that? Its a very detailed and realistic looking render. Sure it's a little uninformitive but how does that prove the game will suck or rock?

"Yeah, I love the complete lack of gameplay information. I think they're pushing the Halo series too far... ermm.gif" Totally, I mean seriously, they need to finish the series off and move on, instead of making; Halo, Halo2, Halo3, Halo Wars, Halo PC, Halo2 Vista, The Halo Movie, and whatever the hell else thier coming up with.

"I think they're pushing ice cream too far. Mint ice cream? What kind of retarded idiot would come up with that." HEY!!! Mint Ice Cream Kicks arse, well, the mint chocolate chip type, thats awesome stuff!

But seriously folks, lets try to keep this away from,"My game is better than yours!"

I can't wait to see how Halo Wars developes, it'd be pretty cool if they made it have a decent RTS system instead of just making some lame game and slapping the Halo logo on it.

E.G: Doom3, Quake 4, Final Fantasy 10 and 7, etc
You can tell a game will suck when a trailer shows cool graphics and not the actual game play.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Eskimo Bob on 2006-10-01 at 05:18:06
Looks Nice.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-10-01 at 18:50:10
QUOTE(Mp)Marine @ Sep 30 2006, 02:21 PM)
E.G: Doom3, Quake 4, Final Fantasy 10 and 7, etc
You can tell a game will suck when a trailer shows cool graphics and not the actual game play.

I'm nearly positive Halo and/or Halo 2 sold more than all of them... maybe not 7, though.. but the age difference is a bit unfair.

Marine, you seriously need to stop being a fanboy...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lyon on 2006-10-02 at 15:31:21
QUOTE(Mp)Marine @ Sep 30 2006, 02:21 PM)
E.G: Doom3, Quake 4, Final Fantasy 10 and 7, etc
You can tell a game will suck when a trailer shows cool graphics and not the actual game play.

I Hate it when people completely judge games by graphics, i mean come on. Halo is NOT the type of game to be an RTS, my prediction is that its gonna suck hardass but have really flashy graphics and lightning so people are gonna buy it, It looks like a cash in for microsoft.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by dumbducky on 2006-10-02 at 16:21:10
Halo isn't an RTS eh? Where did you get that idea? It's about three warring races, and it was originally an RTS. So where do you get the idea that it shouldn't be an RTS? Because I always thought it had the makings of an RTS.
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