Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Concepts -> What Makes Maps Played...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Paella on 2004-08-20 at 23:58:55
can i just say that rigging is the stupidest thing ever? it makes people hate and leave your game...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2004-08-21 at 01:05:21
Not if by some crazy means it is "fun" tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by EzDay281 on 2004-08-21 at 02:06:42
Triggers that support backstabbing

Giving units stupid names and stats, such as a Dwarf having less damage than an Elf, or naming a Ghost "Shotgun"

Doesn't work:
Having to be patient in the beginning
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Golden-Fist on 2004-08-21 at 04:07:25
QUOTE(EzDay2 @ Aug 21 2004, 01:06 AM)
Triggers that support backstabbing


Who wants to be paient at the star of a game:

Before we start let me show you the 20 minute tutriol:

These are your spells. Try using a spell (You go to the 1 beacon thats there)


Report, edit, etc...Posted by Vindexus on 2004-08-21 at 09:46:34
Has anyone seen the dropship system on I never have, except when I'm hosting. So should it go in Works or Doesn't Work?

Maps made the weekend after a hit movie is released. (Base on the movie of course)

Doesn't Work
Anything that has to be explained in the mission briefing.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2004-08-21 at 13:16:34
QUOTE(Vindexus @ Aug 21 2004, 09:46 AM)
Maps made the weekend after a hit movie is released. (Base on the movie of course)

Actually, it can have extremely little to do with the movie and still be popular. tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by EzDay281 on 2004-08-21 at 13:26:08
"Who wants to be paient at the star of a game:

Before we start let me show you the 20 minute tutriol:

These are your spells. Try using a spell (You go to the 1 beacon thats there)


.... "

I put that under the "Doesn't Work", Golden-Fist... -_-

BEsides, I was referring soemthing more to the lines of:
"Alright, the map is currently loading some censored.gif . DO NOT LOOK AROUND YOU COULD CRASH!!!!!!!1!1!!111"
Then suddenly you see everyone else on the waiting for player's list because they're like ' censored.gif that, I wanna play!'
"Alright, this map has an advanced and revolutionary lives, level up, hp, battle, spell, and movement system, here's a quick rundown on how it works:

" censored.gif this tis is gay you can't play omg wtf are we doing?1?!1?!1??///11?!1"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Vindexus on 2004-08-21 at 16:17:14
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Aug 21 2004, 12:16 PM)
QUOTE(Vindexus @ Aug 21 2004, 09:46 AM)
Maps made the weekend after a hit movie is released. (Base on the movie of course)

Actually, it can have extremely little to do with the movie and still be popular. tongue.gif

Yeah, that's true, it could just have the movie title in the map. Look at Helm's Deep maps, they hardly ever even look like helm's deep. I even saw some with Saruman fighting.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by feiteng on 2004-08-21 at 17:10:44
Anything can theoreticly work if people remake it after they play it, AND when they do remake people join it. This is how maps get played:

1.You host the map, titled "NEW MAP <INSERT NAME HERE>(new maps ussually get alot of attention)
2. People join the game.
3. They dl it (if too long they might not stay unless if you entertain them)
4. They play the game (now here is a break down of what might happen so people would play your map.)
-They find the map simple yet fun
-The game is complex yet fun
-The game is easy at the beggining but gradually gets harder (fun also help)
-If the game is simple it lasts a short amount of time.
-If the game is complex it lasts a fairly long amount of time.
-The game should be newbie friendly (people think bnet is full of stupid people, yes it might be but even stupid people can learn chess or your game)
-The game has some GOOD real world reference.
5. They play the game ( here's some things that people hate)
-Map looks like it's just made in 2 seconds(random killing and walking)
-The game is really complexed and at the beggining the game overwhelms you and you don't want to play, like rps.
-The game is ridiculously easy to beat.
-The game is so hard you die near the beggining.
-If the game isn't self explanitary and you don't tell them what to do.
-The game has no real objective.
-Your rude to people who might have some critisisms on your map (you think your teh 1337 map maker)
6. If your game is good it will get replayed(make the game frequently)

I think people play these so called mindless games because it's the only thing people are hosting. If you expose the sophisticated maps by constantly making them people would realize that it's superior. Of course simple games are good for people who don't have time to play a long game. NEVER make your map user dependent, if one player leaves(this is really common) it's remake time. You may wonder why people opt to play stupid rpgs such as crash rpg, or lotr rpg instead of something like everacha. This is because of the enormous dl and people like you don't bother to host it, thinking the general population won't like it. In the lobby tell them a site where they can download a big map so they can download it faster from the site instead of from you. Remember always host your map so more people can see it. The more people allowed in the game the less you have to remake, and the longer the game the more you need to remake. If you want a popular map, I suggest you take a popular map and make it a lot better, not just switch the terrain and rig a player.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Paella on 2004-08-23 at 00:25:20
Too many people are stupid/immature, and for that many times we are not rewarded for our own hard work, unless it appeals to those of a 'lesser' mentality.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by FaZ- on 2004-08-24 at 22:37:20
Yeah the goals of my maps are not to have them be appealing to the public, my goal is to please the few that have a censored.gif ing clue what is going on. I would rather have 2 of those people playing my map then 50,000 of the newbs that don't get it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by P-OnMeToWin on 2004-08-24 at 23:12:04
I find it depressing when I make a map, start the game, and people go "wtf?" and leave in 30 seconds because they didn't read the briefing and don't know what to do.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by feiteng on 2004-08-25 at 13:01:38
again, make it understandable, if that means putting text in the game do so. It will help a lot even if it is self explanitory to yourself.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Silent on 2004-08-25 at 15:25:31
well of course, its going to self explanitory to the maker, thats why when u beta test it, you actually pay atention to what ppl have to say, good or bad.
I helped test someones halo map.. Its a newb map, but it looked like the guy actually spent time on the terrain and stats, there was a really gay part, he goes onto a beacon, and he now owns 12 bc's, and kills my 'base.'

if theres a secret, dont make it to where u can get it on accident doing what you would do anyways in a game, make it to where it would maybe speed sometings up for the player, indirectly, instead of giving the player 12 bc's at once, have it creat 2 bc's every 1 minute for 6 min, and make the bc's weak, if that happened, i wouldnt of died in 10 second, instead i woulda died in 10 min.
thats not really rigged if both ppl can get it just as easily as anyone else.

If someone made a good halo map that wasnt too unrealistic, and not soo unbeleivably unrealistic your disgusted that it could have ever been what you imagined it could be called a map worth playing.
IN MY OPINION it would be popular on bnet.....
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MindArchon on 2004-08-25 at 16:20:38

Units that do 1000+ damage

Now ill quote what MillenniumArmy told me: "Sometimes everyone on bnet is meixcan"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-08-25 at 16:32:04
Zombies....every1 loves a zombie..(thing from gta3(for the noobs)(and now u can ship 1 anywhere!)..u can pet them...let them lick u...let them bite u tongue.gif...let them grow...feed them...shoot them...kick them...hunt them...and they still get up to try to kill u!!!

anything that requires too much IQ....even if u tell the noobs....they still dont listin...i dont no y...they should be banned from bnet...

I was a noob once...but then i met Shimby! hes my greatest friend. He makes worthless maps and mods otheres...j/k
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Revelade on 2004-08-25 at 18:10:27
QUOTE(MindArchon @ Aug 25 2004, 03:20 PM)
Now ill quote what MillenniumArmy told me: "Sometimes everyone on bnet is meixcan"

Racist? confused.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MindArchon on 2004-08-25 at 19:27:40
QUOTE(Revelade @ Aug 25 2004, 05:10 PM)
QUOTE(MindArchon @ Aug 25 2004, 03:20 PM)
Now ill quote what MillenniumArmy told me: "Sometimes everyone on bnet is meixcan"

Racist? confused.gif

I didnt say it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Vindexus on 2004-08-25 at 20:27:14
I believe that you shouldn't even bother with a mission briefing. Instead do a short tutorial at the start of the game, with small amounts of text, centering view, and of course a little sound to go with the text.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by P-OnMeToWin on 2004-08-25 at 20:53:23
Use 1000 instead of 100, 250 instead of 25, etc. Big numbers.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chooie333 on 2004-08-25 at 21:16:08
looks like a good list. that is exactly what i look for in slecting a game.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Paella on 2004-08-25 at 23:25:38
i just hope that the idea of bounds will die soon, there are too many and many of them are very bad
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2004-08-27 at 11:23:49
also, cool effects that are rarely seen
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Monkey_Man on 2004-08-27 at 14:07:38
Sup EveryBody cool1.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ThinkStandard on 2004-08-28 at 17:55:49
Average Play time 20-40 min.
medium download for fun game
Challenging games
and Easy games like madness
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