Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Website Feedback, Bugs & Discussion -> Html... God Thats Confusing!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CheeZe on 2004-08-22 at 00:37:09
w00t learn something new everyday heh tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chooie333 on 2004-08-22 at 01:15:59
[QUOTE=Yoshi da Sniper,Aug 21 2004, 01:18 PM] PHP -> Hypertext Preprocessor.

php = pre hypertext prosessor. I may be in high school, but my 4.8 gpa allows me to take colege classes smile.gif so


// This is a conversion of the QS universe generator to attempt a map creator for ******
// It's obviously not going to be a perfect conversion - an enhanced version will follow
// Chances are this script will fail to work until fully finished

// Dev notes
// 1. replace admin check with a permission check
// 2. remove reference to a preview
// 3. remove capacity for empty links

$db_name = "srbase_game";

set_time_limit(0); //a full minute to run it.
print(str_repeat(" ",300)."\n");flush(); //Make sure IE's 300 byte buffer is filled

// create the default success/error strings
// these are simply provisional code - will be replaced by the template print functions
// set default heading for success
$success_str = "
<div class=\"h4\" style=\"color: blue; text-align: center; padding: 0px;\">
******* 0.0.1b
<br />World Map and Location Generator
<br />
<br />
// set default heading for success
$error_str = "
<div class=\"h4\" style=\"color: blue; text-align: center; padding: 0px;\">
****** 0.0.1b
<br />Error! in World Generator
<br />
<br />

// only allow a user with Deity rank to run this script
if($user_perm['god'] != 1)
$text .= "<div align=\"center\">You possess no Rank with the authority to access this script!<br /><br /><a href=\"$CONFIG[url_prefix]/core/location.php\">Return to Location</a><br /><br /><a href=\"$CONFIG[url_prefix]/index.php\">Return to CMS</a></div>";
print_fullpage("Shadows Rising: World Generator",$error_str,$text);
elseif(empty($_POST['sure']) && (isset($_GET['delete_maps']) || isset($_GET['build_universe'])))
 $sure_str = "Are you sure you want to delete the maps for the world images?";
 $sure_str = "Are you sure you want to build a new world? This may take some time.";
get_confirm("Shadows Rising :: World Generator","build_world_new.php",$sure_str);

elseif(isset($_GET['process']) || isset($_POST['process']))
// start building! First send the page header
print_header("Build Universe");

// second check if a map directory for the images exists

// seed our random number generator

// create an array of some startup options for colouring, size, etc.
$UNI = array();
$extinfo = 1;
$UNI['size'] = 700;
$UNI['numsystems'] = 300; //sets total number of waypoints on map
$UNI['numlsystems'] = 50; // sets number of "populated locations" - villages/towns etc.
$UNI['mindist'] = 75;
$UNI['map_layout'] = 1; //set to 0 for random layout, 1 for grid layout
$UNI['link_dist'] = ""; //maximum distance between linked star systems (pixels).
$UNI['map_border'] = 50; //border on all sides around the image (stops numbers going off the edge) (pixels).
$UNI['minlinks'] = 4; //miniumum number of links a system may have.2
$UNI['maxlinks'] = 4; //maximum number of links a system may have.3
$UNI['num_size'] = 2; //font size for system numbers (on map).
$UNI['bg_color'] = array(0,0,0); //background colour of map
$UNI['link_color'] = array(0,0,0); //colour of links between systems90/90/90
//$UNI['num_color'] = array(0,255,255);//Most system numbers
$UNI['num_color'] = array(130,100,30);//Most system numbers //brown
$UNI['num_color2'] = array(0,255,0);//Current system number
$UNI['num_color3'] = array(255,0,0);//Sol color
$UNI['star_color'] = array(255,255,255);
$UNI['worm_one_way_color'] = array(230,230,64); //yellow
$UNI['worm_two_way_color'] = array(0,230,0); //green
$UNI['label_color'] = array(0, 255, 0);
$UNI['print_bg_color'] = array(255,255,255); //background colour of printable map.
$UNI['print_link_color'] = array(200,200,200); //link colour for printable map
$UNI['print_num_color'] = array(0,0,0);//Most system numbers for printably map
$UNI['print_star_color'] = array(0,0,0); //star colour for printable map
$UNI['print_label_color'] = array(0, 0, 0);
$UNI['localmapwidth'] = 196; //width of 'local area' map.
$UNI['localmapheight'] = 196; //height of 'local area' map.

$systems = array( array('num' => 0, 'x_loc' => $UNI['size']/2, 'y_loc' => $UNI['size']/2, 'links' => '', 'name' => 'The Capital') );

 $extinfo = true;
 $extinfo = false;

 isset($_POST['build_universe']) ? print("Generating Systems...<br />"):1; flush();
 isset($_POST['build_universe']) ? print("Linking Systems...<br />"):1; flush();

  //generating a new universe
  print("Saving Universe...<br />"); flush();
  save_universe_se1($systems, "${gameinstance}_locations", true);
  print("<br />Deleting old images...<br />"); flush();
  print("Rendering global map...<br />"); flush();
  print("Rendering local maps...<br />"); flush();
  print("<div id='done'>Finished.<script>document.all.done.scrollIntoView();</script></div>"); flush();
  //previewing universes
$out_str = "Choose something to do with the universe generator.<br />Only the bottom choice will re-generate the universe!";
$out_str .= "<p><a href=$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?preview=1&process=1>Preview</a> a universe that uses your present variable settings. This won't do anything to the present game!!!";
$out_str .= "<p><br />Generate a <a href=$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?build_universe=1&process=1>new universe</a>!<br />";
print_fullpage('Universe Generation',$out_str);


//get's a variable from the database, and returns it's value
function get_db_var($name)
global $db_name;
db(__FILE__,__LINE__,"select value from ${db_name}_db_vars where name = '$name'");
$result = dbr(1);
return $result['value'];

//deletes all image files.
function clear_images($path)
$dir = opendir($path);
while($filename = readdir($dir))
 if(eregi("\\.png$", $filename))

//save the universe
function save_universe_se1(&$systems, $table_stars, $delete=true) {
global $UNI,$db_name;
  dbn(__FILE__,__LINE__,"delete from $table_stars");
 foreach($systems as $system)
  $link_arr = array();
  if($system['links'] != "")
   //don't link all systems to 1 automatically.
   $link_arr = array_map("plus_one", explode(',', $system['links']));
  $link_arr = array_pad($link_arr, $UNI['maxlinks'], 0);
  dbn(__FILE__,__LINE__,"insert into $table_stars set loc_id = ".($system['num'] + 1).", loc_name = \"".addslashes($system['name'])."\", x_loc = $system[x_loc], y_loc = $system[y_loc], link_1 = '$link_arr[0]', link_2 = '$link_arr[1]', link_3 = '$link_arr[2]', link_4 = '$link_arr[3]', link_5 = '$link_arr[4]', link_6 = '$link_arr[5]'");

//create the star systems
function make_systems_1(&$systems) {
global $UNI,$extinfo,$tables;
db(__FILE__,__LINE__,"select * from se_svr_star_names order by rand()");
$centre = round($UNI['size'] / 2); //centre of map
$do_this = 0;
if($UNI['map_layout'] == 1)
 //grid layout
 $rows = round(sqrt($UNI['numsystems']));
 $row_dist = round($UNI['size'] / $rows);
 $per_col = round($UNI['numsystems'] / $rows);
 $col_dist = round($UNI['size'] / $per_col);
 $row_count = 0;
 $col_count = 0;
$named_locs = 0;
while(($count = count($systems)) < $UNI['numsystems'])
 $name_chance = mt_rand(1,round($UNI['numsystems'] / $UNI['numlsystems']));
 if($name_chance == 1 && $named_locs < $UNI['numlsystems'])
  $result = dbr();
  $newname = $result['name'];
  $named_locs += 1;
  $newname = "";
 $newsystem = array('num' => $count, 'x_loc' => mt_rand(0,$UNI['size']), 'y_loc' => mt_rand(0,$UNI['size']), 'links' => '', 'name' => $newname);
 if($UNI['map_layout'] == 1) {
  //grid layout
  if($row_count > $rows)
   //create a new column
   $row_count = 0;
  $newsystem['x_loc'] = $col_dist * $col_count;
  $newsystem['y_loc'] = $row_dist * $row_count;
  while(system_too_close($newsystem,$systems,$UNI['mindist']) && !empty($newsystem['name']))
   $newsystem['x_loc'] = mt_rand(0,$UNI['size']);
   $newsystem['y_loc'] = mt_rand(0,$UNI['size']);

  // random layout
   $newsystem['x_loc'] = mt_rand(0,$UNI['size']);
   $newsystem['y_loc'] = mt_rand(0,$UNI['size']);
  print("<div id=\"makesys1$count\" name=\"makesys1$count\">-Location #".($count+1)." created.<script>document.all.makesys1$count.scrollIntoView();</script></div>");
 $systems[] = $newsystem;

//link the systems
function link_systems_1(&$systems) {
global $UNI,$extinfo;
foreach($systems as $system)
 $numlinks = mt_rand($UNI['minlinks'],$UNI['maxlinks']);
 foreach(get_closest_systems($system,$systems,$numlinks) as $linksys)
  print("<div id='linksys1$system[num]'>-Created $numlinks links in system #".($system['num']+1)."<script>document.all.linksys1$system[num].scrollIntoView();</script></div>");

//function that determines if it's ok to link to a system
function ok_to_link($sys1, $sys2) {
global $UNI;
//linking to itself.
if($sys1['num'] == $sys2['num'])
 return false;
$sys2_links = explode(',', $sys2['links']);
//return o.k. if target still has empty links || already linked.
if((count($sys2_links) < $UNI['maxlinks']) || in_array($sys1['num'], $sys2_links) || (count($sys2_links) >= $UNI['minlinks']))
 return true;
 return false;

//find the closest systems to link to.
function get_closest_systems($sys,$systems,$howmany) {
global $UNI;
$dists = array();
foreach($systems as $system)
 if(ok_to_link($sys, $system))
  $dists[$system['num']] = get_sys_dist($sys,$system);
$systems_to_link = array();
while(count($systems_to_link) < $howmany)
 //find as many systems as allowed.
 if(!$present_sys = each($dists))
  //get a system out of the dist array. Return results if none.
  return $systems_to_link;

 //too far away to be linked to (Sol System excepted).
 if($present_sys['value'] > $UNI['link_dist'] && $UNI['link_dist'] > 0 && $sys['num'] != 0)
  return $systems_to_link;

 $systems_to_link[] = $systems[$present_sys['key']];
return $systems_to_link;

//work out if a system is too close to another system
function system_too_close($sys,&$systems,$within) {
foreach($systems as $system)
 if($system['num'] == $sys['num'])
  //same system
 if($dist = get_sys_dist($sys,$system) < $within)
  //too close
  return true;
return false;

//make a single link between two systems.
function make_link(&$sys1,&$sys2) {
if((string)$sys1['links'] != "")
 $sys1warps = explode(',',$sys1['links']);
  $sys1warps[] = $sys2['num'];
  $sys1['links'] = implode(',',$sys1warps);
 $sys1['links'] = $sys2['num'];
if((string)$sys2['links'] != "")
 $sys2warps = explode(',',$sys2['links']);
  $sys2warps[] = $sys1['num'];
  $sys2['links'] = implode(',',$sys2warps);
 $sys2['links'] = $sys1['num'];

//work out the distance (in pixels) between two star systems.
function get_sys_dist(&$sys1,&$sys2)
return (int)round(sqrt(pow($sys1['x_loc']-$sys2['x_loc'],2) + pow($sys1['y_loc']-$sys2['y_loc'],2)));

//generate the three global maps.
function render_global_se1($db_name) {
global $UNI,$extinfo,$games_dir, $systems, $preview, $CONFIG;

$uv_show_warp_numbers = 1;
$transparency = 1;

$size = $UNI['size'] + ($UNI['map_border'] * 2);
$numsize = $UNI['num_size'];

$offset_x = $UNI['map_border'];
$offset_y = $UNI['map_border'];

$im = ImageCreate($size,$size);

$color_bg = ImageColorAllocate($im, $UNI['bg_color'][0], $UNI['bg_color'][1], $UNI['bg_color'][2]);
$color_st = ImageColorAllocate($im, $UNI['num_color'][0], $UNI['num_color'][1], $UNI['num_color'][2]);
$color_sd = ImageColorAllocate($im, $UNI['star_color'][0], $UNI['star_color'][1], $UNI['star_color'][2] );
$color_sl = ImageColorAllocate($im, $UNI['link_color'][0], $UNI['link_color'][1], $UNI['link_color'][2] );
$color_sh = ImageColorAllocate($im, $UNI['num_color3'][0], $UNI['num_color3'][1], $UNI['num_color3'][2] );
$color_l = ImageColorAllocate($im, $UNI['label_color'][0], $UNI['label_color'][1], $UNI['label_color'][2] );
  $white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255,255,255);
  $grey = ImageColorAllocate($im,90,90,90);
  $lgrey = ImageColorAllocate($im,150,150,150);
  $black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0,0,0);
  $red = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255,0,0);
  $green = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0,255,0);
  $blue = ImageColorAllocate($im, 100,200,200);
  $yellow = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255,255,64);
  $aliengreen = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0,181,0);

//process stars
foreach($systems as $star)
 if($star['links'] != "")
  //don't link all systems to 1 automatically.
  $star_links = array_map("plus_one", explode(',', $star['links']));
  $star_id = $star['num'] + 1;

  foreach($star_links as $link)
   //make star links
   if($link < 1)
    continue 1;
   $other_star = $systems[$link -1];
   imageline($im, ($star['x_loc'] + $offset_x), ($star['y_loc'] + $offset_y), ($other_star['x_loc'] + $offset_x), ($other_star['y_loc'] + $offset_y), $color_sl);

foreach($systems as $star)
 $star_id = $star['num'] + 1;
 $star_name = $star['name'];
 if($star_id == 1)
  //Place and Highlight sol
  if($uv_show_warp_numbers == 1)
   imagestring($im, $numsize, ($star['x_loc'] + $offset_x + 3), ($star['y_loc'] + $offset_y - 4), $star_name, $color_sh);
  imagesetpixel($im, ($star['x_loc'] + $offset_x), ($star['y_loc'] + $offset_y), $color_sh);
  //place normal Star
  if($uv_show_warp_numbers == 1)
   imagestring($im, $numsize, ($star['x_loc'] + $offset_x + 3), ($star['y_loc'] + $offset_y - 4), $star_name, $color_st);
  imagesetpixel($im, ($star['x_loc'] + $offset_x), ($star['y_loc'] + $offset_y), $color_sd);

 $ref_im = ImageCreate($size,$size);
 $color_ty = ImageColorAllocate($bb_im, $UNI['bg_color'][0], $UNI['bg_color'][1], $UNI['bg_color'][2]);
 ImageColorAllocate($im, $UNI['bg_color'][0], $UNI['bg_color'][1], $UNI['bg_color'][2]);
 ImageCopy($ref_im, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $size, $size);
 $aliengreen = ImageColorAllocate($ref_im, 0,181,0);
 imagecolortransparent($ref_im, $color_ty);
 imagestring($ref_im, 5, (($size/2)-80), 5, "Reference World Map - For Player Use", $aliengreen);

//for just a preview we can quite while we're ahead.
 Header("Content-type: image/png");

//Draw title
imagestring($im, 5, (($size/2)-80), 5, "World Map", $color_l);

//Create buffer image
$bb_im = ImageCreate(($UNI['size'] + $UNI['localmapwidth']), ($UNI['size'] + $UNI['localmapheight']));

ImageColorAllocate($im, $UNI['bg_color'][0], $UNI['bg_color'][1], $UNI['bg_color'][2]);
ImageCopy($bb_im, $im, ($UNI['localmapwidth'] / 2), ($UNI['localmapheight'] / 2), $offset_x, $offset_y, $UNI['size'], $UNI['size']);

//Create printable map
$p_im = ImageCreate($size,$size);
ImageColorAllocate($p_im, $UNI['print_bg_color'][0], $UNI['print_bg_color'][1], $UNI['print_bg_color'][2]);
ImageCopy($p_im, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $size, $size);

//Replace colors
$index = ImageColorExact($p_im, $UNI['bg_color'][0], $UNI['bg_color'][1], $UNI['bg_color'][2]);
ImageColorSet($p_im, $index, $UNI['print_bg_color'][0], $UNI['print_bg_color'][1], $UNI['print_bg_color'][2]);
$index = ImageColorExact($p_im, $UNI['link_color'][0], $UNI['link_color'][1], $UNI['link_color'][2]);
ImageColorSet($p_im, $index, $UNI['print_link_color'][0], $UNI['print_link_color'][1], $UNI['print_link_color'][2]);
$index = ImageColorExact($p_im, $UNI['num_color'][0], $UNI['num_color'][1], $UNI['num_color'][2]);
ImageColorSet($p_im, $index, $UNI['print_num_color'][0], $UNI['print_num_color'][1], $UNI['print_num_color'][2]);
$index = ImageColorExact($p_im, $UNI['num_color3'][0], $UNI['num_color3'][1], $UNI['num_color3'][2]);
ImageColorSet($p_im, $index, $UNI['print_num_color'][0], $UNI['print_num_color'][1], $UNI['print_num_color'][2]);
$index = ImageColorExact($p_im, $UNI['star_color'][0], $UNI['star_color'][1], $UNI['star_color'][2]);
ImageColorSet($p_im, $index, $UNI['print_star_color'][0], $UNI['print_star_color'][1], $UNI['print_star_color'][2]);

//Draw new label
ImageFilledRectangle($p_im, 0, 0, $size, $UNI['map_border'], ImageColorExact($p_im, $UNI['print_bg_color'][0], $UNI['print_bg_color'][1], $UNI['print_bg_color'][2]));
imagestring($p_im, 5, (($size/2)-80), 5, "Printable World Map", ImageColorExact($p_im, $UNI['print_label_color'][0], $UNI['print_label_color'][1], $UNI['print_label_color'][2]));

//Save map and finish
ImagePng($im, "$CONFIG[map_path]/$db_name/sm_full.png");
ImagePng($bb_im, "$CONFIG[map_path]/$db_name/bb_full.png");
ImagePng($p_im, "$CONFIG[map_path]/$db_name/psm_full.png");
 ImagePng($ref_im, "$CONFIG[map_path]/$db_name/ref_full.png");

 print("<br /><br /><br /><hr><img src='$CONFIG[url_prefix]/core/maps/$db_name/sm_full.png' onLoad='this.scrollIntoView();'>");
 print("<br /><br /><br /><hr><img src='$CONFIG[url_prefix]/core/maps/$db_name/ref_full.png' onLoad='this.scrollIntoView();'>");

//draw the local maps.
function render_local_se1($db_name) {
global $UNI, $extinfo, $games_dir, $CONFIG, $gameinstance;

$full_map = imagecreatefrompng("$CONFIG[map_path]/$db_name/bb_full.png");

db(__FILE__,__LINE__,"select * from ${gameinstance}_locations");
while($star = dbr())
 $im = imagecreate($UNI['localmapwidth'], $UNI['localmapheight']);

 $color_bg = $color_bg = ImageColorAllocate($im, $UNI['bg_color'][0], $UNI['bg_color'][1], $UNI['bg_color'][2]);
 $color_ht = ImageColorAllocate($im, $UNI['num_color2'][0], $UNI['num_color2'][1], $UNI['num_color2'][2]);
 $color_hd = ImageColorAllocate($im, $UNI['num_color2'][0], $UNI['num_color2'][1], $UNI['num_color2'][2]);
 $black = ImageColorAllocate($im,0,0,0);

 imagecopy($im, $full_map, 0, 0, $star['x_loc'], $star['y_loc'], $UNI['localmapwidth'], $UNI['localmapheight']);
 if(strlen($star['loc_name']) > 0)
  imagestring($im, $UNI['num_size'], (($UNI['localmapwidth'] / 2) + 3), (($UNI['localmapheight'] / 2) - 4), "$star[loc_name]", $color_ht);

 imagesetpixel($im, ($UNI['localmapwidth'] / 2), ($UNI['localmapheight'] / 2), $color_hd);


 ImagePng($im, "$CONFIG[map_path]/$db_name/sm$star[loc_id].png");
  print("<br /><img src='$CONFIG[url_prefix]/core/maps/$db_name/sm$star[loc_id].png' onLoad='this.scrollIntoView();'>");

function plus_one($a)
return $a + 1;

so tongue.gif i worked a long time to get that to work right. it still has some glitches but Maugrim<- holds the copright for this project
has done a lot on it too.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MindArchon on 2004-08-22 at 01:21:06
UHhh what does that script do lol
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Clokr_ on 2004-08-22 at 08:31:31
It really seems C++ tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-08-22 at 08:33:35
I feel stupid in front of all of you...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Clokr_ on 2004-08-22 at 08:38:06
,Aug 22 2004, 07:33 AM] I feel stupid in front of all of you...

I feel stupid in the english grammar topics tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TSoldier_Wol[f] on 2004-08-22 at 08:43:16
HTML Codes I hate them. Hard work too. Hopefully I'm learning about HTML codes this year in school. Good Luck man. Nice html codes Chooie333!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Clokr_ on 2004-08-22 at 09:07:20
,Aug 22 2004, 07:43 AM] HTML Codes I hate them. Hard work too. Hopefully I'm learning about HTML codes this year in school. Good Luck man. Nice html codes Chooie333!

What chooie showed wasnt HTML, it was PHP...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2004-08-22 at 10:29:52
QUOTE(chooie333 @ Aug 22 2004, 01:15 AM)
QUOTE(Yoshi da Sniper @ Aug 21 2004, 01:18 PM)
PHP -> Hypertext Preprocessor.

php = pre hypertext prosessor.

You're both wrong. It's "PHP: Hypertext Processor"... It's a recursive acronym. smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shmeeps on 2004-08-22 at 13:14:48
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Aug 22 2004, 09:29 AM)
QUOTE(chooie333 @ Aug 22 2004, 01:15 AM)
QUOTE(Yoshi da Sniper @ Aug 21 2004, 01:18 PM)
PHP -> Hypertext Preprocessor.

php = pre hypertext prosessor.

You're both wrong. It's "PHP: Hypertext Processor"... It's a recursive acronym. smile.gif

He's right, you know.

I feel stupid in front of all of you...

So do I, this is the hardest code I've ever written.
<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Hehe, J/k.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chooie333 on 2004-08-22 at 15:23:30
QUOTE(MindArchon @ Aug 22 2004, 12:21 AM)
UHhh what does that script do lol

that script generates a random map image with the specified information.

@mini moose: i have taken the colege level php class and i have a copy of the book in pdf form if you dont believe me.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shmeeps on 2004-08-22 at 20:43:40
QUOTE(chooie333 @ Aug 22 2004, 02:23 PM)
QUOTE(MindArchon @ Aug 22 2004, 12:21 AM)
UHhh what does that script do lol

that script generates a random map image with the specified information.

@mini moose: i have taken the colege level php class and i have a copy of the book in pdf form if you dont believe me.

Dude, what messed up book are you using.
Its on the official PHP site.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chooie333 on 2004-08-22 at 22:01:04
lol. ok time to kill the book devil.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2004-08-22 at 22:40:09
Chooie, I would consider the official PHP manual off to be the authority over a college book.

QUOTE("PHP Manual")
What is PHP?
PHP (recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor") is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cripple on 2004-08-22 at 22:45:51
Is It Easy To Learn Like Html?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by melkor191 on 2004-08-23 at 00:50:21
... you guys really dont get it do you , html = coding system from microsoft , then naother company (Forgot which) tried to show them up by making an INTERACTIVE net language , php.
thats why php is used in forums for log ons , passwords and such. and html is used for non-signup pages.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shmeeps on 2004-08-23 at 18:38:26
QUOTE(Cripple @ Aug 22 2004, 09:45 PM)
Is It Easy To Learn Like Html?

Pretty much yeah, if you got a Barnes and Noble store around you, go there. Pick a book called
"PHP in easy steps" by Mike McGrath. $9 for Members,$10 for non-members.
That's how I learned, but some of the stuff needs apache, I think, but theres a free site out there that has LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) on it. So.... yeah, its pretty easy to learn.

... you guys really dont get it do you , html = coding system from microsoft , then naother company (Forgot which) tried to show them up by making an INTERACTIVE net language , php.
thats why php is used in forums for log ons , passwords and such. and html is used for non-signup pages.

We kinda established that a while ago.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cripple on 2004-08-23 at 18:50:49
Cool Thanks For Info
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-08-23 at 19:07:44
QUOTE(Clokr_ @ Aug 22 2004, 08:38 AM)
,Aug 22 2004, 07:33 AM] I feel stupid in front of all of you...

I feel stupid in the english grammar topics tongue.gif

Spanish is way better than English.

Pretty much yeah, if you got a Barnes and Noble store around you, go there. Pick a book called
"PHP in easy steps" by Mike McGrath. $9 for Members,$10 for non-members.
That's how I learned, but some of the stuff needs apache, I think, but theres a free site out there that has LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) on it. So.... yeah, its pretty easy to learn.

Great i'll be there in my free time.
What should I aim for first HTML or PHP?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shmeeps on 2004-08-23 at 19:12:40
,Aug 23 2004, 06:07 PM]
QUOTE(Clokr_ @ Aug 22 2004, 08:38 AM)
,Aug 22 2004, 07:33 AM] I feel stupid in front of all of you...

I feel stupid in the english grammar topics tongue.gif

Spanish is way better than English.

Pretty much yeah, if you got a Barnes and Noble store around you, go there. Pick a book called
"PHP in easy steps" by Mike McGrath. $9 for Members,$10 for non-members.
That's how I learned, but some of the stuff needs apache, I think, but theres a free site out there that has LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) on it. So.... yeah, its pretty easy to learn.

Great i'll be there in my free time.
What should I aim for first HTML or PHP?

That's why I'm taking Spanish course in school.
I would say that HTML would probably be better to learn before PHP, because you kinda use HTML with PHP. But I'll post some lessons about HTML later in the Off-Topic section. Gotta go eat right now tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chooie333 on 2004-08-23 at 21:10:51
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Aug 22 2004, 09:40 PM)
Chooie, I would consider the official PHP manual off to be the authority over a college book.

QUOTE("PHP Manual")
What is PHP?
PHP (recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor") is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.

lol i would to. and the sad part is, the book isn't even 1year old, published in january smile.gif

@ yoshi create a codding forum would you. that way we can talk about this kind of thing. and we can share knowledge and other web stuff. smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shmeeps on 2004-08-23 at 21:34:32
QUOTE(chooie333 @ Aug 23 2004, 08:10 PM)
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Aug 22 2004, 09:40 PM)
Chooie, I would consider the official PHP manual off to be the authority over a college book.

QUOTE("PHP Manual")
What is PHP?
PHP (recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor") is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.

lol i would to. and the sad part is, the book isn't even 1year old, published in january smile.gif

@ yoshi create a codding forum would you. that way we can talk about this kind of thing. and we can share knowledge and other web stuff. smile.gif

Yeah, that'd be nice.
BTW: Posted basic HTML stuff in the serious discussion forum. I might do PHP stuff later.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chooie333 on 2004-08-23 at 21:40:22
i'll do it smile.gif besides yoshi and i are probably the upper most experts here.
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