Everyone says PHP owns.. (yes it does) but not many people actually know WHY it owns.
PHP is perfect because it is hidden when the page is displayed so it cannot be seen by newbs who want to steal the code. For instance if the actuall code to the page looked like this:
$encrypted = md5($enterword);
If($encrypted == "489fd52def4aec426667bb6ced67d975"){
echo "Yes, that is my name";
It would either return "Yes, that is my name", or "NONO THATS NOT MY NAME LOL" depending on either the vairable is set. So in View Source it would either appear as one of those, and it
wont show the actual code.
Now you might be scratching your head and going WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT CODE DO? Lets take it apart.
<?php tells the page that PHP code is starting. You cant write PHP without putting this ("<?" also works instead of <?php)
$encrypted is a vairable, for you VB people out there you do not have to DIM php vairables.
md5() is a function that encrypts strings. so
$encrypt = md5($enterword) would encrypt whatever is in
$enterword to the vairable
If($encrypted == "489fd52def4aec426667bb6ced67d975"){ is a simple if statement. If $encrypt equals that encrypted word then do something. "489fd52def4aec426667bb6ced67d975" is the encrypted data for "MindArchon"
If the word is equal to MindArchon then it prints on the page "Yes, that is my name" and if it doesnt equal to that encrypted word it displays that you were wrong.
?> ends the php code.
There you go a simple php lesson for you all