Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Website Feedback, Bugs & Discussion -> "Map Team" Application
Report, edit, etc...Posted by VoidArchon(MC) on 2004-10-20 at 21:54:04
I'd love to join, i always love seeing new maps and seeing new stuff smile.gif
I lay my loyalty on top of myself to fulfil this job wink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SoulVision on 2004-10-20 at 22:14:16
Very Much Interested. smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShadowSnipe4 on 2004-10-21 at 00:00:32
I'm in, Ive always liked reviewing maps and I know what I like in a map, smooth flowing terrain, good grammer and a good storyline or if its a defence, replayability.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Nozomu on 2004-10-21 at 00:15:00
I'm not so interested in the Map Team as much as the Database Keeper position. I don't mind administrating tutorials and stuff, but I don't exactly have a way to play or review any maps. Just something for you to keep in mind. And Salacious might not want to do all the work by himself, anyway. You can ask Bolt or Tux for my qualifications if you want.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by idoL on 2004-10-21 at 01:11:15
QUOTE(isolatedpurity @ Oct 20 2004, 07:17 AM)
What's expected of this team:
Individually established and respected in the community.
Working as a team to keep the "awaiting approval" maps under control by downloading the maps and playing it enough to know it's somewhat worthy to be approved.
Attempt to satisfy the "would you review my map?" requests.
Review maps in a professional like matter, such as, figure out the depth of complexity in triggers, storyline, and concepts.
There shall not be any favoritism or prejudice while fullfilling those duties (ie... rejecting maps because you dislike that person).
Post your desire to join this team smile.gif

I'm sorry but I don't like this idea, it basically seperates people, we already help each other out and if you want reviewers then ask some people to do that, because really this is treating and selecting others over someone else which seems rude.

Just my 2cents although I shouldn't complain I'm not really around the map making or StarCraft community much anymore. =)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by High on 2004-10-21 at 02:38:34
I would love to finally give something back to the site after being here for so long

EDIT: Blah only 3 people, there goes my position disgust.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kow on 2004-10-21 at 05:37:51
Wouldnt it be logical for around 8? Or would we just get our friends to help for maps that have more than 4 human slots?

I want to help, I like reviewing things im interested in. My clan tourney died so... yeah... didn't get to rate maps...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Screwed on 2004-10-21 at 07:19:36
This system looks like a fair way to review and approve maps.
I would luv to be part of this system.

Don't worry about my map makin level being 'beginner' - I just like being called a uber newb. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2004-10-21 at 08:06:48
Just my 2cents although I shouldn't complain I'm not really around the map making or StarCraft community much anymore. =)

I love feedback, especially constructive critisim.

I'm sorry but I don't like this idea, it basically seperates people, we already help each other out and if you want reviewers then ask some people to do that, because really this is treating and selecting others over someone else which seems rude.

Well, back in the days before I came into the picture, Yoshi tried to manage all the review requests himself. I am not even going to attempt that... It's like, totally unsexy work and my attention should be elsewhere.

I don't know exactly how to pinpoint a defence for my idea from this... but it's not like everyone could be a reviewer, it'll just be too choatic. I want a couple of good reviewers to professional review maps, in hopes that, reviews would bring more popularity to better maps. Who has the patience to sort through 1000+ map downloads and try to find some good fun ones? Isn't the "review maps" idea a good idea in of itself? This isn't meant to replace the "check out my map" threads, it's more like "I've been told by many members of SEN this map was cool already, can you guys check if my map deserves a spotlight?"

There will be no special treatment other than a pretty blue group color smile.gif. They will have to work pretty hard to keep that. If I was a member, truthfully, I'd be like the last one to sign up for such a position.

Wouldnt it be logical for around 8? Or would we just get our friends to help for maps that have more than 4 human slots?

Doing that would be awesome... you can even give them props for helping you review the map.

FINALLY... I'm updating my very first post in light of some comments and such. I had a good idea what I wanted to say before I posted, but as I posted, it got lost in my head ;/
Report, edit, etc...Posted by idoL on 2004-10-21 at 08:43:40
Whatever you say Isolated, as long as you post the updates for MMC 2004 I'm happy. =)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Narvs on 2004-10-21 at 11:49:02
Well it looks like there isn't going to be any trouble finding people to review, but I figured I would can thorw my name out anyways. (I could otherwise just be used as a backup guy)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by qPirateKing on 2004-10-21 at 12:11:45
Everyone needs to read the update on the first post; it makes a lot of good points.

Here's a more formal application:
Application for qPirateKing

I feel that I'm well suited for the job and plenty qualified. I've been here for several months and have established myself as a maker of quality maps and a knowledgeable individual. I really want to join this team, and I'd appreciate your consideration.

Some qualifications:

  • Good grammar, spelling, and punctuation (majoring in English).

  • I pay a great deal of attention to all the 'little things' when it comes to mapping.

  • Maps I make are consistently high-quality (see the thread in my signature).

  • Though not an [overly] active member in terms of posts, I visit this site at least once a day. This means that I won't be unreachable for long periods of time.

  • Good appreciation of balance, triggers, and aesthetics.

  • A skilled terrainer.

I deal mostly with RPGs, but I can do other kinds of maps as well (though I am a little rusty with others). Of course, if there are other people in the group, this won't be a big deal.

Your consideration is appreciated. It would mean a lot to me to be able to contribute to the community. I feel that a lot of the maps in the database are in the wrong category (see Center bound in the RPG section) or not of good quality. If I could help screen submissions, mistakes like this would not be so commonplace.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by aE[Templar] on 2004-10-21 at 14:22:28
Well...I would like to join the team...If im needed
Report, edit, etc...Posted by The_Blackness on 2004-10-21 at 14:27:45
There are alot of ppl that would like this role in the community (myself included) so when are we going to hear who makes the cut?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2004-10-21 at 14:48:11
QUOTE(DevliN @ Oct 20 2004, 04:42 PM)
Might I make a suggestion though: With so many people wanting to join, maybe split it up into different divisions? Like some take RPGs, some take Defenses, some take Movies, etc. This way certain experts (i.e. SWW for Defenses or Tux for Movies) in their own category would be more efficient reviewers rather than people who don't make many maps or enjoy maps of that type. Of course this is just a suggestion and having everyone review would be just as good. It just seems better to have people who like Defenses over other maps to review the Defense maps.

If a particular member likes reviewing a certain type of map, they could try to be the ones who review that map... and do other types afterwards. If I somehow get 3 members who all like rpgs, that might pose a problem smile.gif.

QUOTE(The_Blackness @ Oct 21 2004, 01:27 PM)
There are alot of ppl that would like this role in the community (myself included) so when are we going to hear who makes the cut?

Soon enough.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Xeno on 2004-10-21 at 16:25:18
Since my only real hobbies are writing and map-making I think I would be a good choice. But, since my computer isn't in a very good status I don't think I'd be around to do much StarCraft-wise, but when I have my situation sorted I assure you I'll be there whenever needed to do my job, whether that be approving maps or writing reviews, I don't mind. So to make it short and simple: CHOOSE ME!

On another note, qPirateKing has my recomendation. happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-10-21 at 17:08:13
I've got a great idea. Why not have isolated choose 10 users for the first cut and then have us users(Moderators and Staff can't) vote on who will be the bet candidates for the job. Seems pretty fair and people won't go "OMG that Map Team dude is such a newb!".

I say vote on who will be on.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Xeno on 2004-10-21 at 17:13:42
That might be a good idea, we could make a vote thread thingy.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2004-10-21 at 17:58:22
Mmmmm that is a pretty good idea smile.gif

Is there anyway to make a poll where a user can pick 3 people? (without me hacking the poll)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RexyRex on 2004-10-21 at 18:12:06
There should be, at least there is in my invisionfree forum.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-10-21 at 18:14:25
yes there is a way to vote choosing 3 people.
When you make the poll there will be some options under(or above) the Poll options that you will have.
Choose the one that makes it able to have 3 choices. You can also have a wheighed poll where you can choose yor 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices.

EDIT: censored.gif , Yoshi took that out in the release of SENv4.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2004-10-21 at 18:18:02
damn... that would have pwned...

I'll just make a quick script I guess... or maybe... it's still in the code and I can just uncomment it
Report, edit, etc...Posted by EruIluvatar on 2004-10-21 at 19:15:09
If it isn't too late, I'd like to be a Map Reviewer.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2004-10-22 at 01:23:25
My formal entry:
[ Taken from my entry to be the 3rd Judge in SEN's contest ]

I'm qualified for this because I know a lot about map making and I believe I can review the maps pretty well. I've been in numerous map making clans (no, I'm not a clan-hopper) and I started map making in 1998, so I'm not new to map making and the community at all. I have an issue with anal-retentiveness when it comes to maps - I tend to pay a lot of attention to details and little faults. Even the

As far as a resumé goes...
  • I was leader of [V] and [K], both well-known map making clans in their time. I now Co-Lead Oo. which is taking a lot of crap from the map making community, but we just shrug it off and keep making our maps without any care of the negative criticism we get.
  • I am on the BlizzSCUMS map making team as a Terrain maker for any maps that might come my way, so I know a lot about terrain design and what makes it realistic (in the case of RPGs) or what makes it aesthetically pleasing (in the case of Bounds and Defenses).
  • I'm currently taking AP English Language - despite the fact that I took the exam last year before I even got bnear the class and still passed - so My English skills are pretty darn good.
  • I can write a well thought out analysis of anything handed to me, thanks to my impromptu training.
  • I'd say I'm pretty mature a lot of situations (on and off; I don't go spouting "omfglolz Oo. > *ClanNameHere*" or "i am teh 1337!!!111oneone" to people, and whenever we're being flooded or loaded I try to handle the situation using diplomacy and reasoning first - as opposed to most peoples' theory of "ban like hell."
  • I've seen many maps out on so I'd know 85 - 90% of the time if an idea is stolen or not, which is helpful incase anyone attempts to steal a relatively unknown map to use as their own - thinking that will make them appear to be a better map maker.

So I think I mentioned everything there. If any more information is needed, y'all know where to find me. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Screwed on 2004-10-22 at 03:22:43
My Application:

QUOTE(Screwed's Application)
Application for Screwed
Background Information: I have been a member of staredit for around 3-4 months. Although I may not be as well known as a member or active in posts, I have made some maps and continually ensure I send the quality ones to staredit. I will as part of the team - maintain the database and keep it of quality.

- Skilled in constructing 3D terrain.
- Know how to apply triggers according to a new concept.

What I will look in maps and qualifications:
- Although I don't speak proper grammar, (english is not my first language) I will look at the map's clarity to understand (not just grammar) and ensure it suits the atmosphere.
- I may only post 2 posts a day, but I am mostly active in the assistance forum to assist other map makers. In addition I come on staredit everyday.
- People may have only seen me made trailers, the reason is because my wireless usually does not support me to host or join games. That is why I like making 1-player trailers and for the reason of me can't hosting on, I am always fond of the staredit database.
- I will look for bugs in the maps people sent to the databse, usually I will ignore them if they are confirmed or is an alpha or beta map. However, if they malfunction the map really bad - in order to maintain the quality of maps in the DLDB, I will disapprove it. This is not a discouragement for the map maker, but to let them know how close they might be to make a piece of gold shine.
- The current two maps I've made in the database is NitE and Half-Life, they are both trailers with a reasonable amount of quality. I am currently working on another trailer for a movie.
- I will look at the map from the angle of the trigger complexity, however - the most important thing is that they don't interfere with each other and obviously fun.
- If i acquire this position, I will also be looking at the concept and orginality of the map.  
- As qPirateking has said, some maps are in the wrong section - for example, the LotR - Two Towers should be in the 'defence' but it's in the 'trailer section.'

If I obtain this position, I may:
- Approve a map because: It doesn't have to be all round perfect map. Instead, I look at every individual map and make sure they celebrate their own individual diversity.
- Disapprove a map because: The map may not have achieved the standard in some areas. Or it may not be a perfect map but with an amazing concept, but you may have hurried too quickly to finish it and send the map without noticing some major bugs. However, if I obtain this job and disapprove your map, I don't mean to put you down. I just think it can be improved to meet the DLDB standard.

If i receive this job, I will prove myself of worth.
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