I think so. I haven't tested the p12 unit-sprites, but I know player owned normal sprites appear. It seems (in my testing anyways) that even if the player isn't in the game, the sprite seems to be there.... Like the protoss base in the map that was posted, it was owned by P1, but he wasn't in the map.
I tested some rocks, nuke dots, nuclear missles (the sprite that makes the explsosion), and pylon aura as other sprotes, and they all worked.
I'm going to test giving them properites like block view or provide cover.
They shouldn't provide cover or any such things, even on the Doodads, its the actual lower part, which remains even if the top half is removed that provides the protection. Or am i off the point completely?
Ok. SO...if you placed the bottom part with StarForges palette, it would provide cover without having say, the tree sprite on top of ti?
No i meant simply Doodads pre-placed and the map opened in StarForge removes the top of the sprites, and i can't remember if they still provide cover in that format.
Well, I know that you can select sprites and make they have boxes you can check like provides cover or blocks view. I was wondering if that worked on all sprites.
Then you could get cover provided by a stationary marine or something.
I doubt it, though it will be interesting if the case, many different forms of protection, like Raised Terran Buildings for protecting
Can you place sprites for player 1 and control them in melee?
No, because sprites cannot be selected.
i think i remember once when i was exparamenting with the sprites that the "blocks veiw" acturally works... if i rember right..
Yeah, it does. If you don't select Block View, a unit will walk on top of it until it gets more then helfway up the sprite. That's easiest to test with Pylon Aura because it's so big.
Funny how the only checkboxes that work are "Draw as sprite" and "Disabled???". Checking off the "block view" won't do anything.
I got it to work...I think.
Oh wait, nvm.
I schecked the map. I had stacked sprites and pylon auras everywhere so the view would be blocked by them all.
Just a quick question...What is the whole point of a sprite?...ohh wow i just noticed it sounds like a drink.
A sprite is the visual data of a unit, without the unit data. SO, it just looks like a unit you walk through. Sprites are in doodads and many units and extra stuff, and they just make your map look neat, some are very helpful for certain ideas in maps.