is toGikon's shield the best? I mainly use PROEdit beacuse it's easier to use.
Togi is horrible. It adds like 40kb to your map and i heard that it was easy to unprotect.
Well if i use togi, it's because ProEdit protections can be unprotected very easily, i WON'T say how, but it's easy as hell, so i wanted a good protector, all other i can see is togi, that's all .... w/e i use proedit for compress
Your using an old version of ProEdit then, it can't easily be removed, it takes far longer that Togi.
You want a prove? send me a map !
How about you send me a map.
To unprotect toGi protector... 6 steps...
To unprotect PROEdit 1.4.1... 30 steps...
...Proedit is a
AHAHAHAH 30 steps !!!!
I do it in 1 step AHAHAHAHHAHAHAH
QUOTE(Robi @ Nov 14 2004, 11:50 AM)
In fact, it's not really a "protection" but it crashes SF or SCMDraft or whatever when you open the map.... the concept is not really hard, here steps to make it :
- place one any unit on each corners for any player
- select them
- move the screen to middle for exemple to not see them
- right clik, properties
- in Unit Type, put 386
- save your map without looking at those units
StarForge NEEDED
Please make Save As, because u'll not be able to modify this version after.
Q:Why do I need to put them on each corners ?
R:Because, if you put only at top left, when u opened a map before and centered screen bottom right, and open the protected map, you'll not crashes
Q:I don't want to put additional units in my map !!!!
R:There will not be anyunit when you play the map
Q:Why not use ProEdit ??
R:Well, because some people can unprotect maps protected by ProEdit very easily... of course, it's not all people, but...
Q:It is a perfect protection???
R:No, anyone can remove "crash units" by hexing....
or just use SCMIE ....
I tryed all of that...but i could open it on the regular editor...that cam with sc
Robi, I have found a way to counter the glitch.
cmon and spill the beans with it deathknight
sry im hungry at the moment
If you can get passed ProEdit in one move then i'll talk to Clokr and he'll get out a new version with slight modifications.
Coko....Cl0kr_ said he was never going to bother with pro edit again...He also said that was his last version..i talked to him on aim about it
I bet i could get him to do some minor changes.
You probally could...but i doubt he will do it...
QUOTE(Robi @ Nov 17 2004, 03:30 PM)
AHAHAHAH 30 steps !!!!
I do it in 1 step AHAHAHAHHAHAHAH
Err... what is "this mysterious way"?
I highly doubt you've found a program that opens/saves PROEdit
1.4.1 (note the emphasis) protected maps.
It would suck if you could do it in one step. I once saw somewhere a way to do it using 3 or 4 progams and about a hundred steps, that's why i got proedit, it seemed hard to hack...although SI has an scmdraft that can open protected maps, doesn't he?
QUOTE(InSaNeMaPpEr @ Nov 17 2004, 05:39 PM)
evolipel...how are you to tell him what he did and did not do?
I'm not... I'm saying that it's highly unlikely that he has found a program that opens PROEdit 1.4.1 protected maps (or, taken in another perspective, it's highly likely he has misunderstood what version of PROEdit we're talking about).
evolipel, just ignore InSaNeMaPpEr. He's some noob who spams Staredit and he has no brain.
If he misunderstood it then he must be blind.
Its great and all that you think im a noob...but srry to break it to you....i dont spam...and nor am i a noob...well you go out and try to find me a topic that has spam in it from me...and post it here,,,k thnx gg
the problem with unlocking is that you have to redo all the strings n stuff :/
Its great and all that you think im a noob...but srry to break it to you....i dont spam...and nor am i a noob...well you go out and try to find me a topic that has spam in it from me...and post it here,,,k thnx gg
I found one the second I read that. Here's a link to every post that was spam from you:
I'am currently working on a program called "LocationM" what it does is give you more trigger space...You can use 300 triggers, And you can also bend locations into circles or ovals, But this program wont be out until close to christmas.
Were posteed By insane in the map making forum. His "program" can make you to have 300 triggers. But yet in another post he sais that the limit is 500. And The limit it no where near to any of them.
The trigger limit is only 500 triggers.
I know you guys are all anti-unprotection and everything, but when it comes down to it, ToGi Protector or whatever it's called is really easy to unprotect. It's almost as easy as GUI Edit. So I suggest you use Pro edit 1.4.1. It takes me almost half an hour to unprotect one of those.
Heh, I just realized something... People actually use my guides as benchmarks for protection quality.
Btw I think insane is lying about his program. There's only the location start/location end coordinates in map data, making the standard rectangular shape/255 location limit an engine limitation (no shape flags or space for functions). There are some unknown flags, but those are most likely unused (I couldn't figure out what they do, yet again, I've only tried it once). Thus, the only way you could get around both of those problems is to, in some way, re-code StarCraft, which is a near impossibility.
Also, Robi is yet to tell us about his magical secret with PROEdit 1.4.1. The general consensus here is that it either doesn't exist or you're thinking of PROEdit 1.3 and under (you can try to prove me wrong...)
You THINK? He IS. considering all the bs he posts you'd think so. Also it is VERY hard to make circular locations.
QUOTE(KaboomHahahein @ Nov 18 2004, 07:19 PM)
You THINK? He IS. considering all the bs he posts you'd think so. Also it is VERY hard to make circular locations.
"Hard"? Try, "impossible"... That is, if you don't want to use up a ton of locations making every single "corner".
...or is there a way of which few people know of? I doubt it.