Bolt, yeah, that'll stop the refresh problem... but it's just not as fun
. As simple of an idea as it seems though, I probably wouldn't have thought about it.
I was thinking of maybe re-adding the arcade so people can play games to win minerals, not a lot, but some. It varies from game to game, but like game X allows you to score lots and lots of points, so it'll have a ratio of like 100,000 points : 1 mineral. Game Y has it so you have to be a god to get 1,000 points, so every 100 points : 1 mineral. Max minerals gained is like 10 per game and you can gain minerals from each game twice a day. Maybe some incentive to be #1 in each game as well, as it'll net you 10 minerals a day just for being the champion of that game. Scores get reset each month.
If you want minerals, you won't have to run around posting stuff in forums while trying to hide the fact you're spamming.
The only problem is coding it without peeps cheating.
that's a good idea, but maybe instead of just winning those minerals in games, the games will be for fun and you will do tounaments every week.
the winner in each tournament will recive an amount on minerals and the others will have to start getting better and prepear to the next week.
that way people with more free time won't win more minerals than people with less free time, it'll be based on skill.