Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Concepts -> Player 14 - Frozen Find
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2004-12-24 at 18:50:07
No, placing any "visible" units for p14 will crash the game. Player 14 affects all players.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by notnuclearrabbit on 2004-12-24 at 20:56:19
I've been playing with the players 8+ on my mac, and MOST crash, but not all... The differences between PC SC, and Mac are astounding.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2004-12-24 at 22:33:16
Use players 13 and above, players 1-12 are the main players and are not concidered extended. Could you compose a mac list? Any special "changes"? Maybe supply changes? Most players on the PC alter supply limits.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-12-26 at 16:34:05
If you place a scanner sweep if will freeze the game but it will do it later. Units that are moving when frozen keep walking. It looks like theyre walking into a wall. This can have some cool effects. If you can get it to work the high templar will start glowing.

Check it out.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KaboomHahahein on 2004-12-27 at 12:37:33
Another screwd up discovery due to p14.

In a map that involves p14. This is a defense map. Before when I placed a bunker in the fog the bunker was visible. Now I did something and when I place it in the fog the bunker is invisible. But you can still shoot and etc. But you can't select it. I made some levels for the D map and the units you have to kill provide vision. If you make a bunker in the vision you can see the bunker and unload the units in it. But in the fog you can't.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Robi on 2005-01-10 at 16:18:49
If you place a scanner sweep if will freeze the game but it will do it later. Units that are moving when frozen keep walking. It looks like theyre walking into a wall. This can have some cool effects. If you can get it to work the high templar will start glowing.

Check it out.

Coooooool, i checked it out !!!!
- U can create units before and then they will be frozen, so not needed preplaced, that really good !!!
- They are not reall frozen ;p they still can attack (see the dreagoon) or other units like DT (only when a unit is next to him) and infested terran (same) templar can make hallucination only at the axe that he is looking at ??? if a a probe/SCV/drone is making any building, when frozen, the building will continue to be created.... Units can be killed (WARNING : CRASH SOMETIMES) and another thing : when a unit is attaking another when it freeze, it won't stop attack
- I finishhly understood : p14 blocks units at a certain "sprite section" (like moving, attacking, or what ever) and the unit CANNOT go out of this "sprite section" but it can do anything that he can with this "sprite section".

Thanks to Gradius for his test map and his "scanner sweep" ;p

What to TEST :
- disabled doodad state unit BEFORE freeze ???
- disable AFTER freeze ???
- put units in a bunker before freeze ? (can they go out after ? (with a enabled bunker biggrin.gif))
- put an arbiter next to units before freeze and after , move (teleport) arbiter away and see if the unit stay cloaked (???)
- try some buggy players with INSTANT freeze (map reavealer or what ever) ???

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-01-11 at 14:07:21
I tested this with observers. It is sooooo cool. If you drag your cursor over it then it has a cool effect.

Plus when you create units inside it it makes em look bigger.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Robi on 2005-01-11 at 14:23:18
gj, here is a testing map, i put carriers instead of observers (bigger and less unit supply taken wink.gif)
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