Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2004-12-31 at 10:05:18
I already said that didn't work. If cloaked units come from the top, you can see them as they cloak. Then there is a problem with creating/moving because they can't overlap for a better effect.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-12-31 at 10:27:13
so create them into an hided place, them make them move, and order tehm to go to the bottom, so they won't show up when they are cloaking..
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2004-12-31 at 10:39:55
Oh well... I will come up with something.
Here is an update:
Old: [attachmentid=3652]
New: [attachmentid=3685]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AqoTrooper on 2004-12-31 at 11:06:46
QUOTE(Ðeathknight @ Dec 31 2004, 02:51 AM)
The white lines are not animated, they are pure sprites. Bullets >> EldFire.grp. Also known as sprite 344. [right][snapback]116896[/snapback][/right]
actually, the real name of that sprite is '147'. it is one of the weapon sprites blizzard created, in the end they didn't used it and they left its script with no death animotion, thus why it doesn't dissaper. for some reason they didn't removed it... so now you have an unfinished weapon which is left unused and you can have fun with it. I'm not even sure its graphics are finished... they have that line in the side.
amazing the things can be discovered during mod making
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2004-12-31 at 11:22:59
No, its ID is 344, to be used in a map you must use that number.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TEC_Ghost on 2004-12-31 at 15:30:41
*humps DK* Thats for bein so damn leet man
Im just an old school map maker, I need to get with the times, I remember back when Emerald Placer came out....*tear* I cried my self to sleep that night, tears of joy mind you. Ahhh the good old days.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-12-31 at 15:40:40
Ahh The good old day, when people weren't what map making meant..
Anyway, The waterfals is Über 1337 Mamzoula (new word for More than Über) Only thing are the those gear...I still don't understand..They represent rock?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MapUnprotector on 2005-01-01 at 01:12:04
QUOTE(nuclearrabbit @ Dec 31 2004, 08:30 AM)
Agreed. Most un-sexy tileset = badlands/space. I don't like them. But badlands looks good at 64x64 on the minimap when used like this. [right][snapback]117174[/snapback][/right]
ScV Football uses space terrain, it is very sexy
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AqoTrooper on 2005-01-01 at 07:24:31
QUOTE(Ðeathknight @ Dec 31 2004, 07:22 PM)
No, its ID is 344, to be used in a map you must use that number. [right][snapback]117224[/snapback][/right]
QUOTE(AqoTrooper @ Dec 31 2004, 07:06 PM)
actually, the real name of that sprite is '147'. [right][snapback]117222[/snapback][/right]
Marine's ID is 0 but his name is 'Terran Marine' and not 0. all I said was just some extra infor of that white sprite...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by StarEditron 4000 on 2005-01-01 at 14:34:35
DAMN! That is some of the best terrain I have ever seen! I bet even Blizzard didn't know how to make terrain this good! Keep it up!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Xeno on 2005-01-01 at 15:28:23
Here are some terrain maps I've made...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (Dual)Archon on 2005-01-02 at 22:56:48
Badlands can make buildings like the video tuorial Yoshi Da Snipa shows the 3d building effect thats where i learned it