I have Winblows 98!

"Scanning 3 times a day is overkill. You're wasting your time. Do it weekly, and theres some viruses that even your computer can't pick up."
I wanted to tell him that...

You could put it in the map, but it would be unplayable. It would say it is cprrupt and stuff. I am also assuming if there was a real virus in it, it wouldn't be able to be opened because the MPQ data would be all screwed up.
I remember reading somewhere a year ago or something that there was a WC3 map with a virus in it, is this true? I really doubt it was real or did anything, but it's sort of interesting.
i just scanned the file with some tweo seperate $50 anti virus thingies, and its not a virus, no need to be worrying =/
Everybody, PLEASE stop saying "oh I scanned it I did that that must mean it's not a virus" and let the thread die. (Oh yeah, and don't say "lolz but ur lik continuin da thred by postin a coment!")
There's a P13 map revealer in the top left hand corner. It causes StarCraft to crash, I do not know why, Deathknight is probably able to find out but won't bother. Get over it.