Unit availability as of now, I don't think can be affected, unless you can get an extended player to mine minerals, which would be impossible.
QUOTE(Ðeathknight @ Jan 19 2005, 11:06 PM)
Unit availability as of now, I don't think can be affected, unless you can get an extended player to mine minerals, which would be impossible.
The AI Script doesn't work?
QUOTE(Chu @ Jan 18 2005, 05:46 PM)
Triggers don't affect those players.
Let's say you want the Marine to be allowed to be built at X seconds into the game.
Give the player a Barracks and have him have enough minerals to build it.
Let's say you want the player to be allowed to build a Firebat but not a Medic.
Give the player a Barracks and an Academy and have him enough minerals to build a firebat and not enough to build a medic. Or make a trigger that removes all medics and refunds him.
Let's say you want to allow the player to build a Barracks.
Give the player a Command Center.
It's not that complicated tongue.gif
i didn't talk about that, this a sad technic, image at 5 second to 60 i want the player to be able to make firebat > 50$ so i give him 50$ and at another moment 60sec to 120sec, only be able to make medic so if it was 100$ the player would be able to make firebat too
i was talking about enabling unit or building with DK's concept
if it was possible
QUOTE(Ðeathknight @ Jan 19 2005, 11:06 PM)
Unit availability as of now, I don't think can be affected, unless you can get an extended player to mine minerals, which would be impossible.
I tryed making a map with a marine, and killing a p122 vespene sac 1, and i didnt get the upgrade. wtf?
You don't get the upgrade upgraded. You get it avaliable for research. Like the button wasn't there, but now it is.
didnt knight say that theres able to research and then theres researched
Stim Pack availability for player 1 -
1 Vespene Gas Tank 2 for Player 13 or
1 Vespene Gas Sac 2 for Player 37
Stim Pack researched for player 1 -
1 Vespene Gas Sac 1 for Player 122
Are you sure you were terran, and that upgrade was avaliable?
If yes, then I dunno, wait for DK to tell you.
Argh. I probably did some calculations wrong. ><
I'll fix it some time later.
you did this via calculations??? i thought this was ye old trial and error way..
Since I found where everything(relevant) was in memory I used calculations.
talk about a lot of time on your hands
but that is a nice job you did deathknight
Wait, when these upgrades/abilites are enabled, do you mean that they become researched? or just available for upgrade?
I assume he means like the in the editors. Enabled means it can be researched, and it's not able to be used until it is researched.
Update: Fixed most combinations. Added a note at the bottom.
I'm confused. You have the ability disabled at the start, then kill the unit then it appears as researchable. Or make it availible and when you kill the unit it auto researches it for you?
You can do both. Can't you read the list? There is availability, and researched. Players 1-12.
Ahh gotcha, guess I didnt read far enough down. Very nice concept DK.
it doesnt work....hm...
i killed the thingy for p85 for stims for p1.
and no stim packs!
its availbel too, i tried it and no luck =(