But it doesn't find units, it plots them.
Fine, I'll simplify it more:
"Bolt's Unit Coordinate's System"
There are as of right now:
"Bolt's Unit Coordinate's System" --Bolt
"Find the Unit Coordinate's System" --Tux
"Track the Unit's Movement System" --SaLa
"Unit give/remove Grids" --Various Authors
Anything else I have failed to mention?
Wow this is getting off-topic, perhaps we should make a new one for naming grid systems and an example map with it and pin it for people to see
I know! How about calling it, Come-on,-just-let-this-topic-be-buried-instead-of-kicking-it-more-even-though-it's-dead! . No, wait, that's what this topic should be called. How about "Plotting the unit's coordinate system"? (LOL... I stole bolt's idea!