in original doom1/2 I liked playing with 3 ppl the most
The funest thing on Doom2 i played was with my dad... We sat there for 3 hours laughing as one of us run into a room kill 2 monsters and die... (Nightmare Diffaculty) then i would respawn as he ran in making the monsters respawn... It was so pointless it was fun...
BTW: You couldn't see the floor through all the bodys...
This map is looking great
- I like 3 players also
- Weapon System Is Interesting
- Music?
- Quests? (Defending Quests?)
- Skills and Abilities?
Well due to the fact I am trying to make this as close to the game as possible there are only basically get to the end of the level for quests. I will try to implement some other missions or objectives to make the game funner but that will have to be after everything is said and done. Music I have yet to decide on, and there won't be any skills and ablities due to less abundence of locations.
I strongly suggest some diablo2 music
or doom3 style - none.
1 major think about Doom3 is its intence gameplay, I was always on my toes.
heres sumthing i found and i thought it looked kidna kool, imagine this and check out the attachment: broken installation wall panels. feel free to use it... if you want...
can u use the music thats from doom 3?
Well for gameplay I am keeping it as intense as possible. Actually I don't have music just screams at the first part of the invasion showing how bad the situation really is. Trust me the game is pretty intense specially when you have to start running around with just a chainsaw
YES I HAVE A CHAINSAW IN THE GAME! I really like the terrain glytcher its just I am not very good with SF >< I will try my hardest to make the terrain EXCEPTIONAL When the map is done. Thanks for the support guys!
make sure u have lots of blood-doodads
I Will Now Be Looking For Alpha/Beta Testers for this map as it progresses past the 50% stage. I will edit the first post to make the more noticeable. Thanks for the support again. (DB)Baal
I will be a beta/alpha tester if you need one.
my name is S.T.A.R.S-Chris , the same o.O
What Server S.T.A.R.S? Cause if its West it makes it alot easier cause i can check in alot since thats what I am on
My home is U.S. West
. and my channel is Op S.T.A.R.S_Crib , so stop by anytime if ya need me! Oh ya if Im not on I usually talk through my bot which is always on, so leave my bot a message if you really need to talk with me
I'll sure as hell will be your tester
serv: europe
nick: Lisk
Sounds like a cool map, can't wait to test it. You should really try hard to make it horror-like.
Sounds a pretty good map. Gonna be fun playing it thats for sure
someones needs to make an Unreal map :S not UT. UNREAL!11
lol maybe... but eith some imporivements it wouild get popular
isn't this thread about Doom3 Not UnrealTourny...
Can we stay On TOPIC... If you wana talk about Unreal Tourny
Go make another thread for it.
I only mentioned UNREAL (NOT UT) and you go all offtopic like... sheesh -_-
Update on current status:
Well due to lack of time and well motivation I havn't gotten much added to the map. I have also been having TONS of trouble with my email and ebay I got my passwords stolen.... If anyone knows how to get them back that would be nice
Anyway back to what I was saying. Now that I have the weapon system down and packed into the game all I have to finish is the very tedious job of playing Doom3 over and over and over to try and get the game very similiar yeah for weeks off....
dang this map looks really fun. i really wanna test this map but i cant. Good luck with the map making on it. i cant wait to play it! and your screenshots were really good.
hey i would be interested in testing the map with you
If its not to much of a pain can you post some information on the actual game DOOM3 because I haven't heard basicaly anything...
If you have time or something Post a link or write some info here...
BTW: Throw a copy my way... I would like to see this...
How would you use flashlight system?
Well after alot of consideration I really don't know if I wanna use the flashlight thing mainly cause it doesn't really add anything to the game cause you can still see stuff behind you and all that. Kinda looses its feel when converted to RTS game.
Anyway Doom 3 is your standard FPS game with really good graphics. Takes place Mars and is about a marines struggle to survive litterly against all of hell. Check it out at
Doom 3