Comon guys! My intro will be great to watch as if it were a movie, and wars in the intro would be different every time you watched! I would throw in a few random aspects, as well as unit movements and such.
I just realized, for every text trigger, i have a different system for each hero... There you have it! I can use text recall for all of the passive and active venter systems that go throughout the game. Good catch Kumano... almost let that one slip for strings.
Trust me, you will love the introduction. I said i was planning on 20 minutes, maybe only 15 minutes, which is definitely barable... if you have seen it already, tell eachother to meet back on the computer in 15minutes... get popcorn? soda? use the lavatory? Lol... Get ready to meet the first challenge of the game? Idk, prepare yourself metally and physically? I don't care, intro will be non-skippable and...
Well... I hope you do enjoy it as much as I am planning... lots of special effects and poetry? heh, but it won't be all flowery stuff you get in lit class.
Oh yea, I figured out how to shorten the introduction... I will show introduction of main game and such for about 10-15 minutes, and then each hero in-game will split to take his/her path from birth to present times in the actual game where your a team of heroes. This will be made to fit exactly X minutes for each hero... taking through each stage and set up in a semi-organized fashion...
-Birth (One Small Event)
This would explain your family background, previous people surrouding your family, leaders at the time, wars, or even death at birth of a major part of your life which would have served as your mentor if he hadn't passed away, etc...
-Childhood (Special Event)
This stage would display morals learned, morales lacked, turmoil, deaths of family, seperation of family and other major situations that are character changing.
-Education (Speical Event)
School,University, any other higher learning, trade school, mentors, teachers, special information about history during the time, etc...
-Adult Journey (Special Event)
This would be a more resent event that would of raised your status in the world the RPG takes place in. It would be a serious character building or demoralization of character. This would reajust the behavior and attitude about life and the world for your character.
-Meeting Of Your Companions (Two Small Events)
This would be the same for each of the heroes, but take place in a different perspective. An excellent place to learn the ideas and beliefs your selected hero has developed over the past experences and his judging of the people he meets.
After these introduction would be almost over with maybe some ending credits, and without further information, the tile of the RPG would be shown, thus bringing you to the intro scene of the RPG.
I will put massive amounts of thought into all of these aspects for character development and attitudes about certain ideas or events in the fantasy history I will create about this new world these heroes will venture into the light, but find they are surviving in meer haze from the true darkness rising from the depths of the anti-heaven.