The last Thursday of November I believe... The 25th???
Killer if you have extra strings, for music, use the midi-type system with a bunch of extremely small wav files. The music would then sound great and not get cut off because of lag. It can also be stopped instantly.
Yeah, like i suggested, much better system, and free for experimenting, like placing certain sounds in different orders from time to time.
The ''sound bits'' idea is good for several reasons, the only thing that could hold it up is the string count. Deathknight brings up a good idea about the music being able to stop instantly. That way if a battle is over in five seconds the twenty five second wav won't be blaring for twenty extra seconds.
Yeah, I'll take it into consideration. But as far as I can tell, I would only need to split up the battle and boss wav files. The others won't really matter if they are separated or not.
My only question is, how would I go about taking my wav files, and splitting them up perfectly so that it doesn't sound choppy when each piece plays? Is there some program?
You can go to sound recorder i think...
O well, if you're that far in this map, how about another playable version?
Just add a second gap of blank sound for each part you have while you record it and remove that afterwards, or don't and allow an almost overlap.
QUOTE(Johnznothere78 @ Nov 3 2004, 05:02 PM)
O well, if you're that far in this map, how about another playable version?
Nah, next playable version the public will receieve will be the actual map itself in final form.
QUOTE(Coko @ Nov 3 2004, 06:05 PM)
Just add a second gap of blank sound for each part you have while you record it and remove that afterwards, or don't and allow an almost overlap.
Yeah I was thinking of doing something like that, I'll mess around with the sounds later though, right now I wanna focus on knocking out the rest of these main story plot triggers.
Yeah, don't get side-tracked from something your partially through else you may forget about it.
The only sounds i would 'chop' up are battle sounds because its kind of pointless to do it to a cutscene because you know how long that is going to be unlike the time of a battle. Also with a map this big i would worry a lot more about strings than file size. You can run out of strings fast and if people really want the map, which they will, they will wait the extra 4 minutes to dl it. Plus wavs make the map much better imho.
Killer what ARE you doing to be carfeul with the string limit? It could pose a very serious problem as PearS related to us. I agree about the sounds making the map better, but you do know that no one will Download this on, they will just download it from here and play with it. Because there are faster downloads from this site than on
Interesting Information;
NEVER ADD *.WAVS that you might use, and then delete them, because they still take up String limit, and unless you go and clear them from your string count straight away they will stay there, and removing them later causes huge issues...
I hope this map is all it's cracked up to be... I hope starcraft lasts long enough for it to be completed, heh.
I'm not a final fantasy fan, never have been... but I look forward to seeing and playing this map, it looks great.
One thing you should stop doing I'm thinking is showing numerous screenshots off before you even release the map, by the time we get to play it we will already know its terrain and suprises affluently and that's just no fun. Just a word of advice...
By the way moose if you read this... you killed Mark, Tom, and Travis!
Uh we released like 6 screenshots of a 4+ hour map.
Ya, the number of screen shots for this maps length and size is very small. I think that the best thing that Killer could do is just focused on getting the map finished, and finished to the best of his ability so that we can all play it.
Have you though of saving string space, but any repeated DisplayTexts being placed as a repeatable trigger on their own?
Countdown to November 25...
Today Is November 4th.........
This will take awhile.
Anyway I hope he does do as much as he can to this map. I hope it will be a success on
Ill try to spread it but my comp sux so i wont be much help
Since the map is split up to 1a and 1b, I don't think that I will run into the String Limit, although you never know. Also, I am recycling strings using ProEdit which helps me out big time.
For the wav files, I'm thinking split them into about 5 sec long pieces... So if one of the battle wavs is 30 seconds, it would be 6 wav files that consist of it. Depending on the amount of strings I'm left with, I might go down to like 3 seconds per piece. We shall see.
Well; i've now changed how i sort my Triggers out, instead of using large Comments between different titled Triggers i do something like this
Player 1
And those are for triggers below which centre on killing Player 1
Player 1
And those are for triggers below which are about victory conditions and such.
Bump we need to keep this thread alive...
How big is the world map?
Is it the whole map and only little small cities and buildings or what?
Hm...I don't think I should expect too much of the terrain, considering that you'll have to squeeze the whole world in a 256x256 or so, unless you're using StarForge to increase the map size. Are you?
I've been testing sizes over 256x256, and they never work on Single Player, and the majority crash on Multiplayer, but i'm thinking maybe a MOD of Starcraft would handle them
QUOTE(TheOddAngel @ Nov 6 2004, 09:29 AM)
How big is the world map?
Is it the whole map and only little small cities and buildings or what?
It'll be about 1/4th the size of the map. The rest of the area will be the towns and dungeons and stuff. But if you want a more definitive answer you'll have to talk to Hash.
QUOTE(DoomGaze @ Nov 7 2004, 03:44 AM)
Hm...I don't think I should expect too much of the terrain, considering that you'll have to squeeze the whole world in a 256x256 or so, unless you're using StarForge to increase the map size. Are you?
The map is being split up... Have you not read? There's no way physically you could fit the whole Final Fantasy 7 game into a Starcraft map, so we're splitting them up into about 5 or 6 maps...
As for the world map... It'll contain all the spots like the real one, but depending on what map you're will determine where you are limited to on it. The hard part is trying to retain the way it looks throughout each map change.
But we shouldn't be worrying about a world map because Part 1a and Part 1b do not have a world map in them since you're inside Midgar.
That makes sence lol...
I havent played FF because i dotn gota PS so i didnt really knwo you were in a place... Anyway good job
Man this is sounding awesome... Hmm... Thanksgiving is around 18 days away... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I have to wait for 18 days? That's like a lifetime!
JK I'm Chinese and we're pretty patient. Come on, you have to wait for about 20 years to leave the country, so I think I'll survive. In any case, keep up the good work.