Working slow but steadily.
syhpon im sorry but
Another CrescentDyne sig, use if wanted.
just looks wrong... why dont you just fix the first one its misspelled and really tight.
Wooden you were talking about islands so pretty much people hop islands in this game?
Agreed with Nightmare on the sig...
Still want to play it... so badly...
I don't undertand your upgrade system... can you explain it more fully?
Also, can I use your clock fork idea in my RPG?I think you stand by the upgrade buildings in town, and after a while it gets given to you (in case you just run by it you dont want it to accidentally go off) and you upgrade with it.
Yea, if you stand next to it, it gives the building to you.
QUOTE(Dr.Shotgun @ Nov 23 2005, 04:29 AM)
Also, can I use your clock fork idea in my RPG?
WoodenFire didn't make the clock idea up... It's been around for ages. Besides, what is stopping you from utilizing a valuable addition to a map? I am using the same thing in my map. Although I thought it was funny when I found out WoodenFire was using it as well.

Well, the clock Idea has NOT been around for ages... and I was first to use it with Rithmicoseavio RPG and designed by Bonelesskid for my circle area for the clock.
Not mutal system. Never been used before in a game, thus, it is my original idea.
If you do use the same setup as me with a circle, that would be copying me straight from my maps.
Bs Forsaken. Show me a map with a clock system that matches my setup, if you can do that, you can use the setup.
The burrowed unit system is what you mean by, around for ages... Not the crystal changing for red/yellow for night/day, that is also custom to my maps.
And no, you may not use the same setup as me. You can stil use night/day fork, but use a different way to show it.
Dude , let him do what he likes, he doesnt need permission from you, just because you came up with the " Idea "
QUOTE(WoodenFire @ Nov 23 2005, 02:40 PM)
And no, you may not use the same setup as me. You can stil use night/day fork, but use a different way to show it.
And what would you do if he were to use it?
Mapping concepts are not property. Copying the triggers directly from your map is one thing, but if he uses the idea of a clock in his RPG, you can't claim that you own that idea.
You need to relax... I've come to tjink you're a sever Bipolar.
One second you are:

The next:
First of all, don't be so ignorant. Never say you are the
first person to discover or make something up. You may very well be the first, but that doesn't matter.
Anyway, it's not like your clock system is some astounding piece of work. It is farking simple.
You use the basic countdown clock... Then, (what I used for my old RPG) was I would have the hand swicth every 3rd hour. So, It would move at 12,3,6,9 and back 2 twelve.
At night time, I would change the units to a darker(black) color on the minimap. Which represented night. During the day, I used yellow. And for every 1/4 of the day, I would change the time of day: Morning, Noon, Evening, Night...
It's much easier than you say it is...
Besides, if I used something different to your idea, but had the same context... What would you do? Pout? Pout like you are now... Either be a good person your arrogance down like 5-6 notches. It sickens me. I can smell your arrogance throughout SeN's forums.
Go terrain god go!
Yay, finally somebody who views WoodenFire the same way I do!!
dont forget me XD
anyways, i think wooden's fame and ability to make good blended terrain is getting to his head, common for humans

Thank you Forsaken, you said what I've wanted for a long time...
Man Wooden, I'd rather have no reputation than this.
I dont see anything wrong with Wooden expect for the fact that hes acctually good at it but he does brag about it sometime but I think its fine as long as your good at it. And also when he rates others terrain he compairs them to much to his type of work not others. But thats also another opinion so I think there is nothing wrong.
Well, when he gives everybody 2/10 for their terrain and give himself the title PROFFESIONAL MAP MAKER and brags about being superior, insults me, calls me a wang, calls me a nublet... I think there is a reason to think what I think.
I agree on the part that he shouldnt be calling others stuff like that but giving someone 2/10 on there opinion is totally a opinion. Thats what he thinks when he looks at the terrain. But he shouldnt be insulting other ppl becuase of that reason. And i believe now we can get back on topic. and PM wooden if you guys have problem.
Guys enough flamming.
Look, Wooden...
You are a great map maker. I won't say anything about that. Because you have achieved a lot with this map of yours. The terrain is immaculate. The thought behind it is great.
But, your attitude towards just about everyone else, is wrong. All I want to know is, why must you act like you are the only important person? There are other people who are just as good as you in other aspects of map making. But, you go around flaming people and saying they are insignifcant. Take a look at your signature for god sakes... It;s rediculous. Imo, if you keep up the attitude you have nowm you will lose a LOT of respect for you and your map.
All I am asking(as well as most of the SeN communtiy):
Calm down, be respectful, and help people out. I haven't seen any of those from you. From the first day I saw you begin posting on SeN, you've always had this arrogant, cocky personality. It's just sad... Because you could help a LOT of people with your talent, and slowly make SC better. Take a look at (U)Bolt_Head, Tuxedo_Templar, and Dabbu for instance. All of them were quite ahead of their time, but still gave the average person, as well as the noob help on what ever they asked. Even if it was something asked over 500+ times. Take Kills to Cash for instance!

Anyway... All in all, I believe you should be a little nicer on these forums.
This is not an apology for the post above, it's a mere suggestion. Something you can take to heart and become a better person. Or you can discard this and remain the arrogant meanie you are now.That is all I have to say.
Thanks for listening to my rant.
Ok with Forsaken final word everyone stop flaming period. I totaly agree with Boy
I don't think he was flaming, he was telling the truth, and his "insults" had a point.
Yes they have a point, i see them as uneeded, it's common sence not to start pissing everyone off.
And what forsaken said, i agree completely.
Awaits for the map to come out
Wow. Can we please calm down the flaming. After wooden's last post the next like consecutive 17 (not exagerated) posts were flaming him. And it's funny though how after forsaken said his little piece everybody was saying "
That's what i've been wanting to say." and thinks like that, everybody suddenly has the courage to say what they think. That is considered spam people, even if it is in response to something he said. Even some stuff were totally unrelated to it, like the flaming about how he grades peoples terrain, yea definently off topic. You guys sound really immature right now.
im glad that i was kicked out of this project
it isnt worth it when you're working for a self-centered egotistic little
You should be warned for that. Spam + Flaming.
QUOTE(Wrathlord7 @ Nov 23 2005, 06:47 PM)
And it's funny though how after forsaken said his little piece everybody was saying "That's what i've been wanting to say." and thinks like that, everybody suddenly has the courage to say what they think.
On topic:
Excellent map/terrain, but I'm more interested in seeing the trigger work than the terrain, really.
And I too think you drive the Arrogancemobile =)