read the disclaimer, its ultimately up to Moose, IP and maybe the rest of the staff to decide.
You know.. has anyone properly confronted the issue that even if you did use OSMAP to unprotect a map so you could make your own version of it.. you couldn't? If the map has been protected all the strings and location names are ruined, the terrain can no longer be edited isometrically. The map is corrupted as freak. So not only would such a thing cause crapty versions of maps to clog up your map folder so you have no idea what the right one is, but they'd be glitched as Hell because you're trying to edit a corrupted map.
One thing people complain about more than anything else on is how many crap maps they have to wade through to get to the good, original version of a map. This is especially problematic when you join a game and for some reason DL a map you thought you already had. Then you go back later to play the good version and find it's been written over by the crap version.
QUOTE(Desperado @ Sep 20 2006, 08:51 PM)
You know.. has anyone properly confronted the issue that even if you did use OSMAP to unprotect a map so you could make your own version of it.. you couldn't?
Yes. About 10 posts up.

This issue is so clean cut. How anyone could to support OSMAP if they actually understood the issue is beyond me. It's no different than if Moose made a topic "Should SEN support the genocide of the Jewish race?" and 40% of the people voted Yes.
QUOTE(Desperado @ Sep 20 2006, 09:05 PM)
This issue is so clean cut. How anyone could to support OSMAP if they actually understood the issue is beyond me. It's no different than if Moose made a topic "Should SEN support the genocide of the Jewish race?" and 40% of the people voted Yes.
Yes because we all know SEN sponsoring OSMAP is on par with genocidal eugenics.

What's really amazing is that exo6yte was against OSMAP adamantly, and then he started acting like he was being super sarcasting in his posts supporting it, as if he stopped caring and was just joking. Now he actually seems serious. And he put that huge banner in his signiture "SUPPORT FREEDOM: USE OSMAP" despite the fact that OSMAP is the exact opposite of freedom.
If the government was going to put a computer chip in your head that would turn you into a mindless zombie wretch you retards would let them.
Ok someone is obviously making dozens of accounts and voting "Yes" with them.
I've noticed that.The fact that the YES votes outnumber the amount of OSMAP supporters on SEN.
If the government was going to put a computer chip in your head that would turn you into a mindless zombie wretch you retards would let them.
Of course; haven't you noticed who the American people have been voting for? 
But seriously, OSMAP is the oppisite of freedom.
And nobody has been making double accounts.QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Sep 20 2006, 08:30 PM)
Of course; haven't you noticed who the American people have been voting for? 
But seriously, OSMAP is the oppisite of freedom.
And nobody has been making double accounts.[right][snapback]565165[/snapback][/right]
then what the hell was with the created on sept20 people in the thread? hell, i saw a created on sept21 dude.
I have just recieved word that OSMAP was created so Legacy could unprotect Strip Jessica Alba and Strip Sakura. Apparently his parents have software installed that blocks porn on their baby boy's computer, so he had to get porn the only way he knows how: by making a map stealing program so he can jerk off to the .chk's TILE section.
Of course; haven't you noticed who the American people have been voting for?
Off topic.. the votes have been pretty close. The problem is that when both Presidential candidates are complete bufoons, no one knows who to vote for so they just pick one randomly and that's how you end up with Purple America. The country isn't really divided.. it's that the candidates are horrible. And amazingly, Bush happened to be better than two democratic candidates so far.
Not better. Just everyone's freaked over terrorist schtick, so conservative mentality overuled logic.
Hope we won't make that mistake again.
QUOTE(Desperado @ Sep 20 2006, 10:35 PM)
I have just recieved word that OSMAP was created so Legacy could unprotect Strip Jessica Alba and Strip Sakura. Apparently his parents have software installed that blocks porn on their baby boy's computer, so he had to get porn the only way he knows how: by making a map stealing program so he can jerk off to the .chk's TILE section.

This is what we should do... ban OSMAP to satisfy the conservatives and let the liberals do whatever they want, and stop talking about this topic altogether.
Everybody's a winner!

Strip Jessica Alba was made a long time after OSMAP was released lol. But it isn't like protection should be scrapped all together, most people on B.Net haven't even heard of OSMAP and those random people on B.Net are mainly the people who rig maps.
QUOTE(Desperado @ Sep 20 2006, 09:10 PM)
What's really amazing is that exo6yte was against OSMAP adamantly, and then he started acting like he was being super sarcasting in his posts supporting it, as if he stopped caring and was just joking. Now he actually seems serious. And he put that huge banner in his signiture "SUPPORT FREEDOM: USE OSMAP" despite the fact that OSMAP is the exact opposite of freedom.
OSMAP is freedom. It encourages the growth of the mapping community. The only people that support it are elitists who fear the revolution of learning. They use cruel 'protector' programs to stop people from becoming like they are. They claim to help by offering worthless, castrated 'trigger viewer' applications.
Oh, and for the record, I WAS AGAINST OSMAP for a while, but then Yoshi da Sniper and I had an interesting IM conversation, and I realized that my position was flawed. Since then, I've decided to speak out against Map Restriction.
OSMAP encorages mapping? Making your own maps encorage mapping, OSMAP encorage editing already made maps.
OSMAP is an educational tool. Spreading it will benefit this community, because others will be able to use it to learn how to make great works of art. Your pessimism and blind belief in the ignorance of the masses is detrimental to the map creation community.
Consider this: If people other than the map maker were never able to open maps, EVER, not even in StarCraft 1.0, how far would we be now? wouldn't even exist. Maps would be released with lots of bugs. OSMAP prevents this. Map Restriction is a blight upon this community.
Who here has learned how to make maps by opening others'? It's how I did, and how you all did, too. Don't even try to deny it. People have a right to learn, and OSMAP give people that right. So what if people 'steal' 'your map'? Put your inflated ego aside and swallow your pride. 'Your map' doesn't belong to you, anyway.
QUOTE(exo6yte @ Sep 20 2006, 10:43 PM)
OSMAP is freedom. It encourages the growth of the mapping community. The only people that support it are elitists who fear the revolution of learning. They use cruel 'protector' programs to stop people from becoming like they are. They claim to help by offering worthless, castrated 'trigger viewer' applications.
Oh, and for the record, I WAS AGAINST OSMAP for a while, but then Yoshi da Sniper and I had an interesting IM conversation, and I realized that my position was flawed. Since then, I've decided to speak out against Map Restriction.
I'm assuming you meant to word that as "The only people who support protection are elitists ..."?
Actually many of us do want to see more unlocked maps as well. That should still be a choice on the mapper's part, though. Some maps, though, don't really need to be unlocked for any major reasons, as they're either already close to their "final" form or otherwise just don't stand to gain much from casual additions/edits anyway. Protection serves these maps more than not, since higher quality maps like those're more likely to be stolen (or at least imbalanced), and less likely to be improved.
For such maps, anyone seeking to improve them would more than likely have to commit to the process anyway to make any meaningful adjustments. Using a comment-less, ISOM-free unprotected copy would not be practical for that. Plus they'd likely need to get in touch with the map's author for details, help, or permission (unless they're intent on circumventing the author for whatever reason), and protection makes that step necessary.
Lolz, to tell ya the truth, I can't see most newb map makers that would want to change ur map even finding where to dl it. Not even I'm sure!
REMOVED: Was way out of line.
Actually many of us do want to see more unlocked maps as well. That should stll be a choice on the mapper's part, though.
No, it shouldn't, and it isn't. The maps belong to this company called 'Blizzard', we just make them.
Also, I dont think what exo6yte said is correct, look at many of the main elitists, I mean, LW made the program, for one, Yoshi is completely for it, I don't see how you can say elitist are against unprotection, many are, but many aren't. I still don;t see what the trouble truly is, bragging rights? Who really knows who the friggin map makers are, I sure don't for most maps, I agree with moose in that it may have been a better idea to make a read only program, but I don't truly care either way, protection just hid many great maps triggers and ideas from the world
QUOTE(exo6yte @ Sep 20 2006, 11:02 PM)
Your inflated ego isn't helping here. You seem to think you're some kind of elitist god of mapping. Anyone else here or on could improve on your maps, please deflate yourself before speaking further.
No, it shouldn't, and it isn't. The maps belong to this company called 'Blizzard', we just make them.
You know, for their halloween w3 mapping contest, they actually mention in the rules that authors can submit a 'protected' copy as well the regular. I can't speak for them, but it seems they
do respect protection. At least on principal.
Trying to liberate maps isn't elitist. They've taken all of the restricted maps and tossed them out of the cartographer's secret tower and allowed the masses to learn of their secrets. LegacyWeapon and Yoshi are not elitist, in fact, they've been shunned by the elitist power structure here for their attempts at liberation.
QUOTE(Tuxedo Templar @ Sep 20 2006, 11:07 PM)
You know, for their halloween w3 mapping contest, they actually mention in the rules that authors can submit a 'protected' copy as well the regular. I can't speak for them, but it seems they do respect protection. At least on principal.
On the flip side, they wouldn't allow protected maps in the contest for creating maps for WWI. They support WC3 protection, but not Brood War protection.
"Your inflated ego isn't helping here. You seem to think you're some kind of elitist god of mapping. Anyone else here or on could improve on your maps, please deflate yourself before speaking further."
You dont have to go in for personal attacks, also, I was just wondering, who removed this

I actually felt I went too far, because I respect Tuxedo Templar.
My only use i could ever think of for OSMap is to get sound files, other than that i think it's pretty useless.