That was the idea I had for Light, Medium, Heavy.
Every time you changed weight from these 3 classes, 1 string would be used to give a message. It would be like this...
Light : Movement non-imparred.
Medium : Movement slowed.
Heavy : Movement slowed. Random ordered hold positions. Spells, skills disabled completely.
In these three classes, which will be level upped every 11 levels to ensure gold max and item max for each is changed. So it will be divided up into levels...
Level Light Medium Heavy
0-11 0-15 16-20 21-N/A
12-22 0-20 21-30 31-N/A
23-33 0-25 26-40 41-N/A
34-44 0-30 31-50 51-N/A
45-55 0-35 36-60 61-N/A
56-66 0-40 41-70 71-N/A
67-77 0-45 46-80 81-N/A
78-88 0-50 51-90 91-N/A
89-99 0-55 56-100 101-N/A
These numbers are for pounds. For messurements for yourself, 16 ounces is equal to 1 pound. Potions can be anywhere from 2-8 ounces. More intensive equipment will require the bulk of the amount. Gold will be seperate and cap based on this equation...
L x 100 = Gold Cap; L = Level
For storage purposes, you may use banks. Banks can hold an infinite amount of gold and will randomly collect interest over time.
None of this is completely offical, max gold might change based on upgrade requirments and other modifications in time.
Correction... Gold will be capped based on the Light/Medium/High system where as 1 gold is equivolent to 1 ounce. This is as I see fit, more realistic where gold is the most heavy mass you have. Banks will be ready to help you store this gold infinitely and might even have events such as Bank Fire, Robbery, and Fraud which could reduce your gold or leave you with nothing at all... I think I will have this only when you have the ability to help the bank catch or provent these events from happening, thus making it more stable.