Thank you very much Moose, I appreciate it.
As for answering your questions:
How many people actually beat the campaign here (the broodwar one)?
I beat the blizzard campaign, all missions no cheats. The hardest mission was zerg expansion mission 8 (UGH TERRAN + Zerg = EVIL!!

The Terran Dominion as we know it never included the new Broodwar units in their army, only the UED did. I say it because it was odd to see Medics and Valkiries in the 2nd map, and I must say it really hurts when medics help the Black Guard Infantry, they make them almost invincible.
First of all, technically I'm SURE the dominion would research such medic/valkyrie technologies after dealing with the UED for so long. Second of all, they are limited production, so their use is relatively minor.
The other one is that it's very annoying to complete the mission objective of "exterminating the whole Black Guard". I mean, even if a cloacked ghost survives, you still have to kill it, which makes the map even longer. IMO the objective should change to "destroy all the Black Guard buildings", but that's just my opinion.
Actually, you do not have to kill them all. You simply have to secure the area around the Black Guard command center. Outlying buildings do not effect this condition. However, units do, as the command center cannot be secured if there are still units guarding it.
Despite the above comments, the campaign IS really great. It took me a lot of time to get past the Zerg Heroes in the first mission (actually I haven't got past them yet ) , good job. I also liked the idea of the infested Protoss buildings.
Why do people find it so hard?! Just micro it out, and you'll have minimal casualties! Usually I can kill the devouring ones without losing any units whatsoever. A good tip is to lure one at a time to a group of zealots (by moving near them, NOT firing them), and remember to rotate out units with low shields. This will preserve your units for much longer.
"How many people have beaten this?"
Well, I have beaten missions one and two personally. I have seen someone beat the third one (I sort of got lazy

), and I came VERY close on the 4th mission (Forgot to put artanis and on hold and he ran off after an overlord, running into like 4 spores = 12 mutalisks in the process). Each of the missions ARE possible though. I've seen harder after all...
I could beat it, but I'm lazy. Volcove was there when I was owning.
Well, Mission 2 tends to be a battle of attrition. They aren't very powerful offencively, but they tend to survive for a long time. Most lose patience, but one must have faith
One more note:I am almost done with LoK 5 but I need an idea. As you may know, it is an installation mission where you are zerg (Infested Kerrigan is on your side) on a mission to kill Mengsk (at least thats the part I'm working on), but whats a cool way for the battle to be like? I need some ideas!!
Thanks in advance