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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> New Melee Campaign in the works!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Volcove99 on 2005-03-15 at 19:21:07
As those whom RP know, I created the Volc's world series of RP maps, but recently I took a liking to creating melee-type missions after playing through the campaigns provided with the disk. Thus, I am creating a campaign that, storyline-wise, occurs soon after the Brood War campaign ends. It is called...

The Legacy of Kerrigan!!

The first set will consist of 6 missions, as well as 4 cinematic movies. I'm just touching them up + making two more of the cinematic movies, but you can play them here. Post any problems you find; they might be bugged in some ways.

Mission 1: Fight for Survival
Your race: Protoss
Enemy race(s): Zerg

As Infested Kerrigan, leader of the zerg swarm, lay waste to the final fleets that attempted to slay her, the protoss survivors were left in a weakened state. The zerg went after the Dark Templar homeworld of Shakuras once again, but without their matriarch (Raszagal) or Zeratul to guide them, they were quickly overrun. Most of the planet became source to a massive zerg infestation, and most of the surviving protoss were imprisoned in stasis cells for later encorporation into the swarm. Among them is Praetor Artanis. As you are the last Executor standing, you must lead a small group of free protoss in an attempt to free your comrades if there is to be any hope of stemming the invasion...

Mission 2: Fall of the Black Guard
Your race: Zerg
Enemy race(s): Terran

Emporer Mengsk and the Terran Dominion were severely weakened from the attacks of both the UED and the zerg in recent times. Sensing a possible threat in the future, Infested Kerrigan sends you to the surface of Korhal in order to establish a new hive cluster, as well as to kill the elite Black Guard that protects Mengsk's command center. The main issue is resource management, as there is a very limited resource pool still available on the planet after all the warfare that has taken place in earlier times...

Mission 3: Seige of Old Earth
Your race: Terran
Allies races: Terran
Enemy race(s): Zerg

As the UED in the Kropulu sector have all been slain, many zerg broods have been sent the very long distance to attack the terran homeworld of Earth. Intelligence reveals that the zerg are attempting to infest the Earth capital of Washington E.X., and as a general in Earth's defense, you must reinforce the armies at Washington and repel the zerg invasion at all costs...

Mission 4: The Search
Your race: Protoss
Enemy race(s): Zerg, Protoss, Terran

While the Citadel of Shakuras is secure, the majority of the planet is still infested. Artanis has determined that the first thing that must be done is to strengthen our numbers. A protoss fleet has been discovered in an abandoned space port near Shakuras, but it appears that the zerg, the terran UED survivors, and even Aldaris' followers (continuing the revolt against the dark templar) have allied in order to take your forces out before you can rescue these fleets. This isn't the worst of it, as a strange energy signature within the depths of the port could become the greatest threat of all...

Mission 5: Assassination
Your race: Zerg
Enemy race(s): Terran

The black guard protecting Mengsk' headquarters has been slaughtered, and Kerrigan moves into the command center itself to take revenge against her former commander and slay Mengsk once and for all. While it seems easier to just destroy the command center itself, Kerrigan wants to ensure that it is done by her own hands. As well, she also wants to seek certain terran genetic files in order to further amplify her zerg swarm...

Mission 6: Purification
Your race: Terran
Enemy race(s): Zerg?

It appears that the long-time betrayer of the UED, Samir Duran, has returned with both a large continent of zerg and unusual psionic powers, and he is taking over Earth's moon (which apparently has a large quantities of minerals and vespene gas below the surface). Only the General, Alan Schezar, survived the initial attack, and he will assist you as you seek out the abandoned terran outpost and fight back.

UPDATE- DOWNLOAD all 6 LoK Missions here!!


UPDATE- New Screenshots of all 6 missions!

The only way to reinforce your numbers is to free imprisoned Stasis Cells, like this one.
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Oh my god! There are hero zerg to deal with also!!!
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The reinforcements from stasis cells can range from zealots to dragoons to even archons.
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Sometimes, infested protoss bases are discovered. You can take them back under your control by destroying the infestation on the structures...
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At the start of mission 2, a friendly zerg force attacks your landing area.
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Your Hunter Killers rip through these bunkers and infantry with ease, allowing you to build a hatchery near the minerals.
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As your somewhat crowded zerg hive cluster grows, the minerals diminish, meaning that you must seek a new source early on.
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The swarming attack on the nearby resource patch proceeds...
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(The Mission 3 & 4 screenshots will be in the next post)

More information, as well as screenshots and map previews, will be posted at a later time.

Thanks to FiberLight- and Shinigami[rps] for helping to provide the screenshots happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by 007Torrasque on 2005-03-15 at 19:23:45
sounds very interesting, it might be one of those ocampaigns-id-rather-play-than-the-blizzard campaigns
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Volcove99 on 2005-03-15 at 19:26:25
Hey cool you chose the same avatar as me happy.gif

Well, the people who tested it seem to like it alot. Plus, it is much more challenging then most of the campaigns from blizzard, but it is not so difficult that its impossible tongue.gif


Even when the terrans develop new energy cannon defenses, they are disabled once the nearby generator is bombed, allowing these battle labs to quickly be swarmed upon... (poor scientists [High Templars])
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Even with this setback, your force lands to fight back and find a place to settle near the city.
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Resistance is heavy, and time is against you...
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Even while you build up, the zerg continue to harass you, as the time until the primary assaults begin slowly dwindles down...
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This is the busy center of the grand capital of Earth. You must ensure that this structure does not fall. (fortunately, they vision you at a certain point)
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Soon, a side objective becomes protecting this power generator. If it dies, then all the energy defense cannons in the city will be disabled...
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You begin with a relatively substantial base in LoK 4, but even with Artanis as backup, you will be in for some tough times.
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The enemy attacks are quite ferocious even in the early parts of the mission... A powerful defense helps immensely.
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New resource bases are particularly difficult to capture, as the enemy constantly brings additional forces to hinder your expansion attempts.
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Many fleets are trapped between dozens of enemy forces, and you will have to protect them until the way is clear. (Note that you are actually blue in the mission, not red. I merely didn't change the colors when I took this screenshot...)
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Report, edit, etc...Posted by warhammer40000 on 2005-03-15 at 19:28:29
It sounds really cool. I think u just might ressurect some of that melee campaign stuffvs!!!
gl on ur map! pinch.gif pinch.gif pinch.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lithium on 2005-03-15 at 22:21:41
iam his actor... PRAISE MY UBER MICRO!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by 007Torrasque on 2005-03-16 at 08:56:12
nice screens volocove smile.gif happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Volcove99 on 2005-03-16 at 09:59:12
Thankee, I'm posting more now happy.gif

Chaotics, ur "micro" sux, u got pwnt by those dev ones during ur run-through!!

Edit: Wewt screenshots of LoK 5!!
Edit (again): LoK 6 screenshots! FINALLY!!

Much of the compound is riddled with excessive traps, so you have to tred carefully.
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Any computer terminal can be accessed, doing various things such as hacking cameras or opening doors, but only Kerrigan can access them.
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Kerrigan's cloak comes in very handy against heavy defense encampments, but you must be careful to destroy nearby cameras first.
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Many chunks of rubble stand in the way, and only infested terrans can blow them to bits.
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LoK 6 begins with the introduction (sort of) of Alan Schezar. He also arrives with a small platoon of men for the beginning of the mission.
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These special structures (Mineral Derrick) mines minerals and earth from the depths of the moon itself. Protect them well, for they are your only source of income.
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A special unit (replaces the ghost) is the psi trooper. Elite psionic warriors that can employ ghost skills with ease, and also absorb energy spawns (see below) for energy.
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Powerful Hybrids like the Spectral guard the various waygates (that teleport at the top left), which allow you to teleport around the map.
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Vulture spider mine systems are replaced with Energy Spawn creation systems. While they are weak, they serve both as scouts and fuel for the Psi Trooper (can be consumed).
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Strangely, the protoss reside alongside the zerg... pure evil...
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Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShadowBrood on 2005-03-16 at 10:20:27
Pretty cool. Make it soon, I wanna play. happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Volcove99 on 2005-03-16 at 10:26:34
Thanks, once the third one is finalized, I'll post em in the DL section. Also, you can play them on Bnet, as there are at least two observer slots on each map, so you can have friends watch you get pwnt happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tarh on 2005-03-16 at 10:26:52
I don't really care for UMS campaigns / melee games, but this looks like it is coming along awesome! If it is half as good as your RPs, it'll be worth checking out!

There are some high expectations on this, so make sure it's the best thing that I have ever seen in my life! No pressure though . . . wink.gif

By the way, are any of these going to be 2 player? That would cool . . . a 2 player campaign, it's almost like this is what Blizzard intended us to make! WOW, A REAL MAP MAKER! w00t.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by swat on 2005-03-16 at 10:28:06
beer.gif hey it looks good ill play it eat.gif abd eat it ya that sucked um if u need a tester just ask me
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Volcove99 on 2005-03-16 at 10:33:48
Unfortunately, no. I considered & tried making them for multiple player, but they never work out too well. Maybe I'll try again in the near future <_<

Like I said, you can have friends observe so they can see JUST how much you suck at micro & macro happy.gif

Thanks I'll keep that in mind swat
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Fortune on 2005-03-16 at 11:51:30
It wouldn't be called a Melee Campaign, it would be called a Broodwar Campaign because it goes along with Broodwar's storyline. Melee is a totally different part of Starcraft.

I myself am making a series of maps that go along with the Broodwar Campaign to followup the Zerg Campaign at the end of Broodwar. My Campaign is a Terran Campaign, called The Subsequent to Death—which refers to the death of the Terran Dominion and The UED by the Zerg broods.

Anyways, good luck with your map(s), and I hope they come out well.

ADDED: I know a lot of background information involving the Broodwar Campaigns, so if you need any information on it or don't understand it, PM me.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tarh on 2005-03-16 at 11:54:55
Is there going to be a conclusion map to these 3 fights? Perhaps all 3 forces fighting to finish it? Hmm . . . wait a minute . . .


What if you started off in this last map as one of the forces attacking the other 2 forces in a step-by-step battle. Then, when you destroy your objective at the time, your power shifts to another side where you have to fight what you just made! w00t.gif That would be really cool! It would also work well against cheating because you have to be at least a certain strength to destroy your objective, so players won't purposely make a weak force so that it is easier to kill themselves! w00t.gif w00t.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Volcove99 on 2005-03-16 at 12:13:06
Thanks fortune but I think i know plenty already wink.gif

Uhh as for ur idea Tarh, it could be possible but it doesn't suit my campaign well pinch.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by warhammer40000 on 2005-03-16 at 16:38:58
Nice screenshots! it looks like its going 2 kick! Its gotta be better than the blizzard campaigns from what i c!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Volcove99 on 2005-03-16 at 18:16:10
Thx happy.gif

Those screenshots are from the early parts of the missions so no serious spoilers wink.gif

Also, mission 3 screenshots will be added shortly, as well as the maps themselves...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Fortune on 2005-03-16 at 18:42:30
Is this a Zerg Campaign? And if so how are you connecting it to the actual Broodwar Campaign?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Volcove99 on 2005-03-16 at 18:47:34
Although it heavily involves Kerrigan's zerg, the campaign switches views from all three races for a sense of balance and change. If you would read the mission summaries in the first post, you will see their connection to the primary brood war storyline.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by D_Scypher on 2005-03-16 at 20:52:08
Sounds good. I'm not much for melee UMS maps, and I'm pretty crappy at melee campaigns, but I'm willing to try this out. Good luck making it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Volcove99 on 2005-03-16 at 21:08:51
Thanks, but as long as you have good micro & macro, u should be ok. I'm somewhat lousy at melee, yet I can beat my own missions pinch.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-03-17 at 12:09:02
I say you in the shout box telling people to reply to this.. =/ anyways, long story short I decided to check it out.. These look absolutely awsome! I can't wait to see the finished product.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Fortune on 2005-03-17 at 12:18:24
What people don't seem to understand throughout this thread is that campaigns are NOT melee. They have melee elements involved in them, but side-quests to go along with the storyline.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Volcove99 on 2005-03-17 at 18:00:23
I suppose so, but technically it STILL is melee-based. After all, it uses the same concepts & stats of melee.

And sorry i post this in the shoutbox alot but I just want ppl to know about it biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Fortune on 2005-03-18 at 12:20:25
Will any of the Broodwar heroes be characters in your campaign? I think that would add a lot to it if so.

I plan on having heroes in mine.
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