By request of topic creator, moved to maps in production and renamed to "risk".
I hope theres no nuking, or the person whos being nuked will never find the dot..
All fighting is controlled by dice. Just to illustrate the kills I will probably have the units fight each other (in an area off to the side) by disabling invincibility of the ones I want to die.
Man, I never played risk before but I hope this game teaches me..
are you going to include a intro-explanation of how the game goes?
I am wondering how you will use theunit placing for amries?
Will you have tokens that people place in their land like in the real game?
Or what are you going to do?
Sorry if question had been asked before
There will be a prompt whenever you're supposed to do something.
For unit placement, I will probably have an area off to the side with a bunch of unit tokens (and probably ones with different values, like the horse and cannon and stuff). You'll move some of these to a given area on the same block of land, and then use the comsat on the territory that you want to place them in and it will add them to that territory. This will repeat until you've placed all your armies for that turn.
The territories aren't going to hold the units themselves because some of them are too small, such as britain and japan. The number of armies will be represented by the HP of the start location, and I'll keep track of it by burrowing zerg units underneath the start locations.
I'm also doing something similar for territory selection in the beginning of the game. Each player selects one territory at a time with their comsat.
QUOTE(Heimdal @ Apr 5 2005, 07:39 AM)
There will be a prompt whenever you're supposed to do something.
For unit placement, I will probably have an area off to the side with a bunch of unit tokens (and probably ones with different values, like the horse and cannon and stuff). You'll move some of these to a given area on the same block of land, and then use the comsat on the territory that you want to place them in and it will add them to that territory. This will repeat until you've placed all your armies for that turn.
The territories aren't going to hold the units themselves because some of them are too small, such as britain and japan. The number of armies will be represented by the HP of the start location, and I'll keep track of it by burrowing zerg units underneath the start locations.
I'm also doing something similar for territory selection in the beginning of the game. Each player selects one territory at a time with their comsat.
We clarified the issue-- you can't detect when or where a comsat ability is used. Try a corsair owned by each player, with only the player whose turn it is having energy to use disruption web, and detect those.
QUOTE(Heimdal @ Apr 3 2005, 09:24 PM)
I really wanted to use the HP of the start locations to show the number of armies, but I don't know if that will be possible. I don't think it will be feasible to have actual units inside the countries, because some of them are too small.
Interesting that i actually just now saw this thread. I thought of alot niffty stuff when i was thinking of doing pretty much the same thing. I thought of having burrowed units covering the terrain over each country. Then you could change the ownership to light up a country with who owns it. You could also use the same units to make a country flash when selected or attacked like a super ping.
Oh yeah if you used HP for armys your limited to 100 armys. Although unless your using increasing value risk card bonus then it is quite unlikely that a country will get more than 100 units but still very possable.
For your selection of places to attack i think it would be best to remain simple. Have an drop ship over each country you control. To attack a country you would fly the dropship to a borrdering country and drop a unit ( 1 2 or 3 indicateing how many armys are attacking).
PS. Your riskboard is ugly, I actually scanned mine. But when i did my board i didn't try to make it isometric terrain. I ended up using bmp2scm, didn't turn out as nice as i would have liked it to lol.
Hmm, I suppose you're right about the comsat thing. That seriously puts a dent in some of my ideas. I'll have to think of something else, I guess.
Some risk versions that I've played on the computer limit each country to 99 armies, so I don't think I'll have a problem there if I just do the same.
Let's see you make a better one, bolt =P
No thats not what i was saying heimdal. I'm sorry.
I ment your
scan of the risk board sucked not your terrain. Even if i tried to do better i don't think i would, not by any real noticable differance anyway.
Here is my scan of my riskboard. I edited the colors so i could use bmp2scm on it. Its not perfect but it is still pretty sweet.
I think he mostly has a different risk board than you...
Ah...I didn't scan it, I just found one off Google image search.
I know that, the image is still a 'scan' regardless of if you did it yourself or not. (unless it is a photograph). Thats why i scanned mine i couldn't find a image of a risk board that i liked.
I guess were off topic now.
Didn't I say to have a super ping in almost the first post?
Using burrowed units wouldn't quite work...The player that owns them could unburrow them. Unless there's a way to make units un-unburrowable that I don't know about...
I belive you can just disable burrowing for the human players and create them burrowed for the comp. Give the burrowed unit to the human then (might have to use lurkers or something)
You could always give the unit to a neutral player and back constantly.
Hmm, DK came up with a way to affect player upgrades with extended players... you should ask him if toggling burrow wouldn't be possible. I honestly don't remember (except that changing atk/armor ups isn't possible).
Dunno if that's what you wanted.
QUOTE(Fortune @ Apr 1 2005, 07:35 PM)
Antarctica is not really a continent, although it's said to be the seventh continent. It's merely just a large sheet of ice, one of the polar caps. It happens to be gigantic though.
Besides, what country in their right mind would try and settle in Antarctica? It's cut off from the rest of the world and is practically lifeless and uninhabitable.
I cannot let this go, Antarctica is indeed a continent, and it is a landform - not a sheet of ice.
Definition of continent
One of the principal land masses of the earth, usually regarded as including Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.
The continents are defined by those 7 names, it doesn't really matter if Antartica is a little different than all of the rest.
Animals also DO live in antartica. If you can't classify antartica as a continent then how do you classify islands as islands? Technically isnt EVERYTHING surrounded by water.
QUOTE(devilesk @ Apr 7 2005, 02:22 PM)
Animals also DO live in antartica. If you can't classify antartica as a continent then how do you classify islands as islands? Technically isnt EVERYTHING surrounded by water.
Yeah Greenland is said to be the largest island. I have wondered the same thing some times, Why is Greenland an island and the the entire European/African/Asian land mass isn't. I'm sure theres some other little description that is more indepth of surrounded by water, or a single ocean.
... Maybe thats it, Greenland is the largest land mass surrounded by a single ocean.
Edit: or does it borrder the artic ocean as well as alantic? Wow mass confusion. Wow major off topic.
Antarctica isn't even in Risk.
Anyway, after talking to Bolt we figured out a decent method for selecting countries, since the comsat thing won't work. Every player will have a set of corsairs, probably one or two over each continent. The player will hotkey these at the beginning of the game. Whenever you need to select a country, just hit the number and then d-web the country in question. At the beginning of each turn they will be returned to their original locations so they don't all end up in the same area.
Now are you going to make the card sytem be exactly like the game where there is a country on it and when you turn them in and own that country you get bonus me?
O, dont forget to do fortifications
What you could do is have burrowed units for the computer or a nutral player or something for the unit count. Then you could have a beacon for the possetion part. So you have the beacon (or something else that doesn't move, I felt like saying beacon.) for who owns it, then the computer could even have normal units so you could count them.
QUOTE(Battleaxe3 @ Apr 7 2005, 04:33 PM)
Now are you going to make the card sytem be exactly like the game where there is a country on it and when you turn them in and own that country you get bonus me?
O, dont forget to do fortifications
Its kinda hard to forget fortifications. There very much a big part of risk.
I've worked out systems for fighting, selecting territories, fortifying, and showing the number of armies in a territory. I will probably not be putting country symbols on the cards, but I will be using the different icons and requiring that you make an actual set of three.
The only thing I'm not really sure about how to do is ensuring that two countries are next to each other when someone wants to attack. One of my goals in this map is to not have to make a trigger specifically for each territory. Everything else I'm pretty sure I can make a general case for.