I actually have a few questions if you have the time to answer them:
1. I've started testing some extended(EX) units too, they're cool

I've started at 8000 because I noticed no one was really talking about them, and I aslo read that all the units after (I think) 9000 would crash. I am I right or will all the units after 8000 crash as well?
2. How are you guys testing these? I have a few units of mine in the game to test things such as if the EX unit attacks, can be recalled, ect... I do not start the map looking at the the EX unit or any of my units around it but I have 4 map revelers around the EX unit. I am testing on desert terrain and in single player. Does any of this make a difference in testing?
3. I've already noticed a pattern after I got to about 8016 with the EX units (I haven't gone that far because I need to know question 1 before I continue). Every fourth unit is a "special" unit. It ALWAYS goes: [8001]vesvaine orb/sac/tank (I haven't seen a vesvaine tank yet but I assume there will be one at about 8041), [8002]an unknown sprite (possibly a bullet), [8003]and then an infested terran. [8004,8008,8012,etc...]After that its a different unit every time. Is there a pattern like this for other numbers as well?
What do you mean by this? Is the graphic in Starforge or in Starcraft? Because the graphic of an extended unit in starforge doesn't mean anything, and we're not really looking for cool sprites and stuff, we're looking for units that could be used in maps or just fun to screw around with.