If I can't have any of those units (above), ill take broodling
OOOhhh for disgusting food:
no seriously i hate oatmeal
and also that stuff that you find under the stove.. Lint? Old macaroni? Fries? Chicken? WHO KNOWS!!
Oh yah and "Mystery Meat" ... It might not even be meat like Sweet bread isn't bread.
Oh and for cooking mistakes:
Sneeze in the guys food
Overwork and get sick and barf on the floor (or in guys food)
Fall asleep and food starts on fire
Forget to tie shoelaces and trip and send frying pan in guys face (ok too creative)
Cut your hand and bleed in guys food.
Overcharge a customer
"Kill" a customer (um... how would be up to you...

Lets see what else... OH OH
You forget your sterile gloves
You forget your hairnet (unless guys is bald then put a hair net on his armpit hair)
You accidentally burn yourself and die. ... ok GG
You forget to pay power bills

You forgot to add "Real food" in the dish
You accidentally serve the customer the dish of dog food for your dog...
You accidentally drop a knife and cut your toe and bleed on the floor
You accidentally drop your keys in the soup
You fart in the oven burner and it explodes
I can get more but otherwise it might be spamming

BTW: None of these ever happened to me... except for the barfing in my food part... seriously... IM NOT JOKING