Is there a ware house where you can store your inventory?
Well there just be one customer until u completed his order, or are there a real line?
Is it possible you can get robbed?
What if some people have to much to drink?
What if you spoil the food, can they sue you?
Ok, Here goes..
1.Yes there is, you carry a bag with you however, to keep your supplies in, you have to return to the warehouse/backroom thing when you run out of supplies, and when you have no more in the warehouse you need to goto the store and put your bar on hold to buy more items.
2. The game will be real time, and the ammount of customers depends on the "popularity" of your bar. If you become more popular, then more customers will come, however along with more customers you must cook faster or the customers will leave without paying and your popularity will go down.
3. No, its not.. You have kung fu ninja master powers that explode robbers within a 300 mile radius..
4. They stumble out quietly without bothering any of the general public.
5. If you spoil the food, (burn it) or if you serve the customer the wrong food, the customer will walk out and popularity will go down.
6. ...I made my own question sorta.. The point of the game is to reach perfect popularity, seeing as how things get much harder as your popularity gets higher, it will be quite hard to do.. Every week, you sort of "Pay Rent" but its more of bribing the health inspector.. If you fail to pay the health inspector his money he will close your bar and it will be gg, possibly a rm because the game will be awesome..
Can i be an annoying ghost that ruins everybody's time by screaming "D E M O N" and popping caps in everyone?
I'll take a Goliath if you're allowing large Mechs, or Infested Duran if you aren't.
K then, you can have duran, THERE WILL BE NO LARGE UNITS ALLOWED!