I have a better idea.
Protoss = Strongest. Fewest units.
Terran = Medium. Medium amount of units.
Zerg = Weak. Lots of units.
It more accurately reflects the different races.
QUOTE(Snake)Ling @ Jul 22 2005, 08:31 AM)
I have a better idea.
Protoss = Strongest. Fewest units.
Terran = Medium. Medium amount of units.
Zerg = Weak. Lots of units.
It more accurately reflects the different races.

There we go... someone who knows how the Starcraft world works.
Well both of the tactics work because they both show us the races! the way i did mine was what happens in a melee game! 3 Zealots can take out around 10 Zergling's while it takes around 4 marines and 3 firebat to take out a zerg base! The Protoss can attack with 3 Zealots to a Marine base and they get taken out really quickly! just sit 2 bunkers full of firebats and 2 behing it full of marines and the protoss will take them down! But send in around 20 lings and watch the bunkers burn! Thats how i look at things anyway!
I look at things numerically.
Zerg units are cost efficient, quicky produced, and statistically weak. The obvious tactic? Create hordes of Zerg units to easily exterminate the other races.
Terran units are... different. The Terrans are very specialized. For example, the Firebat is only really good for killing Zerglings, while a platoon of marines with stimpacks and medics is needed to take out a dozen zealots, while only a platoon of marines is exterminated by a dozen zealots. And more. So, since the Terrans are weaker but highly specialized, they are middle of the road.
Protoss units are high-cost, high quality. It takes a few 'Toss units to kill a bunch of Terrans and Zergs.
Attached demo shows patrol routes. Units spawn at different frequencies and numbers depending on race. Note that this version is non-interactive. Just, uh... watch. Suggestions on improvements appreciated.

Omg I loved Your WoS 1&2 And I can't wait for This one to come out, Ive been posting all around trying to find out if your maken this and I got a link to here, and I just cant wait till your done,
If you ever need help testing or anything like that please tell me, I would love to help
My Name in Sc is Loki[BoF]
cant wait till your done
Good news! I've saved a bunch of money on car insurance!
Kidding (don't have a car

So, I've gotten a great big chunk of the Terran side done, received positive feedback from B.neters.
Take it out for a spin!
UPDATE: Sorry to everyone one who already downloaded 003... here's another update! All Terran units done, with the exception of the Heroing option.

Awesome! *downloads*
Nice map! I like your "One among many" idea as well as its actual execution. Hope you finish this soon! Races seem to be balnced well, additionally.
I like one among many maps. So much more immersive. In fact, that was the basic idea for most of my maps.
Protoss demo!!
While Protoss resembles Terran somewhat in training, there are many things that separate the two races:
Protoss Exclusives:
- Purchase robots to aid you (Observer, Shuttle, Reaver, Corsair)
- Morph between states (Templars and their respective Archon forms)
- If you die, you will be turned into a Dragoon! You need 5000 minerals to be resurrected as a Zealot form again, or you can just play out the rest of the game as a brain in a jar!
- More to come!
So far, all the Gateway units are available. Observer and Shuttle are available for purchase, but you need to be rank Praetor (complete either Templar training) to purchase the Shuttle. Respawning/resurrecting as Dragoon are also completed for the units available.
Could you make sunken colonys and all that have the damage normal? It's very annoying instantly dieing in one hit...
QUOTE(Kumano @ Aug 25 2005, 10:54 AM)
Could you make sunken colonys and all that have the damage normal? It's very annoying instantly dieing in one hit...
You're not supposed to go near them in the first place, because they protect the spawn points.
New demo!
The Protoss side has been finished!
Moderate bug fixes.
Daily updates on the demos is getting redundant, but I'd like to keep it up to date.
The 4 standard items (Medipack, Nanobot, K-Crystal, T-Port) are now all finished. Buy them for insane prices at the Science Facility/Citadel of Tassdar!
Can someone post the links to WOS1 and WOS2 ??
Look at the first post...
Official beta. I've spent a while weeding out bugs, and have added the tech tree to the Mission Briefings.
Will now work on getting screenshots to put in Map Showcase.
Be sure the fix the zerg bug fast as you can. (Brown gets so many units you cant move)
QUOTE(Ninebreaker123 @ Sep 15 2005, 07:40 PM)
Be sure the fix the zerg bug fast as you can. (Brown gets so many units you cant move)
The problem was the Zerg Expansion Area Town script. I will experiment with Terran or Protoss Area Town scripts for the Zerg player in lieu of its native one, perhaps that should fix it.
How come you put the corsair in the robot category? I clicked on it and it has a protoss piloting it.
QUOTE(lazyjoe21 @ Sep 15 2005, 09:07 PM)
How come you put the corsair in the robot category? I clicked on it and it has a protoss piloting it.
Because you can't create a Hero Corsair.
That is the main reason, but there are also other reasons influencing this decision. The Dark Archon, for example, does not have a Hero unit either, but it can be tied to the Hero Dark Templar, and has enough spells to be a fully functional unit. Disruption Web is really the only spell that a Corsair has, and the main use for this would be to attack the Sunkens/Photons/Bunkers. However, if the Corsair was a main unit, it would be incapable of attacking those ground units when you're the only player in the game, and by the time you switched your unit, the Disruption Web could have worn off. In addition, the Corsair's air attack would compliment a Dark Templar or Zealot player, who has no direct Anti-Air attack otherwise.
This map will so own, i can feel it in my text