I'm not going to work on this map for a while due to the virus. My dad isn't going to reformat my computer anytime sooner, so, it's going to be on hold for the next few days. If it doesn't get done by then...well, we'll just have to see.

Anyways, I'm still working on spells. I'll give PodFedJay some credit in this for helping me with some of the names. I'd also like to announce that I will be using a day/night system. Different events might occur at night, as well as encountering different monsters.
The music going to be used is from FFT (Final Fantasy Tactics, not the GBA version, the PS version), so expect the music to sound good and have good quality. Even compressing the music might not change the fact I might use 2-5MB worth of music.
That's all I have to say for now.