QUOTE(Spartan. @ Jul 15 2005, 03:55 PM)
I Dont know exactly what ur saying about tha game engine or CPU usage but as long as the LAG is gone I LOVE THIS MAP
I'm afraid I can't just make the lag disappear.. for many players the lag is completely gone now, but for others the lag is still there, but lessened to a significant degree. At this point it's turning out to be a matter of luck, but I'm keeping lag levels in mind as I move forward.
QUOTE(iamandragon @ Jul 17 2005, 08:45 PM)
My friend and me were testing out 0.4...And after awhile we both stopped to get reinforcements...Why?
I don't think I had the reinforcement triggers coded up to higher levels, but the higher levels were attainable anyways. So you can level up but you'll "outgrow" the reinforcement triggers eventually. This isn't a bug, don't fret it too much.
QUOTE(Phoenix)Soul) @ Jul 19 2005, 10:28 AM)
I think you should. It would certainly prove to those doubters that you fixed the problem. Without a doubt, everyone will be turned and stare in awe and amazment at all that has been completed. (Man I'm full of BS. I'm just doin this so I can use all the specials

I think a demo release of 0.6 or 0.7 would be a good catalyst for progress, so I'll be working towards a demo within the next few days.