Deathknight: STOP, This doesn't fit any other forum, sorry.
Answer: NO, This doesn't belong in a forum because it belongs in a Private Message if directed towards a specific person. But since you decided to post it out like this, now the whole community's on your back.
All the "as you knew it would" crap is bull:poo:, I don't even predict anything, hell I don't even think when I tell people my discoveries.
Lost your replays? Well boo hoo.
Long history? You mean, long time ago.
No, I did not know the extended unit deaths would require a patch. New problems are almost NEVER caused by new patches.
Did I even SAY I hated Starcraft? Starcraft is basically the only PC game in my life, why would I play it so much if I hated it? If I hated it, nobody would be playing Starcraft by now. I'd make hacks if I hated it, I'd completely destroy the entire game if I hated it, YOU probably wouldn't be playing it if I hated it. There would be exploits revealed beyond your most :censored:ed nightmares. If I hated it I'd learn programming too.
I'd love to see that legal action. Yeah, come to Canada and arrest me...
Reason: Finds bugs in Starcraft: Broodwar.
Uh huh... ok there.
Well <big surprised sound here> WOW, IT CORRUPTS REPLAYS!1 CORRUPT REPLAYS WILL AFFECT EVERYONE AND DESTROY ALL OF STARCRAFT!!1 OH MY GAWD!!1 :censored:ing deal with it, but god, I really need to call you a newbie for the replay thing. The replays aren't important. Blizzard doesn't care about the replays. Game > Replays. Replays are worthless.
and making exploitative maps turns people away from Starcraft who may later play competitively.
What the hell do you mean making exploitive maps? I was enhancing the mapping aspect.
Technically, if DK wanted to bring these glitches to attention he would have sent them in to Blizzard and they would have fixed the bug and it would have never been spread throughout the mapmaking community.
Modding with maps, of course it's a good idea to spread through the community, it's practically what every mapper dreamed about. I've sent bugs to Blizzard in the past, and, "No Response". Why would I send anything to Blizzard now if they don't even respond to anything?
Plus this could be the "gateway" to other modification possibilities, mabye in melee.
Impossible. Stop being retarded. You can't run the triggers in melee anyway, so no changes can take place.
and the millions of "melee" players don't care what you have to say
If you're one of them, and they don't care, then shut the
up and do what you have to do, completely ignore us, get the
off the website, you don't want to listen, so then why should we listen to YOUR bull:poo:?