i like losta music like in FF7 when arais gets killed and then you need to fight a boss they have realy dramtic music playing =p
or in FF9 the first 2 times you fight Batrix they play her theam
and in LOTR:TTA they play LOTR music! =p
And in this RPG, they play only 2 wavs!
I'll try to get what I can done, then I'll protect, then send it here. If that doesn't work, then I"ll show it to you guyz individually in B.Net... My sn is aE[Neiji]
K I submitted Demo to the RPG section. Should be there soon.
ah i didnt like the long fights

maybe u can make the fights shorter just a lil bit....

QUOTE(Neiji @ Sep 11 2005, 09:20 AM)
And in this RPG, they play only 2 wavs!
I'll try to get what I can done, then I'll protect, then send it here. If that doesn't work, then I"ll show it to you guyz individually in B.Net... My sn is aE[Neiji]
K I submitted Demo to the RPG section. Should be there soon.
=p lol ah well can't wate =p
Just attach the file here.. -__-;
No more space ---______----;;;;;;;
QUOTE(Neiji @ Sep 11 2005, 07:49 PM)
No more space ---______----;;;;;;;
=p lol
It's not funny... I really wanted to show u guyz...
*snap* darn...
How big do you want your bosses? As big as the first boss, where it's only made of 2 buildings or smaller, like units, or HUMONGOUS UBER BIG ones where there are like minions everywhere, crazy and there are items bein dropped everywhere, like Everarcha kind of...?
QUOTE(Neiji @ Sep 13 2005, 05:26 PM)
It's not funny... I really wanted to show u guyz...
*snap* darn...
How big do you want your bosses? As big as the first boss, where it's only made of 2 buildings or smaller, like units, or HUMONGOUS UBER BIG ones where there are like minions everywhere, crazy and there are items bein dropped everywhere, like Everarcha kind of...?
i vote Buildings
So, is that uber big, or small?
QUOTE(Neiji @ Sep 13 2005, 05:38 PM)
So, is that uber big, or small?
some big some small
I've made up my mind about first 3 bosses (only 1 available in demo, and only for Player 1):
Octopus Lord (A small village in the first island)
Great Mole Lord (Island Cave)
Queen Octopuss (Electricity Factory Ruins)
They will all be hard. Try to collect some summons before you fight them. I'll put a save point or something next to bosses if you guyz want...
Who's "we"? You're the only one in this topic.
You know, to keep this alive, some comments or at least some variety of people posting would be nice...
Ooh, if u guyz want, I could add a big war, like a helm's deep kind of war in there. Where you have to go through many missions thelp defend... How does that sound?
Sounds kool, man. Please dont quit it, the first one was great, except for glitches. The war thing sounds pretty cool too. PLEASE FINISH IT
I'll never go back on my word. That's my way of the Map Making!!
Man, if the first one was better, maybe there'll be more ppl posting here.
How often do the dl files get updated? I sent my demo a week ago...
this still looks so cool
P.S. what happend to your avatar..... the old one was better....
Sounds interesting , good luck Neiji and hope to see this map soon!
Damn my luck. I sent it right after they're tryin to find a new dl database guy... ANd ur avatar's so freakin hawt... Is that that girl from Final Fantasy 7, or is it real... I hope real...
To answer your FF7 inquery, no, that isn't real life, that is a screenshot from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. (Good movie, torrent it)

LIAR! thats me in real life

hehe and i know its hot
Holysin don't encourage Torrent downloading.. if u do Square Enix would earn less money to make more great games or anything....they would lose a lot
GO out and buy the movie when its out!!

Eh, it was a suggestion, it's not like I'm saying you should torrent me...but yeah, I see your concern.
Sry, but I've gotta finish the game before I watch the movie. How long is the game take to beat?
QUOTE(Neiji @ Sep 22 2005, 11:37 AM)
Sry, but I've gotta finish the game before I watch the movie. How long is the game take to beat?
Advent children is not a game it's a movie for the PS2
FF7 is a game... And i believe Advent Children is set after FF7? Or is it before...
Ive never played FF7 and I dont know things like this...