Okay. I see you weren't very satisfied with Part 1 being Turn Based and all, so I decided to go back to everybody's favorite... Real Time Combat. I'll put a lot of story into this as I did in the first one.
[center]Blazing Fang Part 2[/center]________
INTRO Tundros, the Slayer, the one who attempted to steal the Blazing Fang has been killed. But, the continent of Metalen has already fallen into Gakrouso, the Demon sealed inside Firefang's body. So, they move onto the next continent by boarding the S.S. Colossal, the massive steel ship of Metalen. But, Firefang and Laurgon was too late to escape. Gakrouso's evil has reached nearby continents. So, the ship sails into a massive storm caused by a mysterious creature. What happens next? They crash-land into an unknown continent... That's when the story starts...
Item Stores[In many RPGs, there is an Inn (Heal) and Item Store (Buy potions) In this RPG, there will be a lot more depth to them. In the Inn, it's a luxury inn, so there's a cafeteria and there will be a guy at front desk and everything. You don't buy everything in one store. To make it realistic, I added buying specific items at specific places.]
Here are some examples:
- Limit Pills
Effect: You are virtually invincible for a while, but it you are warned; it has devastating side effects.
Purchased at: Pharmacy
- Raw Meat
Effect: A satisfying meat chunk. You heal flesh wounds (shield) but not deeper wounds (HP). But you may be poisoned. Cook at Lakeview Hotel.
Purchased at: Supermarket (Also enemies drop them)
- Expensive Tea
Effect: Your energy (energy points) is refreshed. There are no side effects, except it is very expensive.
Purchased at: (Not available, but you get one for free in cafeteria at Lakeview Hotel)
That's it for items (for now)
The item shopping system will be this:
[For example. You enter the market. Go up to the reaver, you control the reaver. Item 1 is 10 gold, and keeps goin up by 10, since each scarab is 10 minerals, and item 1 = 1 scarab, item 2 =2 scarab, and so on. You kill a unit nearby to input your choice. So, say you want item 3, which is 30 gold. You build 3 scarabs, which will cost you 10 gold each, 30 total, and to buy it, you kill the unit nearby named "Buy."]*
Two player(MY first 2 player good RPG! YAY!)*
Fishing system[This is how it will go (it may be changed, but this is the plan):You rent a boat and go out in the lake. You put your hook out into the water. Fish may bite, or fish may not. If it bites, it goes to a minigame. It's like one of those things where you have to click it as fast as you can and you have to avoid the bottom or you get killed (Those vaccuum sucking parts in bounds). Well, if you move your fish up, you catch it, but if it goes down to that area, you lose the fish. I might or might not add bait, seeing if there are any units I can use for it.]*
Summoning[Summoning system will be simple. There is an area where the summons are stored If you use summon, you move that unit to you. So, if the summon dies, it's gone forever (So you don't go summon crazy). I haven't figured out the cost for summons should be, but when the demo is released, it will be free. Summons are rare and they can be obtained by minigames, defeating bosses, or killing certain rare monsters, or fishing (!!!). There are many different types of summonings. I have completed]:
- Archon (Thor, the God of Lightning)
- Splash damage for multiple enemes.
- Ghost (Krow, the Legendary Sniper)
- It has incredible attack, but has horrible defense. 5HP I think
- Seige Tank (Seiged) (Cactascious, the Giant Cactus)
- Greater Splash Damage
- Goliath (Pyrus, the Shadow Knight)
- Anti-Air Summon (Will be very hard to obtain)
- Carrier (Osiris, The God of the Dead)
- A very rare summon. Difficult to hit.
[I might take out upgrades. This way, you can NEVER overpower your bosses or enemies. but, you CAN get meat/fur/other items that might even be RARE! and sell them or use them.]More update to come!!!!
SCREENSHOTHere's some screenshots of the map:
Crash Landed!

Get away, you ugly octopuses! (Or Octopi)

Don't give a crap about ur village...

Lol... serves him right...

Let me through...

Kirby the Cook!

Here's boss 1. There's a strategy to kill him, since his tentacles regain health...

The Demohttp://www.staredit.net/index.php?download=4066Hmm this sounds interresting... put a lil bit more story line on the forums.. I would like to hear about it. and i guess i must play number 1 also ^_^
The first blazing fang wasn't bad. I liked it except there were bugs so I didn't even get deep into the game. This is looking good though. I look forward to seeing something unique

The first boss is too hard, I duno if you've fixed it, but after the lings spawn and the building goes invincible, the building just regenerates health to full again. Almost impossible to kill.
I just kinda like how the units talk and making the plot unfold
Keep up good work.

Oh, and the bug which your unit stays invincible if you move away while the first octopuses are talking to you. It only becomes uninvincible again somehow after the blam civilian came crying for help and the first ling on the ledge touched me.
It looks pretty awesome where can i download the first one? I wasnt here before

I liked the first one being turn based personally, i just disliked bugs like at one part I had to start over since my character wouldn't get given back to me... also in some cutscenes I didn't have any vision so I only heard what was happening.
Screwed, I thought I told u on B.Net. I had to add a player slot to get a dl spot. But, the player I picked for dl spot was the one wit hyper trigs, so I fixed that. And, I got the Lakeview Hotel done (Just name of hotel.) where u find out u can recruit another guy called Kirby to ur team if u catch a legendary dolphin. I made boss a lil easier by... oh I can't give that away...
The areas were too expansive with a lack of enemies. It felt like too much wasted space with what I played of it.
Thx. I'll add more, but I wanted each battle to have a purpose...
If it's hack and slash, why not have randomly spawning enemies at least?
There is. At the cave. And I'm adding a mini-boss in the cave too... it's a mole lol...
Hmm arnt we talking about numba 2 here. All i see is conversation on numba 1 ^_^
Yah random units be cool... Mby even make a few chase you.. and if they cetch up battle that be pretty cool ^_^ or w/e
is there a battle system?? or is it see unit kill unit??
Isn't the just fight random units what everybody likes? I mean look at LoH and all those other RPGs that everybody liked... I mean LIKED...
Also, I might remake the first one into a Hack and Slash also.
Just when you thought that this topic was about to be dead..
I'm releasing a demo, but it will be a 20 minute game, not reach a certain location... It will be released when I have the town on other side of cave done and summons done (That's right, you can summon! but, you gotta heal the summons and everythihng, cuz they get moved, not just created...)
Please make this more map "cleaner" then number one. Since in number one, the text and gameplay was too bland... honestly, I lost interest in the first five minutes. I think you should stimulate this game with extended terrain (the screenshots look so basic honestly) and a more "cleaner" text style. For example, hyping your speech when you talk to units, extended terrain, and more gameplay, not like the first one. If you need some extended terrain, contact me @ Reflektor. at US East.
P.S : No hate, just stating. I do not mean to offend you.
I don't use extended terrain. I don't know why. I like to keep my map focused not on terrain. I focus on gameplay. In this map, there'll be bosses that will have kewl effects, and stategies to beat them. I'm workin on a mole boss (side boss) in a cave that will be freakin hard...
Well, obviously... you don't concentrate on gameplay. Example : Blazing Fang # 1. Just plain boring.

Yeah, I gotta admit, it's hard to make a new system and try and make it good. I was just testing out new ideas with that map, and I happened to like the storyline, so I kept and made a part 2...
I can help you if you need it...
I'm working on the Second part, as this topic is about it, and there will be many things u have to solve, like your'e trapped in this ship, and u need to grease the floor, so a big invincible monster slips and breaks the blocked entrance... Also, this map will be 2 players...
JTTY, I added 2 players!! YAAY!! (As in you can play as one of 2 players)
I finished a little of Firefang's story (2 player) and to tell you, it's not just bosses you need a different thing than attacking to kill... I'll tell you the first one, which is an invincible ultralisk. Let's see... You have: A big ugly ultra goin full speed chasing after yhou, the entrance blocked by some rubble that would need something stronger than you to ram into it (The ultra's not that stupid to run into it...) and what's that you see on top of the stove? I hope you can use it for your advantage...
Demo will be released by Labor Day (I think that's this monday)...
Sweet, two players! I like how you made up that storyline, very fascinating. h.
Cool screenshot, expect to see more updates

3 days till labor day. I'll get as far as I can, then I'll stop there for demo. It's a 20 minute demo (Changed time limit)...
I'm gonna be adding a fishing system later in the RPG... So, any ideas on how I should do it? You can find rare items, meat, or catch a legendary fish that gets you another character...

its gonn be better than the part 1...i hope

I hope so too...
Damn DTs aren't doin their freakin job... They not blocking... might as well use SCM Draft... and *sigh* SOME extended...
I'm gonna update the first post...
(Demo comes out Monday)
If DT doens't block, how is extended terrain gonna help, "block"?
Uh, i mean like SCM Draft, they can have like the fine placement, so like the DTs don't move an all, cuz Xtra made them kinda stack, so they moved...