I have a nice suggestion as to how to make them read the FAQs. Present them all at registration, then after they've been "Read" make them do a nice multiple choicer. If they don't get a perfect score the registration is declined.
A large test would discourage members from joining, I don't know if that's good or bad.
So would making them read ~15 pages of FAQ's..
QUOTE(Syphon @ Feb 2 2006, 11:51 AM)
I have a nice suggestion as to how to make them read the FAQs. Present them all at registration, then after they've been "Read" make them do a nice multiple choicer. If they don't get a perfect score the registration is declined.
I say, do it!
And if they fail?
Do they retake it, or what?
And I think you're forgetting that the problem is here now.
Making new members take the test wont help the members here now.. or will it?
Idiots are the basis of SEN. Without them there would be no people to make fun of to boost the conversation. Sure its satisfying when after you work hard to make a case against them to get them banned and then they do, but then there's an empty void that needs to be replaced by another idiots. Currently, I think SEN is lacking the right people to fill that void. Therefore, activity goes down, and the quality goes down too.
Sure you have the immature members, but you need the kind of members that cause big arguments and controversy which spark heated arguments. It causes members to rally together in a common interest. Without these kinds of members, SEN is boring. In fact, this applies to any kind of group, community, or clan.
Well although the quality of SeN is going down i dont really know what to compare it to (i joined when sen was already down

) but if it can help i suggest having more community activities(such as the SeN comics

) so everyone can get to know eachother. Maybe we should revive the game night ive been there a couple times and about 5 people show up.
Also what ive seen in the Lite and Serious discussions is that after about the 3rd page where everyone has posted thier opinion it degrades rapidly as they try to disprove each others thoughts. i think that it should be locked at the first sign of that... but thats just me.
I also think that there should be stricter punishments. if a flamer or idiot only gets a 20% warn then they think they can do it 3 times more without any consiquences.
On a lot of posts i see(especially in the art and terrain forums) non-constructive criticism. Instead of telling them how to do something better they post degrading remarks.
Finnaly i think there should be more contests.
QUOTE(Dorkhawk @ Feb 2 2006, 03:13 PM)
And if they fail?
Do they retake it, or what?
And I think you're forgetting that the problem is here now.
Making new members take the test wont help the members here now.. or will it?
Make everyone take it right when it's initiated

If they retake they're obvious careing enoguh to want to be part of the community. Let them take it until they pass, it'll be good for them.
And would a 100% be needed or will you just have to get like 90+ to pass?
100% if you want to be strict, 90+ if you want to phase out much stupidity. 50+ Would be for the state currently.
Most people sign up for this site in order to submit maps and ask questions in the Map making assistance forum, though. Only a slim margin chooses to participate in the other forums. The test wouldn't be fair to most people.
Two step registration?
Regular registration to submit maps, extra registration (with quiz) to post.
Sounds good to me.
SeN use to be have faster replies but the more active people are leaving.
QUOTE(devilesk @ Feb 2 2006, 01:19 PM)
Idiots are the basis of SEN. Without them there would be no people to make fun of to boost the conversation. Sure its satisfying when after you work hard to make a case against them to get them banned and then they do, but then there's an empty void that needs to be replaced by another idiots. Currently, I think SEN is lacking the right people to fill that void. Therefore, activity goes down, and the quality goes down too.
Sure you have the immature members, but you need the kind of members that cause big arguments and controversy which spark heated arguments. It causes members to rally together in a common interest. Without these kinds of members, SEN is boring. In fact, this applies to any kind of group, community, or clan.
You're just obsessed with improving your grandiose view of yourself by belittling people. However, you do prove a point. People cooperate better when they have something in common, or a shared interest.
Cannot stop the people signing up for the forums just because not mature and amoung otherstuff. But i am getting sick of the flaming from newer people of SEN. Kinda makes forums look less pro. But what can we do about it? Nothing really because were just members and only thing can do is have our say and hope one of the Admins or mods do something about it. But inlong run i guess our best bet is to ignore the childish acts by less mature members. Doesnt help when more then 50% or so doesnt read the rules of the forum, Does anyone read them? I did =/
It's definatelty less than 50%
I dont know % of it, but i know abit of flaming going on.
You're just obsessed with improving your grandiose view of yourself by belittling people. However, you do prove a point. People cooperate better when they have something in common, or a shared interest.
Exactly, people will cooperate when they have something in common or a shared interest. But the thing is, the shared interest that is supposed to bind SEN as a community is supposed to be Starcraft and map making. But if you haven't noticed, most of SEN's active members don't care about Starcraft, don't play Starcraft and don't make maps in Starcraft. So ultimately, SEN is failing at what it was created to do.
Or is it?
Maybe we've already reached our peak at mapmaking and there isn't much to talk about.
I think a lot of people come here to get help or making a map, but then understand it's too hard to make for them, and either leave the site or go to the "other" section.
Nearly all of time I've been here, I've been working on my campaing. I haven't been making any new maps since I finished it in December, but it's true that it was under development for most of my time here. However, I rarely mentioned it. Just because people aren't talking about maps, doesn't mean they aren't working on them.
QUOTE(RexyRex @ Feb 2 2006, 10:01 PM)
You're just obsessed with improving your grandiose view of yourself by belittling people. However, you do prove a point. People cooperate better when they have something in common, or a shared interest.
And the best way is to belittle people

It's good fun.
Yeah, and I'd think about stopping if I were you. I have no qualms about doing anything to you after what Kellimus got.
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Feb 3 2006, 10:33 PM)
Yeah, and I'd think about stopping if I were you. I have no qualms about doing anything to you after what Kellimus got.
If I may ask, what did Kellimus do? I know that he has some what of a history on SeN, but what exactly broke the ice?
He got to 100% warns when he flamed Nimadude or something.
QUOTE(Forsaken @ Feb 3 2006, 11:46 PM)
If I may ask, what did Kellimus do? I know that he has some what of a history on SeN, but what exactly broke the ice?
Are you serious? Doesnt matter about age.
Ever heard of Chris? Yea he was here when the site just got made and was really close to yoshi, But he got banned because of a 100% Warn lvl. History shouldnt matter and it doesnt. Its not like its a protection ring. -.-