QUOTE(Zikan @ Apr 2 2006, 05:20 PM)
In regards to the weapons, there is no Beretta M9 FS, it's the Beretta 92FS. If you need some more guns, the Benelli M3 Super 90 and Franchi SPAS-12 (both shotguns), the Colt Python (magnum), IMI Desert Eagle (magnum like handgun), and M79 (grenade launcher) are weapons seen in the RE universe.
I know this. Its a matter of spacing and who cares. Really. Though i do pride in accuracy so thank you.
Now for the update:
I havent gotten much done due to excessive play of Worms Armageddon.
I will however post a few decisions ive made:
-To prevent excessive lag i have made each side a unit limit.
RPD: 750
Undeads (Both): 325 each
UBCS: 300
-I have balanced things in a certain way i find to work well. Heres how it works:
We all know that shooting a zombie in the chest, arm, leg, and such doesnt do much. I dont care if you blow off its arm it will still kill you. As seen the RPD officers did not know to shoot them in the head. Therefore:
Zombies are not easily killed by RPD or UBCS regular units.
(Ex: Officers wielding Berettas, Benellis, or MP-5s. UBCS using M4A1s.)
This maps road grid has many many lines. I dont even want to measure just how many roads go each way. But i have made the roads wide and defendable if you know how. Further i have devised a way to balance things in a way i see fit.
Heros who have a compensation of slightly more attack then regular units with that weapon if any, but much more health. This to me is accurate. The heros were smart and cunning, they were real heros. This is also accurate. So how i have set this up is this:
You will need just as good of a stratagist using a hero as you would controlling the RPDs road blocks. If the enemy uses a hero in their assault not only will you have to defend your position with heros but use them and a few good men to cut the enemy hero off after it has to slink away damaged. Taking heros out is key. And as important is street control. In this map who ever controls the streets will win the game. And with this grid it will be a challange.
If any one has any questions please post. If you dont like my system here tell me why, i may see the error if you point it out.