Sorry lll, nothing of the sort, but were the sounds helpful? Anyways, demo just needs a few sounds:
sound of when you get rupes, and the sound of when you buy something(doesn't have to be stricktly Zelda just any sound made during purchase)
If you guys could help me out, then this would move along really fast.
so after i get the sounds, all i need to do is finish formating dialog(almost done) blend terrian some more(also almost done), and close off the end saying crap about that it was only a demo. Almost there!
just wondering, how do the screens look 'ok', but the store looks awesome? do the others not look that good?(im gonna doodad and sprite it up to make it blend better even if it's not the case.) I was just wondering what you meant.
Oh, one more thing, i thought about it and i just rembered that i dont have any of some kinds of terrain, so the terrain in the demo is very subject to change just because its good to have variety.
Demo is about 95% finished
one more thing then im done, cloak is gonna be in the map(hence the magic) but your only gonna be able to cloak for like 5-10 seconds(havent decided). But I havent decided if lockdown should be included... and Nucular launch just needs to be taken out. Thanks.