QUOTE(Shadow_Marine @ Apr 20 2006, 07:49 AM)
This is exacly what i'm talkining about, map making prejudice, You have no idea what his skills so you have no way of compairing him to devlin at all. But you are right motivation does help and your not really contributing to it.
ok now on a on topic matter: A tutorial would be fine if you wish to add it, and if you do you can just put it in the briefing.
Personaly i think your right who the hell doesnt know the rules of monopoly
but if you must put it in the briefing.
I know everything, because I'm so 1337. It doesn't matter what his skills are, I can "compair" him to Devlin as much as I want. If it is finished in such an absurd timeline that has been set then I doubt it will be of much quality. Don't blame me for being realistic. This is the impression I get just from reading the quality of this production thread. And I'm all for map making prejudice. Big claims need to be backed up, and people must prove themselves to earn respect.
And not only does motivation help, it is a necessity for something such as monopoly. However, I know that this map won't be finished. I wouldn't get my hopes up. If somehow in an alternate universe is finished, that would be great, but it doesn't affect me in the least whether it's finished or not.
Yet even if it's not finished it doesn't matter, because it's the journey, not the destination. I suppose after every failed monopoly attempt, someone goes further and further and maybe one day someone can take it all the way.
And if anything, XMercury can feed off my negative attitude and turn it into a desire to try to complete this task.
And when making it public that you are attempting such an infamous project such as this one should be prepared to take such criticism, especially if you aren't Tuxedo-Templar or some other well known established mapmaker.
As for me, if I was attempting a big breakthrough map
I would keep it under the radar until sufficient progress has been made where the map is nearing completion. Too many times have I seen people post a whole production thread with just ideas and someone just starting out with no assurance that it would come close to finishing.
People want to see progress, not talk. In general, I dislike all the hype around some maps where all there is is talk and nothing else. My advice before trying to add unnecessary things is to get the bare backbone of the game done and finished before starting things that are not necessary for gameplay.
It's interesting that I have once tried to make a monopoly map. It's quite possible that I could have finished it, yet I had heard people were making monopoly and well on their way so I stopped. Afterall, I only had some cool terrain done and some ideas about certain parts of gameplay. Another thing which stopped my attempt a while back was I had no monopoly game so it would have required a lot of work to get down all the rules and values.
Yet, I wouldn't say I failed, because it had barely started, and now I have no reason to continue it after such a long time and I have a much more interesting project in production.
Bottom line, in my humble opinion, this map won't be finished, but I don't really care. Sure I'll follow the topic for interesting updates, but I will not bother to argue why I should give support. All that can be done is to finish the map and prove me wrong.