Cloud, if you need a hand just pm me. Im always free

; + is the gas working fine?
QUOTE(Moogle @ Jun 18 2006, 12:57 PM)
Cloud, if you need a hand just pm me. Im always free

; + is the gas working fine?
gas is going really slow but I figured its from all the wait triggers.
My Crescent Dyne RPG will probably end up having a 6GB uncompressed WAV version which I would sell on DVDCDs... LOL...? All my music is custom made and compression makes the quality almost pathetic and WAV makes perfect quality if you go like 1MB->10MB WAV...
I hate SC's WAV imput problem...
But seriously, I had to limit all songs to max of about 30 minutes for soundeffects and songs and I had Taylor, our music creator chop all songs up into 10-20second loops which I can piece together in different combinations in endlessly diverse songs...
You should try to chop yours up into sections like this...
and that could be 1minute of a 5minute song and then you piece it together like...
Interesting? you could even make it randomized using switches and have the exact DC times for each section and that way they will switch on the correct monment...

QUOTE(Cloud @ Jun 19 2006, 01:45 AM)
gas is going really slow but I figured its from all the wait triggers.
Yes i told you that, because i know for factor 0 waits in trigger i did for you. But ah well. Easy fix up to fix waits.
iit converts and compresses if u actuall did dl the program...
6GB wooden is that a joke XD... seriously wooden thats not good we need to atleast be able to share map on you need to put the map on a torrent file or something lol so we can pause and download if we want lol...
That was the worst trailer i've ever seen. Nice work cloud...
I'm going to make a trailer for this just because it was so bad.
6 Gigabytes of sounds alone? That'd be the noobiest way of compressing music ever. Call of Duty 2 which has over 200 sound effects, the ENTIRE GAME is under 4GB. The entire soundtrack of FFX uncompressed is under 6GB, wtf did you do.
Actually don't tell me, it's getting off topic.
LOL, good job on the trailer the last part made me laugh. The terrain was so freaked up, it was funny! Well hope the map turns out good.
Lol i saw FF Advent Child today awesome movie

, i have japense sub version so all character sound like there real!
and i saw some naurto, and now the whole naurto anime seems so ugly...
I hope they can make some more FF movies, but not the games lol haha...
Okey first off I wanna apologize for not updating or posting here for awhile, I've been busy with exams, summer and getting a job so I havnt been able to work on it. I'd like to get back to it but it'll be hard with my job now(especially because it's gonna be full time[I don't start till the 11th though]) I'll be getting as much as as possible.
Thanks for holding in there.
-> Finished spells. Cure, Ultima and Time.
-> Started Summons. Finished Leviathan.
-> 50% done Limit breaks(2 out of 4)
It's July and you're still not on summer vacation yet?
Remember to get the flashback scene where Cloud remembers taking a very uh.. naughty bath with Sephiroth.
I actually haven't seen Advent Children. I still have to beat FF7... stupid special Chocobos, so hard to breed...
I was thinking of making this awhile ago. But by then I had retired. JEEZ I want to see this bad. And yeah, some cooler terrain would be nice. I want to see what Midgar would look like.
I suggest basing Midgar off ashpalt, because from the screenshots, it looks like you're still using dirt for the ground on Midgar.
QUOTE(DoomGaze @ Jul 3 2006, 11:35 PM)
It's July and you're still not on summer vacation yet?
I am now but last week I wasn't.
QUOTE(Mp)3 @ Jul 4 2006, 01:23 AM)
I was thinking of making this awhile ago. But by then I had retired. JEEZ I want to see this bad. And yeah, some cooler terrain would be nice. I want to see what Midgar would look like.
I'll try not to disappoint you

QUOTE(DoomGaze @ Jul 4 2006, 02:55 AM)
I suggest basing Midgar off ashpalt, because from the screenshots, it looks like you're still using dirt for the ground on Midgar.
Thanks for the tip, I'll change that lol.
My original idea for this was to make different maps, and, of course, to make this a one player map (so that it would lead automatically from map to map). It would be played on single player rather than online, much like MOA. For example, the Openning scene would be Desert, the Forbidden City in Twilight, and Midgar on Badlands.
Also, instead of actually having a battle sequence, it would be more of a reaction based interactivity. Kind of like a controlled cinematic. It would have allowed me a great way to make cool battle scenes that could vary depending on where and how you choose to battle. There wouldn't be all that generic clutter about levels and Materia and equipment and such. Just an interesting twist and story that bends on your wills.
Holy !$%^! An RPG based on my favorite game/movie O.O"!
I am seriously LOOKING foward to this! (partially because I'm an RPG fan..)
Now..err..ideas for spells.. Well..I don't know. I mean, you could use fire and some dark archon appears and dies, the health of the enemy is modified, but that's out of the question, depending on the enemy HP, because modification only sets to, and it can't subtract or add.
And creating a firebat the location of the enemy..wait..and remove..
Isn't that a little basic? So, that's all I can think of.
Dude, I'm seriously late on every forum it seems..
ey cloud

another map i c ... lookin good soo far mate..
keep it up

if ur still working at it then gd luck wit it does the time magic work? I mean, I can see how slow works, but haste?--that is, if you added haste..
Oh, sorry. I'm reading the entire forum and getting my posts mixed up with the wrong pages. Ignore me

QUOTE(Marandule1 @ Jul 5 2006, 10:56 PM)
ey cloud

another map i c ... lookin good soo far mate..
keep it up

if ur still working at it then gd luck wit it
Thank you, I appreciate the vote of confidence

QUOTE(LestisPolcate @ Jul 6 2006, 12:40 AM) does the time magic work? I mean, I can see how slow works, but haste?--that is, if you added haste..
Oh, sorry. I'm reading the entire forum and getting my posts mixed up with the wrong pages. Ignore me

Well it's not really Time Materia, its just the Stop spell which will be used with the Maelstrom ability(Note : I know it only works on non-mech units)
np ive mostly liked ur past maps and lookin forward to seein this 1 in action ...
i recon its gonna be good

O.o what maps? lol I usually have only finished Dw maps..
Update. Check first post.
QUOTE(Cloud @ Jul 5 2006, 11:13 PM)
O.o what maps? lol I usually have only finished Dw maps..
Update. Check first post.
Here's an idea on how to make it work for Mech Units:
Give to a neutral player that doesn't do anything, wait, and then give back to teh original player.
I hope that helps..
QUOTE(LestisPolcate @ Jul 7 2006, 01:49 PM)
Here's an idea on how to make it work for Mech Units:
Give to a neutral player that doesn't do anything, wait, and then give back to teh original player.
I hope that helps..
Ugh, I replied to teh wrong post.
I thought of making an Advent Children map a long time ago. You beat me to it. I'm not really interested in making the map anymore but I'm glad someone else is. Good luck with this man. The screens look nice, btw.