Embaressment is figment of perception.
99% of getting girls is looking good as far as what I cant tell. The other 1% is egotism, the ability to ask girls out on dates, etc.
hmm... thx for the tip
Believe me, I wish I looked better also.
That girl reminds me of my personality (except when my ego takes over) except I'm a guy. er... does she get good grades?
Alright that's prolly cuz she's shy or nervous when talking to guys I think. Iono have you ever even attempted to start a conversation with her?
Chances are if she's not talking to other guys she is desperate.
Let her go.
Ask yourself WHY you want her. Do you honestly like her? Would you want her to be happy? Or do you want her as an item like ownership?
If you truly loved someone, say your mom or dad, you would do what makes them happy. And if she doesn't want to be with you, then you should let her go.
If she happens to like you and that makes her happy and you happen to also like her, then I'd say go for it. But don't assume either you get her or it's the end of the world...
You'll only fall harder when it happens.