Heheheh, actually when I first saw the topic, I didn't really read it much and decided I wouldn't post cuz most of the people I give advice to don't listen cuz they have too much wrongly placed faith in their underdog niceguy strategies they get from movies (or wherever the hell). But it looks like you guys are actually waiting for me to answer, so I'll give it to ya. Be prepared to read.
I MUST say that I see some striking similarities between your situation and the way I met my boy's mom when I was 16. The main difference was that my boy's mom (her name is Brooklyn, in case I've never mentioned it... not sure I have) was a natural blonde and was outwardly attractive enough to get attention from most of the guys in school, she just never gave them the time of day (or so it appeared at the time). But as far as the art class, the quietness, the shyness, the drawing, that's all the same. Also, a lot like you, I was sort of coming out of my "emo" (if you can call it that) behavior that I went through as a young teenager. So how did I land her???
I'm gonna keep telling this story because it was monumental in my education about girls, so pay attention.
When I met Brooklyn (I joined that highschool for my junior year), I was blown away by her too. She seemed like a perfect match for me, but I felt like her looks placed her a little out of my league. But I think the true deciding factor was that I
absolutely made up my mind that I was going to have her. Like you, I'd had prior crushes, but I never got with them, so I decided that I WILL have this one.
So basically I asked her out tons of times. She knew I liked her early on (I wasn't very good at hiding it) and I just kept asking. But it was different with her than other girls I'd liked before. Whenever I was told "no" I never let myself get moody or female dogy or whatever, and I just kept my confidence up (confidence is extremely important). This went on for months and it sort of became a "How about now?" kind of thing. Almost like a joke between us. Anyways, she finally said yes.
Now, on her part, I was a welcome change from the usual horny players she attracted. She told me later on that initially she wasn't interested in me, but my persistence charmed the hell out of her and she enjoyed the chasing game.
After that though, things got ugly. She turned out to be a drug user with a promiscuous (which I somehow didn't see until after we'd started dating. Blinded by "love" I guess). But I lost my virginity to her anyways and we broke up later on (well, she dumped me cuz I made her choose between partying and me, and she obviously chose partying). She told me she was pregnant a few weeks after she dumped me, and thus began the on/off drama that would go on for about 2 years. Although I went through some extreme highs and lows, this period was very educational for me. My combination of anger at her lifestyle choices and old feelings made the right cocktail of attitude when it came to handling her. Don't get me wrong though, she knew how to push my buttons too. We'd regularly date other people and then seduce eachother and cheat on our other dating interests.
Depending on whose turn it was, the one who did the seducing had almost total control over the one being seduced. I got to do some pretty wierd/mean stuff to her that I wanted to try whenever I was in charge. Luckily, she's not as kinky as me, so I didn't have to go through quite as much.
She mostly wanted me to dress up and give her flowers and charm her into the bedroom. There's a fundamental difference between men and women right there. Women's fantasies are kind of boring while men's are disgusting. Not that these aren't without exception, but you know what I mean.
Anyways, other drama crap would happen that would eventually end our little liaisons (I've explained that story in a different thread). Luckily, I would soon learn a little about psychology and I discovered that I was doing it right, but totally by accident. It took a bit of practice, but I could soon call upon the right balance of control and charm at almost any time if I wanted. Maybe to help you better understand it, I want you to think really hard about what the words "Power" and "Force" mean, and try to see the differences and why power is what you need when it comes to girls. I don't mean physical power or money or what-have-you (although those don't hurt), its all about
attitude. You just have to exude the presence of a dominant male. Watch The Sopranos or James Bond to see what I mean. In nature, women are attracted to alpha males, so get used to that.
But the point is: Once you exude this power, you have to give girls a taste of it, and then take it away. I can't really give you an instruction manual definition here, but you'll know it when you're doing it right. It just feels like WINNING. Once you become interesting, yet unattainable, your dating life should improve drastically. But then I have to warn you about the paradox. If you actually ARE in control of a "relationship", you won't have those feelings of "being in love". Those only come about when you aren't in control. But if you aren't in control, you run the greater risk of losing her for reasons you don't understand and being hurt by it. Don't you just love paradoxes?
Although I've yet to attain it, I think the right balance in a mature and sturdy relationship is patience and understanding whenever your lover is not in charm mode, and totally engaging with them when they are. I can't keep up the fun forever, and they do eventually see that I'm not always charming. For some reason, that turns them away, but I've usually dumped them before it gets to that point. Immature female doges. I hope that some part of my long post got through and I wish you the best of luck.