Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Website Feedback, Bugs & Discussion -> *Nails Protests On SEN
Report, edit, etc...Posted by dumbducky on 2006-08-28 at 17:10:11
I didn't think he did anything bad. He seems like a good moderator to me.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by nuclearrabbit on 2006-09-01 at 06:33:03
QUOTE(xMCx @ Aug 26 2006, 02:14 PM)
nuclearrabbit should be unbanned

[center]I needn't be unbanned if I wish to post.
EDIT: Errm, I mean...

This user has been banned, and is unable to post a message.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kame on 2006-09-03 at 16:37:19
Why the fark is my name mentioned a million and a half times in this topic? This is lame.

And seriously...don't flatter yourself. No where the rebel Martin Luther was.

I don't even think I have the want or time to reply to all this but ya, okay, what? So I posted some serious life issue stuff in High Templar, anyone who was my friend otherwise knew about it as well. What does that have to do with anything? I'd also like to mention that in my repetitive absences I haven't had access to the high templar.

Recap someone?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (SEN)Dante50 on 2006-09-03 at 22:11:18
Recap? Okay. My opinions on the "comments".

1. They do a damn good job.
2. Riiiiiiiiiiight...............that's why they're still there...
3. Null is a good place for that.
4. It was. See, your idea was noted!
5. As mentioned, in Creative (Programming and Websites).
6. Yeah there has.
7. You came for the SC, we came for the SC, and the freedom to post.
8. Then only the people on at 12:01 AM would make topics.
9. A lot of them have been.
10. But then the "how to join" topics would be useless.
11. I partially agree.
12. Not really.
13. If they're mods, they've earned that right.
14. No comment.
15. Well........maybe.
16. It's nice like it is now.
17. Ever heard of coincidence.
18. You need a better reason.
19. Who said they don't contribute?
20. You don't need to contribute every 2 days to run something.
21. For the sake of.....
22. Give me 3 examples of his immaturity.
23. Read comment #20.
24. There you go agains with the clans.
25. Maybe for a year.....MAYBE.
26. And...
27. Once again......and?
28. Sigh.....and.....
29. For the sake of.....
30. So he got a message. So what? The hcker did a lot of stuff.
31. You seem to have a big thing with Mods.
32. oh yeah. SEN needs help. That's the cause of thousands of members and
millions of file downloads.
33. Clans are clans. SEN is kinda like a clan.
34. Why?
35. It's been said. SEN doesn't take sides. The people can though.
36. How?
37. Oh yeah. I forgot that SEN is the A++++ site. Not everyone is perfect grammar

You must really hate SEN if you've made 37 complaints. If you don't like this SC site, go create your own. Leanr HTML and PHP, and get a forum from InvisionFree. The end.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Felagund on 2006-09-07 at 22:23:11
Oh yeah? Well... I support whichever one I was mentioned in! So does Kame. There, I said her name. Kame. Again.

Maybe you should try to get people to sign a petition (poll). If you got more people to back you up, then maybe Moose would be more inclined to listen.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Pyro-Fire on 2006-09-08 at 05:23:12
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Aug 26 2006, 05:15 PM)
Martin Luther actually left and founded his own church. Get the hint?

In simpler terms:
if u got a problem, freak off, go make ur own starcraft map editing site, and dont come back. if you are going to stay here, dont tell how we should run this place.

@moderaters: no flame intended, just expressing moose's point in my own words.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Felagund on 2006-09-09 at 00:10:05
Man, I'm so glad we have self-appointed spokespeople for Moose now! closedeyes.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Excalibur on 2006-09-09 at 19:50:01
While were at it, why dont we all make a long boring list of bogus ideas for the site?

Demaris, Voy, Wilhelm, Syphon, Doodan, and all the other sexy members should have their own global mod equivilent member group called "TEH SECKZEH PEOPLEZ OMG"
All Avatar fads should be logged and recorded in a brand new fads forum.
Moose should be turned into a goose.
IP should be unisolated.
DTBK should be spell checked once and for all.
WoodenFire and the rest of the terrain section should all grow some kindness and ingest it.
I like pie.
SEN is teh hax.
Im now just putting random crap to make my point.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Laser_Dude on 2006-09-14 at 19:17:14
Maybe we should get rid of everything that doesn't involove staredit.

The modding section
The terrain section
starforge and SCMDraft
We should stop worrying about OSMAP since anything made start-to-finish in staredit can't be protected, unless you use a program which isn't staredit.
We should require members to make a map to get in.
We should kill all the lawyers


But we really should kill all the lawyers
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Syphon on 2006-09-14 at 19:19:25
How does terrain not involve Starcraft?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2006-09-14 at 19:27:56
I see their sarcastic points as being that should revolve around StarEdit only. Since we basically only celebrate terrain in the terrain forum made from 1x1 tiles in SCM Draft and StarForge, and not StarEdit, then that section should be removed.

On a more serious note, I think we definately need a group called "TEH SECKZEH PEOPLEZ OMG." wink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Voyager7456(MM) on 2006-09-14 at 19:38:50
Agreed. tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2006-09-14 at 19:53:53
Well, this topic has outlived its usefulness. By overwhelming public opinion, most of the suggestions are denied/ignored or whatever.

Bottom line is, people are just spamming now tongue.gif

Topic Locked
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2006-09-14 at 21:42:26
I wanna reply...

SEN is in so much need of help it will hire "respected", non-"Intelligent SC" players to be Moderators.
Moderators are picked on seniority, activity, and detail. (Professionalism isn't required)
Syphon is immature and thus shouldn't be a moderator.
-- Most people on here are teenage boys. If you have a problem with a moderator, you can always bring it up to an admin.

99% of ideas are never even considered when they are posted in Feedback forum.
-- All ideas are considered unless utterly stupid.

File Request Forum is needed.
Campaign Forums should be added.
Programs Forums should be added.
-- Make a topic in here about it and it will be discussed.

StarForge and SCMDraft2 forums should be removed. There have been no updates in several years.
-- No... we host the forums for the authors. SCMDraft has had recent updates.

The entire "Other" Category should be removed. Miscellaneous, Light Discussion, Serious Discussion, Creative, Games, and Welcome. The have nothing to do with the "Staredit" part of The main reason to have these is for the idea that it will bring more posts to SEN, however they are not needed.
-- It's meant for a place to relax and take a break from mapping/modding.

A max topic creation limit should be made in a day.
-- No.

The accounts that haven't been used for downloads or loggin in in 2+ years should be deleted.
-- No.

Clan forums should be hidden if they are kept.
-- Possibly...

Titles should be gained by quality/quantity of files/tutorials/reviews in the database. (So some nooblet who knows nothing about the "Staredit" part of "" can't gain them.
-- ... why?

Map Making clans should be removed. They are only used for trying to prove elitism.
-- Opinion.

Global Moderators should be fined for abusing their "Topic Opening" power. 14. They will open a topic just for the sake of posting.
-- v5 this won't happen.

NuclearRabbit should be unbanned.
-- Why?

If clan forums are to be kept, it should be a rule that the leaders/moderators "must be democratically voted for".
The last time Clan (U) has used their forum to showcase/tell of an in-production non-30 minute map was 8 months ago. (Clan forums are not needed.)
Clans should have a "Map Quota" requirement for a year/month.
Clans should be kept to "pump out desirable proffesional maps, not be symbol of elitism/egotism.
-- Clans choose their own leaders. They are independant from SEN. You post in there at your own risk. Clan forums have disappeared for inactivity before... it can always happen again.

The tutorial database should be in a single thread, possibly different threads for the different categories. (Then people could copy and paste tutorials from other posts.)
-- ?

10 Current/Previous moderators were from Clan (U). (No other map-making clan members have ever been moderators.)
-- So?

DTBK, the Global Moderator, is retired from StarCraft and thus should no longer be a moderator.
Those who don't contribute to the site, should not run the site.
CaptainWill was picked because "Older Members" said he was a "respected" person. He only has one thread in map showcase. He should not be a Global
Moderator of a map-making website.
-- Lol... do you know I never contributed to this site in the form of maps/mods/tutorials? Do you know, if we fixed this "problem" you have, this site would go down... unless you figure my $ = contributing. But in that regards, time spent moderating is a lot more of a contributation than money.

CheeZe runs the tutorial database and has not created a map in two years. (Nor has he added anything recently) Also, he has recreated other people's sucky tutorials.
-- We are just lazy to remove him, probably.

Tutorials should be in Wikis/Threads.
-- Possibly in v5.

Staff Forum: They talk about updates, who needs to be banned, and they tell people they need to do their job, as well as SENv5 details. (Like beta testing for a selected few.) They used to talk about future staff possibilities but Moose quit doing that.
-- And...?

"Professional Members's Ideas", such as Tuxedo Templar's, should be implemented into the site. If the staff is too unwilling they need to find a better person for the job.
-- Okay. Find me such.

High Templar Forum: Deleted, but people like Kame talked about serious life issues.
-- And?

Yoshism's and Mooseisms should be reveresed.
-- ...

Devilesk should be banned for being close enough to the "Hacker" to recieve a message.
-- ...

Felagund, MerreL and urmom should be moderators. (It would be a nice change to the (U) Moderators.
-- ...

SEN channel should only be controlled by Moderators.
-- That is probably true.

SEN should actually stay neutral, instead of constantly taking sides.
-- What do you mean?

The IP-Tracing feature is not as effective as it should be.
-- ...

Tutorial Keepers are required to have near perfect grammar when they don't fix typos/write tutorials.
-- You could always message them about it.

Want to respond? PM me and I'll open the topic. But DTBK is right, people are just spamming the topic now.

PS: It would have been helpful to group your sentences into categories.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2006-09-14 at 22:05:57
(No other map-making clan members have ever been moderators.)

I didn't notice this when I first replied, but perhaps you've never heard of these people: Voyager7456(MM), O)FaRTy1billion, Syphon(MM), and EzDay281 (he's in MM as well).
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