Mod = orangish
Elites = redish
how is that the same color? xD but yha I sorta see it, but your making it sound like its the exact color Lol
Admin Color: Notice how all the other people's colors' are different, so admin color really stands out xD " and plain? " xD Gold represents wealth. "ps: even though its tannish, but we cant really duplicate the real color of gold with words so that to me looks like a gold, like how Diablo use's ^_^ anywase yha.
and yes I agree about the alt code symbols ^_^
Ok I did a brief ss edit! ^_^ I think the color's look vary noticeable and toleratable ...
but you are entitled to your opinions
I just threw those names in there so dont say omg blah blah blah isnt ranked blah blah blah ^_^
I like the currently colors. The admin's red freaks me out though. I was in the same topic as Minimoose was, looked at 'who is reading this topic', and saw my perdy green and Moose's red.. the contrast freaked me out. I was like 'DEMON! DEMON'. But, DTBK, if you're changing everyone's color, change the regular color too. We're bored with green. You have a new sexy color for yourself, makes people think of you as Lucifer or something like that, while we get a green that won't even fit in with a tree...
Suggestion 1
* Making Admin Bold + Bright = Definit stand out
* rest color's dark like DeVLiN Suggested great idea
This is what I came up with.
* remember you can change color's around Lol *
Admins = #48ff00
Moderators = #125700
Global Mod = #b7b234
Tut Keeper = #27768a
DLDB Keeper = #33278a
Elite = #ff0000
Suggestion 2
* Just like the Map Making Program
* Players 1-8 =]
This is what I came up with.
Admin = Red - Player 1
Moderators = Blue - Player 2
Global Mod = Teal - Player 3
Tut Keeper = Purple - Player 4
DLDB Keeper = Orange - Player 5
Elite = Yellow - Player 8
Regular = White - Player 7