QUOTE(JordanN_3335 @ Nov 4 2006, 08:13 AM)
So DEAD was like a double agent who knew. But we should smash spamming accounts next there annoying.
wuldnt tat mean that you would go by by?
QUOTE(Lakai @ Nov 4 2006, 10:47 AM)
isnt tat spam?
QUOTE(DEAD @ Nov 4 2006, 10:54 AM)
I didn't hurt anymore. As I said before, it was experiment. A rather successful experiment actually.
an experiment to show tat admins arent doing there jobs correctly?
QUOTE(fritfrat(U) @ Nov 4 2006, 11:05 AM)
Shocko, he believes it was successful in that it made an example of how un-monitored double accounts are because of how long it took them to find it, not because of the sheer number he had.
It's still not an experiment I'd do, but whatever floats you boat.
how does that jusify breaking rulez?
QUOTE(Centreri @ Nov 4 2006, 11:13 AM)
How so? I would do it if I wasn't wary of being suspended/banned. It's called an experiment. How is this sadder then scientists when they figured out all the elements? That was a tad more productive, but this is more interesting.
more interesting because he wont get banned for breaking a rule 16/17 times regardless of if it was n experiment or not?
QUOTE(Deathawk @ Nov 4 2006, 11:23 AM)
Who the hell cares about expirements, I care about rigging polls..
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Nov 4 2006, 12:50 PM)
Because then I notice. The past 10 raffle winners give me a very nice list of names to check.
Anyway, time for my backlash.
DEAD... you DID expose a security threat, which was beneficial to us (which means I won't ban you outright). But you've clearly violated the rules, so you're fired. DEAD is also to be suspended for
17 16 days (one for each extra account
). All the minerals stored on the extra accounts, they're going bye bye.
[edit]Reducing his suspension to 8 days, only because he gave a good explanation.[/edit]
To prevent such things in the future, I'm setting up a random screening system. I'm going to check ten members at random every day for double accounts. Hopefully, DTBK will join me as well. So... if you've got more accounts, you're going to be found eventually. Think about what you're doing.
can we her his explaination? i wuld like to now what kind of an explaination anyone could have for breaking a rule 16/17 times...
QUOTE(Jamatul_101 @ Nov 4 2006, 01:02 PM)
Shocko, what is more important: a little poll that he rigged, or the fact that SEN is not prepared to reveal double accounts?
And besides, we all know that Syphon rigged one poll by adding his name in, and nothing happened.
What did the hacks do? They removed topics, suspended staff.. in other words - did bad things. What did that result in? It resulted in improvements of the code, which is good.
No pain no gain.
Moose, you should lower the amount of days of suspension - all he did was help you, and encourage you to increase security. Would you prefer some random moron creating 16 accounts and spamming our forums with them, or DEAD creating 16 accounts?
Basically he saved (or lowered the chance) you from the potential moron that may show up.
actually from wat my friends ho go here said, they are more than ready enough to find accounts.. so in ma opinion, tey were not doing thar job..
QUOTE(Jamatul_101 @ Nov 4 2006, 01:59 PM)
Do you truly think that he did it for some other reason other than showing Moose his inability to find double accounts?
With the hackings it was no joke - SEN got some damage. This did 0 damage to SEN, and revealed and got attention to a problem, that must be fixed.
a problem? u mean the problem dat teh admins arent fully doing thar job?
QUOTE(Shocko @ Nov 4 2006, 02:09 PM)
By hacking i ment my account, which was hacked before sen got hacked.
Do i think that he did it for another reason?
Yes, it's such a pathetic excuse for it. He may of done it for just fun, maybe even to rigg a poll of his choice but non the less it doesn't change that he did it. And the fact his excuse was so lame i don't think you can take it seriously.
QUOTE(Jamatul_101 @ Nov 4 2006, 02:21 PM)
We are talking about why he did it, not what he did.
For fun? Are your serious? He isn't stupid to make double accounts for fun. To rig a poll? maybe, but did that do anything? As far as I know, Moose said that he will have a final say on the OSMAP question, not the poll. Am I right? (this is a question to Moose, not Shocko)
Also please stop saying "it's not serious, it's lame". When will you understand that it's quite serious?
it is serious. he wunt get banned fer braking a rule 16/17 times because da excuse is: it was an experiement
so wy is it dat if i were to experiment, id get banned qwick, wile he can git away with dis?
if nything, he showd everyone dat teh admins are slackin.