Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Concepts -> Mapbot
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MindArchon on 2004-08-31 at 22:38:45
QUOTE(RcF @ Aug 31 2004, 09:34 PM)
MindArchon, nice idea if it was public I would use it. But a suggestion for your own use... make a list of the people on a server like freewebs and have the program "Find text on page" if it doesnt find it it won't login the bot. biggrin.gif

Yes, thats what it does smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by @:@ on 2004-09-01 at 07:49:36
What if player one spot is required for the map?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Stereo on 2004-09-01 at 10:34:45
If you can't make your map independent of that, maybe you should consider spreading it yourself wink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2004-09-01 at 10:54:05
Then you couldn't spread it anyway. tongue.gif Add a download slot.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Crispie on 2004-09-01 at 22:16:42
QUOTE(MindArchon @ Aug 29 2004, 03:37 AM)
<div align='center'>I have no idea if this is in the right forum. If it isnt, please move it
What This Is: A bot. You specify a map, a game name, and the bot will create that game name, wait in the game for about 5 minutes, then leave and recreate.

How would this benefit map making?: This bot would allow users to join the game and download your map, leave and recreate. Of course you would have to title the game "DL LEAVE AND CREATE" or similar.

Progress: 70%

<div align='center'>----------------------------------------------------------------------------</div>

Is this a good idea? I think it would be a valuable map making tool, and I could probably complete it. The question is: should I complete it? I dont want to waste work if nobody uses it. Would anyone here actually use this?

Do it, I want that program.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by EzDay281 on 2004-09-01 at 23:25:46
I'm glad to know that I'm one of the people in the list of trusted enough.

I agree to the conditions and punishment stated by Coko, also.

MindArchon, I suggest you give it the second password, because some people give their friends their account password, and if their friend gets the program then that'll be 1 more person using it that could mess things up severely, such as by giving the account to lotsa ppl and letting them dl the program or something, I dunno.

"I don't want to join a game then have the host leave a few seconds later."
Stardog, remember, one of the features is that it won't leave if people are dling, and if you join, then I'm pretty sure you'll either be dling or sitting there yelling 'go' like a brainless moron who doesn't realize that it's a dl only game.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cokymonster on 2004-09-02 at 02:12:15
Sounds nice, but since im on a router and the bot is based on my it even possible that people could even join the bot's game when they can't even join mine?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Templaren on 2004-09-02 at 05:37:19
make the map it just make better not worser.. keep up the good work!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)3 on 2004-09-03 at 11:25:35
I will only release MapBot to people I know/trust/examined on SEN. The following people will get it if they want it for sure: Yoshi_Da_Sniper, MindArchon , Cheeze(U), DeathKnight (I cant do that cool D), Zombie, Clokr_, High, Coko, Mini_Moose_2707, EzDay2, BeeR_KeG[eM], Vindexus, Revelade, (U)Bolt_Head, ........ (I probably forgot lots)

Gasp! You forgot me! HOW COULD YOU FORGET ME?! NOOO!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2004-09-03 at 19:45:17
Many people, including me, would want that bot.
But many people might not be able to be trusted
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LordVodka on 2004-09-03 at 23:00:21
this is the most AWESOME online BW playin concept ive ever heard of
Report, edit, etc...Posted by zyphers on 2004-09-03 at 23:29:03
well i agree on making it but maybe u should put anti detect causre blizzard just HATES bot cause blizz might pacth it mad.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2004-09-04 at 00:01:31
QUOTE(LordVodka @ Sep 3 2004, 10:00 PM)
this is the most AWESOME online BW playin concept ive ever heard of

Pure spam... no concept or meaning in it at all

So when are you going to releast the list of people you trust and all?
How far are you done with it so far
Report, edit, etc...Posted by synd][cate on 2004-09-04 at 00:30:54
For anyone who has 1/2 a brain and 10 minutes I will show you how to make this with macroexpress

msn me
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Stardog on 2004-09-04 at 15:42:39
This is the equivalent to:

Hey guys! Let's make a pop-up hack for Starcraft! Then when the player joins, we open a bunch of pop ups on his screen! That way, we get to distribute our site faster and in a more annoying manner! Hooray! biggrin.gif

It's an interesting idea, but the spam factor really destroys it. If you really want to distribute your map, do it in a reasonable fashion.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by synd][cate on 2004-09-04 at 16:29:41
Not exactly. Starcraft exists around maps, and the internet exists around getting the information you want. If you join a game that gives you a new map that you will eventually play and pass on to 5 other people, you have helped live that much longer. However with internet, pop-ups are stuff that get in the way of what your trying to find and the help you out none what so ever.. unless you have an errectile disfunction -- buy some viagra happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2004-09-04 at 18:04:53
synd][cate, you're an idiot. You can't use a macro tool to do the same thing this bot does.

Can't wait untill Gamebot lol. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by NerdyTerdy on 2004-09-04 at 18:26:55
This is an awesome idea but newbs would be like GO GO GO it's very annoying pisses me off.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Crispie on 2004-09-04 at 21:23:33
I have a huge suspicion your using AutoIt;)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by The.Gnome on 2004-09-04 at 21:58:00
why are you people still talking about this? most people wont even get it, so the only people that should be talking about it are the people on the "Friends List"

I will only release MapBot to people I know/trust/examined on SEN. The following people will get it if they want it for sure: Yoshi_Da_Sniper, MindArchon smile.gif, Cheeze(U), DeathKnight (I cant do that cool D), Zombie, Clokr_, High, Coko, Mini_Moose_2707, EzDay2, BeeR_KeG[eM], Vindexus, Revelade, (U)Bolt_Head, ........ (I probably forgot lots)

thoughs are the people that should by talking...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2004-09-04 at 22:42:01
Actually, we should all have a say in it becuase it affects the whole community
Report, edit, etc...Posted by synd][cate on 2004-09-04 at 23:24:15
QUOTE(Ðeathknight @ Sep 4 2004, 05:04 PM)
synd][cate, you're an idiot. You can't use a macro tool to do the same thing this bot does.

Can't wait untill Gamebot lol. biggrin.gif

Yes I'm an idiot, thats why I'll have a working version of this script for download by tonight. Also you should probably not download mine and wait for buddies bot that probably wont exist for some time to come... since you :censored:ing know it all.

MacroExpress BNet Auto Create Script
- Automatically creates games
- Specifiy Max time before kicking people who are still downloading (and starts)
- Cancels out on the briefing (Remakes the map under a different name)
- Dialog and timing scripts to tell people about your map
- Automatically starts before max time if players have downloaded the map
- Error correction for odd game creation bugs
- Maximum download time (bans player if > than # seconds )

Maybe have to finish it up tommorow, but here is a preview:
user posted image

So far it knows how many players are in game, how many are still downloading and how many seconds are left until it starts kicking players to start.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Crispie on 2004-09-05 at 00:38:20
Cool syndicate, thumbs up man!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by The.Gnome on 2004-09-05 at 03:49:11
Actually, we should all have a say in it becuase it affects the whole community

it doesnt affect the community if only a hand full of people get the program...

synd][cate that looks cool, does it know how long it will be till the downlaod is done or just how long till it starts kicking people?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tactics_Editor on 2004-09-05 at 05:18:10
This post doesn't contain suggestions, so you may skip it

Am I SO stupid that I can't even understand what is that for?
If people want to download a map, why shouldn't they just use FTP/HTTP?
Why connecting to for that? That's usually slower.
Why should the bot owner pay for the outcoming traffic, when many many people are downloading something?
For your map advertisement?
For the ability for a user to quick choose a map name from the big archive of your HDD, rather than searching the WWW?
To make people easier to download without switching out of StarCraft?

Please answer this question: Do all americans have time&traffic-unlimited or low-cost and fast connections to the WWW ?!?!?!?!?
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