I have no idea if this is in the right forum. If it isnt, please move it
What This Is: A battle.net bot. You specify a map, a game name, and the bot will create that game name, wait in the game for about 5 minutes, then leave and recreate.
How would this benefit map making?: This bot would allow users to join the game and download your map, leave and recreate. Of course you would have to title the game "DL LEAVE AND CREATE" or similar.
Progress: 70%
Is this a good idea? I think it would be a valuable map making tool, and I could probably complete it. The question is: should I complete it? I dont want to waste work if nobody uses it. Would anyone here actually use this?
What if the map we're distributing is large and it takes well over 5 minutes to distribute?
QUOTE(KiLLeR2001 @ Aug 29 2004, 03:49 AM)
What if the map we're distributing is large and it takes well over 5 minutes to distribute?
You can set the time to wait in game from 1 minute to 30 minutes.
Is there a way to make it so that if no one joins for X amount of minutes, Exit and Remake?
Because otherwise people might join the game lets say... 25 minutes into the timer, then they download about 40% and then 30 minutes is up and they are screwed...
Omg this is perfect. Make this! But will it work on b.net for sure?
QUOTE(KiLLeR2001 @ Aug 29 2004, 03:58 AM)
Is there a way to make it so that if no one joins for X amount of minutes, Exit and Remake?
Because otherwise people might join the game lets say... 25 minutes into the timer, then they download about 40% and then 30 minutes is up and they are screwed...
I suppose I could do that. When someone joins the timer pauses for <insert custom time here> then resumes. Good?
Or I could make it so, the bot will not leave the game unless it is empty, even after the timer is up, then make a "maximum time", and it'll leave then even if there are people in the game.
About the project: do you think its a good idea?
Yes, it's a great idea if you can get it to function and work properly... Definitely would be useful for distributing maps while you do something else.

yeh, make it!
Maybe also somethign that boots a player when his dl has completed, casue some newbs would be like "OMFG GO!!!!111111one!!!!!111"
K, Ill go ahead and continue it.
Lol i find the stupidest things funny. Im really tired and i tried to type staredit.net in the URL bar and i typed "dystrfoy/mry"
Yeah, i've done that before, its so wierd what happens just one key right!
Maybe have it so it creates for a set limit of say 10 minutes, and this is reset each time someone joins, while having an overall maximum of an forty minutes or so, which can be changed, and so people can keep joining and downloading the map for forty minutes if enough keep joining or ten minutes if they don't, and they are the only ones. Also have it so that it sends an auto message when people joining telling them it doesn't allow gameplay.
You should definetly continue in creating this bot.
Great, first channels get massloaded. Now, the join game list? -_-
Well, I don't really care.
I doubt that many people will use them, because most idiots are like 'gogggogoggogoGoGOGOGOGGOGOGggoGOg
and most of B.Net is idiots, so most people won't think it's a good idea

EDIT: By 'I don't really care', I was referring to Moose's comment, btw.
If you make it and it works right without any major bugs, than sure as hell I'll use it.
Could you make it so it can play games too?

Well give it options and make it customizable. Make it so it detects how much % a player has downloaded or if the player's download has not started yet. If a player is still downloading, then make it stay in the game(well something that can be toggled in options), same with a download that hasn't started after all other players are at 100%, but to boot them. Also make it ban the idiots that keep saying gogogogo(as another option).
If you can make it controll units, could you make it run off of AI scripts?? It would be neat. Then you can switch by giving a command to the bot for different maps. The bot would be like a UMS computer programmed by you.

Oh and make it so you can only run ONE bot per computer. If 2 of the same bot processes are detected, make it close one.
mind, make it so that when it has a designated number of people in the game with dl, that it goes and then quits during the briefing. you can set how many people you want in game, and how long it should wait. you should also make it be able to refresh itself, and put the game back at the top of the games list.
Make it Only 1 Bot Per and also people might join it to play and then realize a bot is hosting and htey cant play it
Its a good idea but... dont bots normaly have really high lagg?
You need to make a way that the people know its a bot thast in the game and not someone thats just going to play a game
All in all :
Good Idea Needs Work
Make it so it enables an old feature once possible for having up to 12 people downloading the map at the same time, and i'll give you a medal which i will steal from the Olympic Games!
The olympic games are over -__-;;
Someone up there mentioned leaving during the brief as an option. Thats really a very good idea, however im not really sure the packets required. Time for packet research

I made a simple script like this using macroexpress a long time ago.. I had it say 4-5 different things..
1) This is a BOT, do not reply because I will not answer. (Eventually added, 'Yes, you are an idiot if your still talking to me once you see this line')
2) The map you are downloading .. bleh bleh bleh.
3) If you want to play this map you have to finish your download and create it yourself.
4) Thank you, .............
It's funny because you almost have to spell it out for most b.net'ers, cause with ever message I tried with different variations people will still join the game... still stay there for 5 minutes telling you to go.. and they still will probably not know what to do when they leave your game.
The script worked pretty good, but I didn't have a good enough map to make the whole thing work.
That kind of bot would be sweeeet

Although some people could mass bots and create/remake games....
Just a thought...IS it possible for a bot to start and play a game?
HOw long do you think it will take for it to be finished since you said you are 70% done. Canada only got 12 medals in the olympics

compare to U.S's 100
IS it possible for a bot to start and play a game?
What do you think "Win Bots" are?
QUOTE(KaboomHahahein @ Aug 29 2004, 06:04 PM)
HOw long do you think it will take for it to be finished since you said you are 70% done. Canada only got 12 medals in the olympics

compare to U.S's 100
Puerto Rico got none so stop winning.
We got like 6th in basketball, 5th in sailing and pretty far back in other sports.
Yes Mapbot will be a good idea.
You chat with your buddies at channel while you distribute your map.
Maybe only me but.... I hate this idea.
Why? 4-5 member use this bot okay... but what about 20-25 member doing this? This will be more than a spam... that will kick server ass and peep who want to play... Dude for the love of god.... DON'T DO IT IF YOU HATE SPAMMER!!!
Of coures they would all be using it at different times.
I might make this bot CLOSED, meaning only specific people have access to it (like members I know and trust on SEN)