Aight, I didn't read many posts, so don't be flaming me if I post stuff that someone else has before. Okay?
Aight, I think we should drop it. It was meant as a side fun script thing, but it messes everything up. So, this is my idea.
1. We should have MoV (Member of Value (Gay name, I know)) points. People who post good points and have good feedback from people get these. WIth it you can buy stuff. THis way, the mods, staff, and admins don't have to do things, just browse and listen to what other people say. It also discourages bad posts cause then they wont get any. And, with these you can buy the things, but they'll be like 1-5 MoV points. Problem solved on that.
2. SC Armies, set it somewhat like KoC. More people you have, more income you get. No matter what, you'll always have one person. Make this a serperate point value from the MoV points. That way that can't be abused. Problem solved there.
3. SC Pets. Have it like where you can explore and get pet points, somewhat like the SC whatever on on Trickz and stuff. Make it a different point from the other two, so it cant be abused either.
4. People that abuse the meber feedback system (Like continually putting in reports of buul

so people wont get points) will be punished, like loosing
ALL there points, MoV, Pet, and Armies.
Okay, sum it up, you have different points for SC Armies, Pets, and posting
GOOD posts. The points can't be abused so people who post

can't go messing around with SC Armies and get mins. They'll be encouraged to post good, contibuting posts.
So, any questions, comments, complaints about it, suggestions, anything?
Also, you want me to code it? I need the expieriance, so if you want I'll do it.