I know some of these ideas were probably posted before, and some in other topics..
DLDB changes:Add different modding sections (BMP, GRP, SMK, PAT, etc)
Maybe regular 'Starcraft Utilities'? More then just map makers come here, you know.
System Changes:I think what some people said about giving regular and elites more power is good, mostly because im a regular now
Other:Bring back zerg pets. That seems like the best game yet. And maybe zerg pet food

More BB code might be nice.
The ones available right now are nice, but more bb code would be more interesting. Nothing silly, though.
Maybe simply expanding on topics? If we have art forums, I think we could add some extras there. I expect some were proposed already, I'm just adding to arguement.
Making it so that the glow on name works on all browsers. I see no reason why it should be impossible. And more colors. I'd love Silver

More things to buy at a store ("cough" "zerg" "pets" "cough" "zerg" "pet" powerup" "cough")
The glitch section of SEN deathknight was working on.