Asians and their creations =

(I'm Asian)
hey that rhymes
anyways... I should make some ingame screenshots.... If i knew how to change it from the SC format.
Do the screen shots come out in image files or some type of
"choose-the-program-you-want-to-open-this-with-file"? I don't know why but mine don't come in image formats. They used to but now it says for me to open it with... but then I use like paint or something and it does not work... Do you guys get the same thing as I do?
It comes out in rare or SC only(not sure) image file pcx format. I believe it should open with some windows program by default. But it doesn't matter because the format is useless. You have to convert it to some better format like jpg, png, bmp...
Thanks for the program DEAD.
well nice job ninja.
BTW does anyone know how I got my warn thing
QUOTE(xszerg @ Nov 17 2005, 11:43 PM)
well nice job ninja.
BTW does anyone know how I got my warn thing
Warn thing? It is new feature I guess for the mods and admins.warn thing it says it on there.. look and read.. prob did something stupid and flam ppl or spammed
If I am correct... only the mods are you can see what your warn sign is at. I can't see anyone else's warn rate.
back on topic please
Ya really... How is the map going Crazy?
Joshgt2 seriously have the most random post ever..
so as in back on topic....
- he said he needs mission idea..
so we can have a list of possible mission
rescue mission
killing someone...
stealing? and etc we can have a list then get into more detail
Hmmm , I've thought of something just now...
I'm going to change the first mission into the first Ryder mission, instead of having you do the cemetery one, which has no point to it except storyline
Storyline won't be the same as the game since I will probably have to take most of them out =/
Plus.. If you want the accurate story, go buy the game
I agree...
And thanks for the info BoyScout, LOL. I am not trying to be random much, lol.
Back on the missions though. I would agree on making them not based on much storyline. I am here to play the game and missions, not follow a line of events. The game is on every system execpt GameCube (for an odvious reason) and buy it then. I am mixing up some ideas for some missions for you. I am trying to think of some from the game as well that don't go a lot with the story line.
Make a mission where you are working for some kind of CEO working for a big company. The big company should be one of those companies that makes tanks and helicopters.
Then let's say that his son has been drafted into the army because of a war, and the CEO gets pissed off at the army. For the mission, you have to destroy a military base to get the CEO's son back.
Since the CEO's company makes tanks/etc. you can use tanks and helicopers for the assault on the base. And of course, you'd have some help (his employees).
That's the best I can think of right now...
How many missions you gonna stuff in this?
roughly, how long until you actually complete the map?
Darth-Reven your avatar is to big ill go fix that....
QUOTE(BoyScout @ Nov 19 2005, 09:46 PM)
Darth-Reven your avatar is to big ill go fix that....
call me cloud =\ mate
back on topic
QUOTE(CrazyNinja00 @ Nov 19 2005, 10:04 PM) mate
back on topic
sry, btw are you australian..? anyway how many missions you planning on putting in here and when will you finish?
No, I just like saying that...
I plan on ... having at least 20 missions
how many are actually done so far?
the last I heard, Crazy said that only 10 were done. I might be wrong though... I hope im not and that more got done, lol
so its about 50% done the missions? wat other features are in it?