Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas Stories
Story:New story.. (Work in Progress)
Map Progress is .. 100%
Characters:David Johnson (sorry for my lack of creativity, for the name
Carl Johnson
Gangs: Grove Street
Map Statistics:1 Player
Badlands Terrain
227KB ( Map size will be kept updated )
-Katana (Secret weapon)
-Military Airship (Secret Vehicle)
San Andreas Guide (Features)San Andreas is one of the country's most diverse visitor destinations, known for its huge size and incredible variety. Although justly celebrated for its 3 wildly different main cities each with its own style and attractions to offer.
Airports - Need to put some distance between you and your associates? The fastest way out of town is by plane from your nearest airport. There are 3 airports in the San Andreas area.
Hospitals - If you spend enough time on the streets of San Andreas, sooner or later you are going to wake up in a hospital!
Hospitals - Cut your head open? Also in the hospital, we can help patch those cuts up
Personal Safety - There isn't a neighborhood in the entire state of San Andreas that we would consider as 'safe', so we recommend carrying a weapon at all times. Actually 2 is better. Visit the local Ammu-Nation superstore soon after arrival for firearm supplies.
Eating Out - If you plan on staying any amount of time in San Andreas you'll probably need to start watching what you eat or you may need o make a trip back to the mall for the next size up! Eat out at Cluckin' Bell or Burgershot. Check your stamina bar to know when you are hungry.
Nightlife - You won't be stuck for something to do at night in San Andreas no matter where you are. We recommend all of the clubs and liquor stores in San Andreas.
Car job - Need to lose the cops? Come on down at any of the Pay N' Spray's in San Andreas and we'll fix your problem ! or steal any of the cars near you!
Gambling - Las Venturas is the gambling center of the country. World-class gambling houses and hotels are plentiful here. A must-visit on any trip!
Bad Boy - Commit a crime, and the cops are after you!
Feeling lonely? - Recruit one of your Grove Street members to go on with your adventure!
Car Collector - Want to keep your car and never lose it? Store it in your Safe Garage!
Running out of cash? - Rob any of your fellow citizens, Work as a Vigilante! ( Taxi, Police) or go complete one of your friends Missions.
War! - Sometimes during your stay, rival gangs are gonna want to conquer all of the territories, so protect yours when they come.
Missions26 missions