If you have ever played a well organized and thought out Final Fantasy game, you know that just running through the game, doing only wut is needed of you to get to the next stage in the storyline, is interesting, Cinematics drive you to the next point in the game, battle... sidequests, and other options will only entertain those who think it is too fast paced. Without doing sidequests and only training enough to kill the next boss, I plan on making the game take at least over 24 hours. Now, this is not a game that you just play with people on battle.net, unless you so choose! You can play with your best friends and design strategies to help eachother through the game.
About 1 in every 12 hours of game play, will be cinematics. Storyline will be entertaining and fun. If you forgot how long fast-paced Final Fantasy games work, go and play one for a 3 hours and you will realize how Crescent Dyne will truely unfold. Fast, but time engulfing.
I will design the game to keep you busy at all times, make battle extremely fun, and boss battles will be the highlight of the game, as well as stunning cinematics!
Stop thinking about all of the other SC games that are out ther... Quests Open RPG, and everything else that has, by use of undirect propaganda, made you think SC will get boring when you every aspect of a game perfect... Think of it... the perfect scenery, excellent music, fibrant battles, colorful sound effects, mysterious storyline, all rapped together by a perfectionist's team.
Stop assuming, and start trusting.