I thought i do more of it;
\\ Try be creative on your opening scene
\\\ Using different themes for way your hero enters
\\\\ Ways for hero enter is, boat, truck, crashlanded, spawned from egg + more
\\\\\ Try explain alittle about your hero path in start
\\\\\\\ Make sure that player understand where hero coming from
\\ This final scene for your rpg
\\\ Dont just add text, that bit dull
\\\\ Try be creative, add SFX, heroes, Bosses
\\\\\\ Be very creative here, this is end has be smashing
\\ Make sure your grammar\spelling is correct
\\\ Double check your grammar\spelling in word so that you know its right
\\\\ People rather see right grammar\spelling then stuff that isnt, if not correct people think its a shit rpg
\\ Enter | Exit System
\\\ Buying | Selling System
\\\\ Talk to Owner
\\ Required XP Level up
\\\ HP % Given per level
\\\\ Mana Given per level
\\\\\ Ups given per level
\\\\\\ Skills/spells given per level
\\ Skills\Spells System; Dropship menu, gateway, burrow unit, build a scarab, lift of building, move unit to a location, charge system
\\\ Skills\Spells upgradeable spells
\\\\ Skills\Spells delays\times allocated on casting and being on field
\\\\\ Cost of Skills\Spells
\\ Civilians standing still or roaming around
\\\ Do civilians talk when you touch them or dont
\\\\ When intown you get vision, when you leave you lose it or u keep vision even so not in it
\\\\\ Shop's place and have enter \ exit working
\\\\\\\ Quest for your hero too do
\\ Way hero acts and speaks
\\\ Will hero be same though whole game
\\\\ Will hero behaver change, have mood swings, act different in different events
\\\\\\ Will he/she fall in love with one casted heroes
\\\\\\\\ Does he/she act different in battle too when he just standing around talking
\\\\\\\\\\ Add drama and stuff too your heroes
[Hero must change and be different in game, just like a normal human he/she has different opinions and thoughts on tactics to others he/she may not be liked because mean, but in middle have change of heart and become friendly. Just keep this in mind so you dont have dull hero]
\\ Bosses are much like heroes, both act different
\\\ Bosses also do randomized spells/skills
\\\\ Bosses also summon minions aid them in combat
\\\\\\ Be creative with your boss, because a boss doesnt do nothing is boring
\\ Cutscenes are good way for your hero develoment to evolve during game
\\\ Cutscenes also give you more info\details about heroes
\\\\ Also tells you what quest or tasks your doing sometimes
\\\\\\ Try not make them too long people do sometimes get bored in them
\\ Effects when casting skills\spells
\\\ Effects when boss casting skills\spells
\\\\ Try make SFX creative so not all dull
\\\\\ Have SFX in water, cliffs, towns, buring tree effects
\\\\\\\ SFX add extra effect too your map and people enjoy that
\\ Try be different in your terrain style and not always doing same as others
\\\ Try a mix of isom and extended
\\\\ Add doodads for nice feel too your terrain
\\\\\\ Add sprites last when your finished, or showing friends
\\ Can your players use airship/cars in your rpg
\\\ Add nice system where you can enter\exit and use ride
\\\\ try make a nice look for inside of it
\\\\\\ Add boundies where it cannot go
\\ RTC Real Time Combat, TBS Turn Based System, TAM Touch a Monster are some of systems
\\\ When using one of these systems try keep same though game, cant add for intro a FF battling system and though out game all RTC
\\\\ Plan your battle system at start of your map so that you can do basic engine triggers in begining
\\\\\ Dont do a battling system that is too complex for yourself
\\ Sometimes is good add small mini-games too your engine a nice way earn money
\\\ Also adds extra feel too your rpg and makes it more like a real one
\\\\ But remember make mini-games in the theme of your rpg
\\ Make sure you have a well writen storyline and plot
\\\ Dont just say evil mage taken over lands and causing havoc, dull & boring
\\\\ Be creative, use your mind
\\\\\\ Try different things and you'll have awesome story and plot
\\ Always a hard part pick a heroes name
\\\ Try different things like; Fate, Random, Slash, Falgon
\\\\ Mix up words make a word, most heroes names are made up
\\\\\\ If you keep getting stuck then have look this fantasy list i made;
http://www.staredit.net/index.php?showtopi...ndpost&p=157566· BALANCING
\\ Make sure all your heroes and enemies are well balanced
\\\ Unbalaced map is unfair map
\\ A hard rpg is good one
\\\ You dont want your rpg too easy so people can finish it in 1 hour
\\\\ Want hard so long and hard journey for the hero
I may of left stuff out but this is basic idea works and stuff. Anywoot enjoy =)