[ Diary of Dreams ][/center]
[ Updates ]6/27/2005
Thread Opened
Been awhile for an update. I'll break it down for you:
-I made some very big decisions this morning:
-This will no longer be a modification
-I have changed a little bit of the storyline
-I may change the character's around (How they meet, etc...)
Another long time for an update!
Terrain is still being completed.
Storyline is almost 100% complete.
Character's are finished.
Need Help with items!!
Terrain is complete. Aside from minor changes.
Prologue is released.
Actual Engine Work is started
It's been a very long time since any updates, But, here we are, back on the road, Here goes:
-Deleted all triggers, starting engine over at scratch.
-Altered much of the terrain
-Changed Items as well as other things
-Demo in production
-Unit placement complete
-Shops complete
-Cinematic in shops complete
-Items for Console usage complete
-Weapon use 50% completed
-TBC started on
-RTS completed
-Items Completed
-Shops Bug-Free
-Weapon and Shield Use Complete
-Console 85% Complete
-Battle Systems Completed
-Spells Started
-Unit Placement Resetablished
[ Intro ]
They say the power behind human emotion is something you can never comprehend until you have experienced it. Such as love. The power of love can subdue the mind, body, and the soul. This uncontrollable force that humans endure is strong enough to turn the strongest of humans, into a petty and emotionally destroyed human. As for the people that have been held within its arms, say it was worth the torment of the unexpected. However, if you were to entrust your love to someone who did not feel the same, the feelings of uncertainty would soon settle in. Betrayal would sweep you off of your feet, and would destroy the trust you have established with others, ruining friendships that may have taken years to achieve. Soon after, the lust for vengeance and hate would seep its way into your veins.
It is believed that our emotions are our greatest weakness as a race, but they also grant us great power, the power to do great things, as well as horrific, cruel acts. If you were to be in love with nothing but a fallacy, would you let the hate destroy you?
[ [color=#4169E1]Prologue ]
I am ready to leave. My time in Aetis has more than destroyed my soul. For it was the last time I would see my home. I quietly crept into my parents room, and with incredible spite, I gritted my teeth as I spectrally walked past my father and kneeled down next to my mother, and gently kissed her forehead. As I left the room I looked at my father in disgust, and thought to myself, "[i]Why do I have to be part of his bloodline?" Before I closed the door, I peered through dark room and took one last look at my mother. I then realized that I would never see her again. My mother did not know that I was going to leave, and she would soon find out that I was gone. My mothers reaction scares me to death, because I know as soon as she realizes that I am no longer here, she will be destroyed. Most likely my father will blame her for my absence. Consider me selfish, but I have to continue with my decision. I must leave.
My father will show no sorrow for my departure. I am certain that all my father wants me to do is be the next Royal Sentinel for King Tiyrus. But, I will not guard that lowlife aristocrat. I feel that killing in the name of the Lord, and for another man's greed, is in all sense wrong. My father would beat me every night while I trained. Ensuring that I am "tough" in battles. On most night's my father would beat until I was unable to walk. During these sessions, he scolded me with constant, hurtful insults. Saying things such as, "I am not good enough, that I will never amount up to him, that I am an embarrassment to the families name, and that no matter what I do, I will become a low life peasant if I do not live up to the family name." But, I do not care about our social status, or my families name. I have come to a last attempt to save myself. I am secretly getting emancipated from my family, and I am leaving.
Before I left my home, I wrote my mother a letter.
Dear Mother,
I am sorry I am leaving, but you see, there is nothing left for me here. Father will bring me the end of me, if I stay here any longer. For I do not want to be a Sentry for that pig that father lives for, which is why I am leaving. I wish that there was some other way, but if I remain in Aetis any longer, I will have to end my life. Mother, there is nothing that will change that. You will never see me again, and I apologize, for I am leaving to never return. Where I can be free of father's torment.
Love, your son,
I stealthily slipped the letter underneath my mother's pillow as she laid silently on her bed. I could hear my father's loud, raspy breathing. Every breath I found myself shaking with rage. I do not know why I loathe my father as much as I do. But, I will never worry about the burden of living up to his expectations any longer. The thought of me being free, was exasperating, it allowed myself to smile. Which I hadn't done in months. My dream, was slowly unwinding before my eyes.
As I walk away from my home, my heart tells me to turn around just one more time. But, I know if I even take just a small glimpse, I will never leave this desolate place. So, I began my journey. As I made my way out of the village, the ground became unfamiliar. For I have never left Aetis. I knew I shouldn't turn around. But, I could not help myself. My heart took over me and that was when I made the last glimpse at the forsaken village. My heart wept, I knew I would never lay eyes on this place, for the rest of life.
By the time I reached the docks to leave, it was early morning. I had walked all through the night. I slowly walked down the gravel path, and found myself standing at a ramp that lead to the docks. I began the descent down the ramp, when I saw the ship slowly lurch forward. I began to sprint as fast I could. My lungs were burning with every breath I took. As I was running, I saw my chance to board the ship.
There was a very small dock that must've been years older than I am. This was my way on board. I ran harder and harder, the more I ran, the more I just wanted to buckle over and vomit. But, I knew that this ship was the only to continue with my life. I lost my footing as I jumped towards the ship. As I went sailing through the air, I reached to grab something, anything. For what felt like hours, I finally grabbed a piece of the anchors chain and held on as tight as I possibly could. I felt my grip loosening, for I had not caught any sleep the previous night. I began to worry, because my fingers started to slip, one by one, each finger lost grip. I closed my eyes expecting myself to be sucked under the massive ship, and my body to sink to a watery grave.
My strength had depleted, and my hands let go of the rope. I shut my eyes once again. I waited. Nothing came, no splash, no sound, nothing. Just the sweet hum of the ship as it idly made it's way out of the harbor. I open my eyes to see what happened, but before I was able to distinguish what happened, I felt my body get lifted up, as if god had reached down from the heavens, and spared my life. To my luck, someone had aboard the ship had caught my wrist before I plummeted to my death. As the man hoisted me over the side of the ship, I felt my face turn red. I had a childish smirk across my face, a crooked smile I haven't felt since I was a very young child. I thanked the man who saved me, I felt as if I wasn't good enough to be in his presence. "The name is Sonis." Said the man. "My name is, Artemis, I am from Aetis. Sonis, I want to thank you, there is nothing I can do or show how thankful I am. Thank you."
For the rest of the trip to Dubrylla, we talked nonstop. All time was lost, we were talking as if we were brother's that had lived with each other since the beginning of time. It was amazing, I believe I have just met a true friend. Just before the boat came to a stop in the Harbor of Dubrylla, I asked Sonis if he was a militant. "Yes, I am as a matter of fact. I am an Archer. My father was a Sentinel for King Tiryus! But, I do not want to let my father down. I am heading for Coniver, which is where my father trained Archery for years, it is where he learned everything he knows. I am still quite nervous, because, I do not want to let him down." I explained my dilemma to Sonis, and for some reason, it seemed as if he knew exactly where I was coming from. "You know... this is funny. I have never told anyone this. I also do not want to fight in the name of the for the King. I would much rather live a peaceful, quiet life, and live on a quaint little farm with cows and horses, with plenty of vegetables." I was astonished. I had met a true friend today, but, I may never see him again.
We said our goodbye's and that was it, we went our separate ways. I walked off the ship and I walked towards the Inn to get some rest, after the long voyage. Before I was able to make my way into the Inn, I was thwarted by a little boy. He asked if I was Artemis. To my amazement, he knew exactly who I was. He handed me a small letter, "I am very sorry mister, if you would like, my parents said you can stay at the Inn tonight for free!" I had no idea what he was talking about. As he guided me to the Inn, I noticed part of the letter was burnt and had a small drop of blood on the upper right hand corner, I ignored it and began reading:
Dear Mother,
I am sorry I am doing this, but you see, there is nothing left for me----
I stopped reading in horror, I knew what this letter was, before I was even finished with it. I fell to my knees out of frustration and guilt, I did not know what to do. I knew exactly what had happened. "Mister, my sister is here to help you!" the boy interrupted. I didn't care, I was in no state to be dealt with. No matter who she was, I did not want anything to do with her. My mother was dead. "Sir, please come with me, my parent's will care for you. Aetis was attacked, 2 days ago by an unknown enemy. Please, just come with me." I laid on the ground, motionless. I could feel the cold, damp earth, seep through my clothing. I did not want to move, but, I had no choice I slowly made my way off of the ground, and I looked up at the girl, and before I said anything, I was speechless. "Please, grab my hand, I'll take you to the Inn!" Said the attractive woman. I slowly stood up, and grabbed her hand. She was beautiful. I had almost completely forgotten about my mother.
And, this is where the game starts!
[ Specifications ]
•Single Player
• Tile-Set: Jungle
• Dimensions: 256 x 256
• File Size: Unknown.
[ Game Play ]
• Real Time Combat
• Turn Based Combat
• Comprehensive Interactions
• Very Balanced Battles
• Quests
[ Battle System ]
Major thanks go to Rantent's system, that can be found
[ Levels ]
There will be a total of 10 levels. Each level the enemies are harder, and more come at once.
[ How it works ]
Thanks to Rantent's system, I am able to incorporate more into the battle's. This is how it works.
At level one, you can be attacked by units "A" and "B". Not much fun... But, let's say you are at level 6... You can be attacked by enemies from level 6 as well as enemies from level 1. So, there is a total of 50 switches in this system. Every time you gain a level, 5 more swtiches are randomized. Adding the chance to be attacked by more units. Now, you amy be thinkingL "Can't I be over-run by enemies?" The answer is, you can't. There will be a small percentage for easier units to attack.
But, all of that in lamence terms. Each level you gain, adds harder units. But, you can still be attacked by less/equal enemies.
[ Enemies ]
The enemies in RTS will be invincible. But, when in the RTS battlefield, you will be attacking burrowed units. For higher level enemies, there will be more burrowed units. So, a level 1 enemy will have between, 10-20 HP. One burrowed unit is equivalent to 5HP. As the levels progress, the burrowed unit, will have higher HP.
[ Features ]
• In depth Story Line
• Many Items
• Elemental Spell Casting Abilities
• Interactive Shops
• Internal Conflicts
• More
[ Items ]
[ Characters ]
• Artemis
-- Artemis is a very strong warrior. Artemis was trained by his father who once was the King's Guards. Artemis is generally a good person. But, he has two fatal flaws, Jealousy and Envy. You will see these two traits in this map as you slowly see it ruin Artemis' life. (Very sad if you ask me)
• Sinos
-- Sinos is Artemis' best friend, they were both inseparable due their extremely strong bond . Sinos is a very strong fighter. Sinos is much older and stronger than Atrtemis'. Which ends up creating the conflict in the story. Sinos is not a very nice person. He has what you would call, corrupt ways. Sinos does not feel for others as Artemis does. This will create the drama in the story.
• Litania
-- Litania is a very strong sorceress. Litania was trained in magic by her mother her was considered to be the best of the best when it came to sorcery. Litania is a very strong-willed person who is not easily pushed down by others. Litania's fatal flaw is her trusting nature. Also, being as naive as she is also helps boost the story.
[ Screenshots ]
Coming soon...
[ Working on ]
• TBC System
• RTS System
• Weapon Usage
• Ailments
• Opening Sequence
• First town's quests
• Storyline implication
• Console Extras
• Cinematic